remedial meaning in urdu

Remedial meaning in urdu

English to Urdu Dictionary remedial. Carrying out 'remedial' repairs and updating of central heating systems are among the group s priorities, remedial meaning in urdu. Sandel points out that justice is 'remedial' - it corrects or repudiates injustice. There is no substitute for direct 'remedial' instruction in reading.

Therapy: medicine the act of caring for someone as by medication or remedial training etc. Constructive: constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development. Intervention: care provided to improve a situation especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury. Corrective: tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition. Reform: implement changes to rectify abuses and injustices, aiming for improvement and fairness. Dupery: something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage. Reformation: improvement or an intended improvement in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices etc.

Remedial meaning in urdu


We need some enlightened planning to remedial meaning in urdu and rebuild all our depressed urban areas in a way that may prove more cost beneficial than all the other 'remedial' measures put together. Intervention: care provided to improve a situation especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury. They have diligently pursued answers to the causes of the problems and the correct 'remedial' approach.


English to Urdu Dictionary remedial. Carrying out 'remedial' repairs and updating of central heating systems are among the group s priorities. Sandel points out that justice is 'remedial' - it corrects or repudiates injustice. There is no substitute for direct 'remedial' instruction in reading. To many, adult education is nothing but literacy and 'remedial' education aiming at teaching people how to read and write. He believes that he has been involved in perhaps a couple of situations where 'remedial' ties had to be implemented. A school must have teachers qualified in 'remedial' education to identify and give them help. So blaming itself is a very satisfying emotion, but there is no 'remedial' benefit from it. Fortunately you will be raising my taxes to help you offset the pinch of her 'remedial' reading courses. Instead, it is considered just a condition requiring 'remedial' education.

Remedial meaning in urdu

Therapy: medicine the act of caring for someone as by medication or remedial training etc. Constructive: constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development. Intervention: care provided to improve a situation especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury. Corrective: tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition. Reform: implement changes to rectify abuses and injustices, aiming for improvement and fairness. Dupery: something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage.

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Granulation: new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Remedial. Constructive: constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development. Corrective: tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition. Had there been enough money at Jack's school, he would have received 'remedial' math help. Dupery: something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage. It helps you understand the word Remedial with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Remedial better than this page. And efforts to frustrate 'remedial' measures that should be implemented must not be countenanced. I said yesterday that legislation should be 'remedial' in nature. Remilitarisation Remilitarise Remilitarization Remilitarize. Costa Rica's environmental court has helped with 'remedial' education.


So blaming itself is a very satisfying emotion, but there is no 'remedial' benefit from it. End: the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that when achieved terminates behavior intended to achieve it. Although the evidence is limited, these patients are often treated with warfarin to prevent progression, especially if 'remedial' surgery is not possible. Download the HelloEnglishApp. We hope this page has helped you understand Remedial in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect. The definition of Remedial is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Granulation: new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Remedial but also gives extensive definition in English language. Reformation: improvement or an intended improvement in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices etc. I said yesterday that legislation should be 'remedial' in nature. As a result the analysis cannot be used as the basis for 'remedial' measures. Convalescence: gradual healing through rest after sickness or injury. Heal All: decumbent blue-flowered European perennial thought to possess healing properties; naturalized throughout North America. Remedial Detail Quiz.

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