Resident evil 2 find the plugs
Throughout the Resident Evil 2 RemakeLeon and Claire find themselves in some of the most oddly-designed locations ever. This is because these places are filled with unusual puzzles that no real architect would ever implement.
When you regain control of Leon, turn around and take the left at the intersection ahead of you. Take the lift elevator up to the second floor. At the top, cross the catwalk to visit the Typewriter and Item Box on the far side of the room. Run down the stairs and drop into the water below. As soon as you land, grab the Large-caliber Handgun Ammo from the trash pile ahead of you, then head deeper into the sewers. Take the right at the intersection and keep following the tunnel until you come to a fork.
Resident evil 2 find the plugs
Along the way you'll also need to solve the Supplies Storage Room puzzle - which involves multiple doors and plugs, but with this step-by-step explainer, the route forward should be a little clearer. Looking for something else? Visit our Resident Evil 2 walkthrough for more help. When you have made use of the Item Box and Typewriter in the Monitor Room - we highly recommend having as much inventory space available as possible, as you'll be bringing back several key items with you we recommend leaving the Handgun or Magnum - then leave via the west door to reach a walkway above the Treatment Pool Room. Throw the switch to lower the walkway. Head left north to get the T-Bar Valve Handle from the left table. This is where you'll board the cable car, but the door needs an ID wristband - which Ada has. Head south, past the walkway you crossed earlier and the door to a safe. As per the file's instructions, the code is on the side - Left 2, Right 12, Left 8. You'll get the Shotgun Stock W Combine it with your Shotgun to get a much sturdier model. There is also a consumable to the right - though note the zombie is alive, so take it at your own risk.
Jump up onto the ledge, and insert the T-Bar Valve Handle into the mechanism to open the nearby door.
The Resident Evil 2 Chess Plug puzzle is a particularly difficult challenge, as you not only have to solve a riddle to work out the correct solution, but you also have to go out and find the chess pieces before you can do this. That process involves completing some smaller puzzles elsewhere and fighting various monsters, just to get the items you need for the main task — however, you have to do all of this, as there's a big door blocking your onward progress until the puzzle is dealt with. It's a lot more complicated than just finding Resident Evil 2 Safe codes or Resident Evil 2 locker codes lying about. However, you can sort of cheat. You'll still need to fight a few creatures, but the various solutions you'll need along the way are fixed — so you can just follow our pointers and instructions below to make quick work of everything. Remember as well that Leon and Claire's playthroughs have slightly different puzzles, so you won't be able to do the same thing twice.
The goal is to put them where they belong. Unplug the Knight Plug and put it in the one labeled plug. Exit through the east door into the Treatment Pool Room. Turn right at the end of the bridge and follow the path to its conclusion. Look at the side of the safe to find its combination: Left 2 , Right 12 , Left 8. Combine that with the gun, and you can fire special high-powered rounds. Now test out your new ammo with a headshot to the zombie playing dead nearby. Double back the other way, pass the bridge, and pick up the Red Herb. Head forward and pick up the Tool.
Resident evil 2 find the plugs
While the remake's story is not exactly like the original game , there are numerous puzzles that must be solved in Resident Evil 2 Remake , just like in the original. While some are relatively straightforward, most require significant thought and effort to solve. One of the more complicated puzzles, Chess Plugs, can be extremely difficult without a guide, especially considering that some of its steps vary depending on which playthrough a player may be on. To proceed through the monitor door in Resident Evil 2 Remake 's Sewer, players must first find all of the missing chess plugs. Three must be obtained King, Queen, and Rook and then inserted in the correct order on the wall by the already-placed Bishop, Pawn, and Knight.
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Rate this game. How to get and drink water in Sons of the Forest, including flask location. Cross the bridge next to the electrical panel, then follow the walkway to the right and go down the stairs ignoring the second locked Treatment Facility door. Related Guides. Head up the stairs until you get to the Cable Car Platform. Visit our Resident Evil 2 walkthrough for more help. Then go through the gate it opens, and put the King Plug in the panel near the stairs where you originally entered. Look past the stairway for a sealed gate and put the King Plug in it, letting you loop back around to claim the Queen Plug once more. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice. Follow that walkway, taking the northern staircase down into the Lower Waterway. In fact, it's one of the more head-scratching ones in the game. See comments. Email required. Page 16 of After that, you can poke around a little.
The Resident Evil 2 Chess Plug puzzle is a particularly difficult challenge, as you not only have to solve a riddle to work out the correct solution, but you also have to go out and find the chess pieces before you can do this. That process involves completing some smaller puzzles elsewhere and fighting various monsters, just to get the items you need for the main task — however, you have to do all of this, as there's a big door blocking your onward progress until the puzzle is dealt with. It's a lot more complicated than just finding Resident Evil 2 Safe codes or Resident Evil 2 locker codes lying about.
You can use the Flash Grenade to cause G Stage 2 to stutter. Sign up for the newsletter Patch Notes A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon Just one more thing! Descend into the sewage and head right. The Resident Evil 2 Chess Plug puzzle is a particularly difficult challenge, as you not only have to solve a riddle to work out the correct solution, but you also have to go out and find the chess pieces before you can do this. Once again, you can eliminate each of the four zombies out here with a single headshot from your SLS 60 with High-Powered Rounds. Head down the steps to see several Plug panels, an unreachable weapon and various locked doors. You can use this back where you first entered the muck. To do this, open the Lower Waterway floodgate in the Lower Sewers, then take the lift up to the Workroom. Double back the other way, pass the bridge, and pick up the Red Herb. Fortnite Legion Tactical and Heavy enemies: How to eliminate them. This is the combination to the Dial Lock in the Control Room. Head back to the Monitor Room where you scan save and solve the puzzle. Visit our Resident Evil 2 walkthrough for more help. Lower Waterway Head to the west end of the Lower Waterway, then slide down the slope there. Now head through the path you opened, and hug the right wall.
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