restaurantes gay barcelona

Restaurantes gay barcelona

Casa Camper Hotel Barcelona. They serve authentic Catalan and Spanish cuisine. Foreigners and visitors of all ages are welcome. Weekday: Mon-Tue: 8am-4pm; Wed-Thurs: 8am-4pm, 8pmam.

Food Creative, Signature cuisine, Mediterranean. Food Seafood , Mediterranean, Fish. Food Small plates and half portions, Tapas. Food Asian, Mediterranean, Tapas. Food Signature cuisine, Mediterranean. Food Asian, Indian, Vegetarian. Food Creative, Signature cuisine.

Restaurantes gay barcelona

In a country famous for its finger-food serving tapas bars, Barcelona leads the foodie scene with its access to fresh Mediterranean seafood, locally grown olives and inspiration from North African cuisine. This city has traditionally been openly welcoming of gay travelers, and certain areas, such as Eixample, are brimming with vibrant bars, nightclubs and restaurants. In fact, for travelers in search of a gay restaurant, In fact, for travelers in search of a gay restaurant, Barcelona makes a fertile hunting ground. A fine Eixample of gay Barcelona Indeed, the Eixample offers up plenty of options for Spanish, Asian and vegetarian options. One of the nicest venues for traditional Spanish and Catalan cuisine is the ultra gay-friendly Casa Jaime. Located at Consell de Cent , in the heart of the Gayxample , its delicious tapas and hearty, home-cooked dishes make it a big hit with locals and tourists alike. Gayxample staple El Berro is another fave. Alternative gay dining Set in gritty and hip Raval, queer-owned La Monroe has become a huge hit with the indie and alternative LGBT community and for good reason. Food-wise, sample the yummy salads or burgers or tasty tapas — we recommend the giant plate of nachos a meal in itself! Oh, the all-in-black tattooed wait staff are just another reason to eat here! With a selection of brekkies from all around the world, including pancakes, bagels, eggs benedict, and stacks more, this busy place serves a superb breakfast in Barcelona and will set you up for a full day of pounding the streets. Cozy apartments, private rooms and amazing homes: be welcomed by the gay community in over countries.

We went back twice. The poke bowl at Flax and Kale — our favourite! The nearest metro restaurantes gay barcelona is Poble Nou and then it's a 10 minutes walk from there.

Well done metal design In the Castro restaurant: hot and cosy place due to his exquisite lighting, sensual for his surrounding and agreeable music. You'll find fresh market and of Mediterranean' cuisine, with original plates like sirloin of Australian kangaroo. If you are looking for the queerest and funniest dinner-show in Barcelona you must try dDivine. Placed in el Rebost de Balmes. Drag queen Divine will make you have a great time, and a quite good dinner. Better booking for weekend.

Barcelona is a culinary paradise, offering a plethora of dining options to satisfy every palate. Located in the heart of Barcelona, Tapas 24 is a bustling tapas bar that offers a modern twist on traditional Spanish cuisine. Teresa Carles is a vegetarian and vegan-friendly restaurant that celebrates healthy and flavorful cuisine. Indulge in their signature salads, delicious vegan burgers, and refreshing cold-pressed juices. Take a guided tour to learn about the history and symbolism behind this iconic building. Barcelona is blessed with beautiful beaches, and Barceloneta Beach is the most famous among them. Enjoy beachside restaurants and bars, and embrace the lively beach culture of Barcelona. This inclusive festival features a colourful parade, live performances, parties, and cultural activities. Here are some options:. This trendy accommodation features modern rooms, a rooftop pool, a wellness centre, and a lively bar.

Restaurantes gay barcelona

Tu ciudad te encanta casi tanto como a nosotros. Nuestra newsletter te ofrece los mejores planes. Locales donde gays, lesbianas y heteros comparten buen ambiente y buena mesa. Por la noche, se transforma en un restaurante donde las 'drags' son las protagonistas. Deslenguada es poco. Todo regado con los buenos vinos de la zona. Los vinos y los postres no desentonan y superan el nivel. Pero todo sutil, casual, con mobiliario retro, productos y libros en los estantes. Recibir a la pareja con ropa interior y la rosa en la boca es una posibilidad.


The cafe is so bright and colorful, which pairs perfectly with the wonderful rainbow cakes they serve. Global breakfast menu. Or has something changed and we have not yet updated our pages? We strongly advise calling ahead to reserve as it gets booked out quickly. Inside, it's decorated with a groovy jungle theme with a mix of exposed brick, lots of plants and fresh fruit to add colour. From bearded queens to bioqueens, this place welcomes all! The rustic wooden finishings to the bar decor gives the place a very homely vibe. Terrazza Ravello. The restaurant also hosts the occasional live music night and puts on talks by guest authors. Live music. Food Signature cuisine, Mediterranean. You will get to try the freshest seafood, the most delicious tapas and many other types of food from all over the world. Want to promote your business in our guide? El Bierzo a Tope.

From weekly events to international gay circuit festivals - Barcelona has it all.

BCN list Users list Your lists. For delicious and very healthy vegan food in Barcelona, head to one of the Flax and Kale locations. Super social. This city has traditionally been openly welcoming of gay travelers, and certain areas, such as Eixample, are brimming with vibrant bars, nightclubs and restaurants. We really appreciate your feedback. Weekday: 8am-1am Weekend: 8am-1am; Sunday Closed. As well as quite weak for Spanish standards! Food Season cuisine. Il Mercante di Venezia. Together with my other half , I have explored more than 90 countries across 5 continents. City Guide. Carrer d'Aribau 33, Barcelona, Spain Show on map. Gayxample staple El Berro is another fave.

2 thoughts on “Restaurantes gay barcelona

  1. Unfortunately, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that you will find the correct decision. Do not despair.

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