rex cap sun haven

Rex cap sun haven

Please review this important wiki announcement - if you have any questions regarding them, please join us in the Wiki channel of the official discord! Rex is Sun Haven's mining merchant merchant. He is one of four traveling merchants that rotate in the area west of the Town Hall.

Please review this important wiki announcement - if you have any questions regarding them, please join us in the Wiki channel of the official discord! The quest Rex's Mining Cap is a character quest that has the chance to be available anytime after Year 1 Spring Day 3. Rex is requesting that the player find his lost cap. Find it in the Sun Haven Mines and return it to him. If the player completes this quest during the second half of the month, they will need to wait until Rex comes back to town to turn this in.

Rex cap sun haven


A brother, a sister. Generally these quests do not have time-limits, so the player is able to complete them at their leisure. Hello again!


Please review this important wiki announcement - if you have any questions regarding them, please join us in the Wiki channel of the official discord! Rex is Sun Haven's mining merchant merchant. He is one of four traveling merchants that rotate in the area west of the Town Hall. The stall merchants change every 14 days, Rex travels with Scott and his weapons stall. Rex currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy. The stall merchants change every at the beginning of every month, and halfway through the season. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Rex will send the player a letter which can be collected from the farm's mailbox. General non-conversational dialogue between Rex and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season. Sun Haven Wiki.

Rex cap sun haven

Please review this important wiki announcement - if you have any questions regarding them, please join us in the Wiki channel of the official discord! The quest Rex's Mining Cap is a character quest that has the chance to be available anytime after Year 1 Spring Day 3. Rex is requesting that the player find his lost cap. Find it in the Sun Haven Mines and return it to him. If the player completes this quest during the second half of the month, they will need to wait until Rex comes back to town to turn this in. He will return at the beginning of the next season. At certain times in the game, characters will have a quest icon above their heads. These quests are one-time quests given by that NPC. Generally these quests do not have time-limits, so the player is able to complete them at their leisure. Sun Haven Wiki.

Glenorchy city council

That's right! You're a nice guy. Grammy told me Sun Haven was a nice town. For fun, I like to relax in whatever tavern is nearest. Rex : "Can you believe that some people have never set foot underground? It's green with a light on the front - but I think it's burned out. Too much time underground and sometimes I forget there's a whole world up here! Rex : "My name means "king. Hello again! Well, it ain't easy. Pets Snaccoons Dragons. I'm not the young man I used to be, either. I owe her a lot. Rex :. Sign in to edit.

The quest Rex's Mining Cap is a character quest that has the chance to be available anytime after Year 1 Spring Day 3. Rex is requesting that the player find his lost cap. Find it in the Sun Haven Mines and return it to him.

Rocks are our oldest friends! No wonder that Anne girl has settled down here. Player :. It's nice and cozy down there with all the rocks. Nobody makes real friends in a tavern. Rex : "My name means "king. Not to mention the roads aren't as safe as they used to be. Isn't she worried about your safety, traveling so much? He is one of four traveling merchants that rotate in the area west of the Town Hall. Please review this important wiki announcement - if you have any questions regarding them, please join us in the Wiki channel of the official discord! Oh gosh, do you think I'm worrying her? Player :. The World. Please review this important wiki announcement - if you have any questions regarding them, please join us in the Wiki channel of the official discord! But you can't sell your wares where people can't see you.

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