Relacion entre educacion y sociedad wikipedia

Estos son algunos ejemplos:. A mediados del XXlos educadores para la salud trabajaban directamente con las comunidades, identificando y analizando sus problemas de salud, y proponiendo soluciones.

Busca descubrir, estudiar y comparar el complejo entramado que representa en cada pueblo el proceso educativo. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial. Herramientas Herramientas. Kelly Gerald K. Meyer Harold J.

Relacion entre educacion y sociedad wikipedia

Metrics details. It is based on the comparison between Wikipedia content and standard academic learning materials. In order to evaluate the performance of this learning technique, data from different academic semesters was collected. Through different hypothesis tests, the academic performance of the students following a learning-by-comparing strategy is compared with the case where Wikipedia is not used. Additionally, during the course the students are asked about the reliability, currentness, completeness and usefulness of Wikipedia, as rated on a 5-point Likert scale. This data is used to analyse the perceived quality of Wikipedia, for each statistical concept of the course, and to discover its relationship with academic performance. To that end, descriptive statistics, dependence tests, and contrasts of means have been performed. Ahn, T. The impact of web quality and playfulness on user acceptance of online retailing. Article Google Scholar. Aibar, E. Candel Torres Eds.

Edited by Andy Hargreaves, et al.


Abstract: The objective of this article is to study the contribution of Sociology to education. This study has been done from the analysis of the main postulates of Emile Durkheim, since his theories we will understand the existing interactions between society and education. Society, according to Durkheim, represents a social power that regulates the individuals themselves who depend on everyone and form a collective coexistence aligning in a harmonious way, but at the same time preserving their individuality and belonging to culture, to identity, to knowledge, with values, relevant attributes to maintain social cohesion and survival of society. In this context, education modulates with guidelines issued by Durkheim, an education integrated in the plurinationality and interculturality of our society, called to preserve our language, our intercultural worldview and to develop capacities and potentialities directed to the development of the cognitive-productive matrix in Function of an ethical, organic, social and cultural subject. Based on Durkhenian theory, this study wants to strengthen learning spaces. Learnings that build and strengthen identity through social consciousness, becoming a transcendent and innovative organization of justice and equitable societies, intellectually strengthened through conceptual, psychomotor and socio-affective knowledge. Empowering the role of education is the objective to humanize the human being mediated by the pedagogical dynamism with methods, contents, objectives, didactic techniques that build the teaching-learning process, generating the individual and integral formation of the person in a framework of social and ethical commitment. Keywords: Sociology of education, society, culture, role of education. La competitividad debe responder a las necesidades sociales que demandan procesos fundamentales y complementarios, que sean capaces de resolver problemas con criticidad a las transformaciones de su entorno social.

Relacion entre educacion y sociedad wikipedia

Edgard E. Reden y Ryan. En ella nace y se educa la persona. Ella regula y estabiliza las relaciones.

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International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training. Correspondence to Antoni Meseguer-Artola. Edited by Leo Goedegebuure, et al. Cognition and Instruction , 22 , 37— Thomas, L. International Encyclopedia of National Systems of Education. Se interesa por las actitudes y comportamientos de salud, estilos de vida actuales o potenciales. Edited by J. Received : 15 November Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Learning with technology: A Constructivist Perspective. Edited by Albert C. Noah Lynn W.

Busca descubrir, estudiar y comparar el complejo entramado que representa en cada pueblo el proceso educativo. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar. Leer Editar Ver historial.

En la cuarta fase, la de cambiar , se debe estar muy atento a los posibles imprevistos que puedan aparecer, y se aconseja realizar un seguimiento adecuado, registrando todo tipo de incidencias. Boston,: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Additionally, during the course the students are asked about the reliability, currentness, completeness and usefulness of Wikipedia, as rated on a 5-point Likert scale. Va dirigida a: gente con discapacidades, deportistas, gente con problemas de salud mental, anorexia, bulimia. Cognition and Instruction , 22 , 37— Edited by T. Estos son algunos ejemplos:. Search all SpringerOpen articles Search. Learning essential terms and concepts in Statistics and Accounting. Cada uno de ellos tiene una influencia diferente en la conducta. International Handbook of Research in Arts Education.

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