Rhaegar targaryen

Rhaegar had silver-gold hair and dark lilac eyes; he was considered to be tall and breathtakingly handsome. Cersei Lannisterwho was infatuated with him, rhaegar targaryen, remembers Rhaegar as the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, rhaegar targaryen, as did Jon Connington though he believed that Elia Martell rhaegar targaryen an incompatible wife for the Prince of Dragonstone. In battle, Rhaegar wore resplendent night-black armour that was adorned with blood-red rubies, with dragon wings on his helm, and he wielded a sword.

Martin's writings. Anyone wishing to remain completely spoiler free for this prequel series should avoid any pages displaying this tag. He was the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen and the husband of Elia Martell , with whom he had two children, Rhaenys and Aegon. He also fathered Jon Snow with Lyanna Stark , whom he secretly married following an annulment from Elia. Rhaegar's father King Aerys II slid into insanity, leading to Rhaegar becoming melancholic and brooding. For three centuries, the Targaryens had continued to incestuously marry brother to sister to keep the bloodline pure in the tradition of their Valyrian ancestors. Over time, this massive inbreeding led to a strain of insanity appearing in the Targaryen bloodline - culminating in Rhaegar's father, Aerys II, who is best remembered as the Mad King.

Rhaegar targaryen

Rhaegar Targaryen is arguably the most important Game of Thrones character, and until the season seven finale, we had never even seen him. His death marked the end of a long and complicated rebellion full of forbidden love and a plethora of fighting and murder. If you're wondering how or why he died, or perhaps you've forgotten, we are here to help, because he's definitely an important piece of the Westeros puzzle. The Targaryens are allies with the Lannisters way back when at this time, and Cersei always thought she might marry Rhaegar, but the two families' peace falls apart when the Mad King instead marries Rhaegar to Elia Martell of Dorne, with whom he has two children. Rhaegar is so taken with Ned Stark's sister who was also Robert Baratheon's betrothed that when he wins the tournament, he gives the victor's wreath to Lyanna instead of his wife. Several months later, Rhaegar allegedly abducts Lyanna, but we've known from season six and beyond that she actually goes with him of her own free will — and they secretly get married, as we found out back in Game of Thrones ' season seven episode "Eastwatch" though at the time the Game of Thrones characters still all think Lyanna was the victim of kidnap and assault. The Lannisters even eventually join the rebellion after the Battle of the Trident, which is where Robert kills Rhaegar with his war hammer. This defeat is the beginning of the end of the Targaryens, which is why the Lannisters finally join Robert's side — like true Lannisters, they wait to see which side emerges victorious before they make a choice. After Rhaegar's death, the Lannisters sack King's Landing. However, Rhaegar's line lives on. Eddard tracks his sister there and is present when she gives birth to Rhaegar's son and heir, Aegon Targaryen. Ned passes the baby boy off as his own bastard because Lyanna asks him to protect the baby from King Robert who would surely kill Rhaegar's heir if he knew the truth , and that's how Jon Snow comes to be part of the Stark family. Now, in season eight, there are a select few people privy to this information.

He was everything that could be hoped for in a future king, and very popular with lords and commoners alike - in contrast to his increasingly erratic father, rhaegar targaryen.

In his youth, Rhaegar was known as a peculiarly bookish child, with a penchant for study and learning. Some knights of his father's court worried that he would turn out to be too much a scholar like his ancestor Daeron II. After discovering something in a book however, Rhaegar suddenly became obsessed with becoming a warrior, and trained obsessively until he was a highly regarded swordsman. Many throughout the kingdoms saw in him the Targaryen greatness of old, a welcome relief from Aerys' apparent insanity. However, Aerys believed this marriage to be beneath his son, and instead married Rhaegar to Elia Martell of Dorne, driving a wedge between House Targaryen and House Lannister. Rhaegar and Elia had two children together, a daughter named Rhaenys, and a son named Aegon.

While show-only fans have heard the name Rhaegar intermittently, they might not understand the deep importance he has in the show's fictional universe. Who was Prince Rhaegar and why is it so significant to know Jon is his legitimate heir? For more backstory, we can turn to George R. He was reading so early that men said Queen Rhaella must have swallowed some books and a candle whilst he was in her womb. Rhaegar took no interest in the play of other children.

Rhaegar targaryen

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen is one of the overarching protagonists of the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. He was slain at the Trident by his cousin Lord Robert Baratheon. Prince Rhaegar was tall and handsome, having dark lilac eyes and the silver hair of the Targaryens, worn long. He had the iron tones of a Prince. Many say that Rhaegar was beautiful, some people like Cersei Lannister viewed Rhaegar as the most beautiful man she's even seen. Rhaegar was exceedingly intelligent and excelled at anything he put his mind to. He was considered to be a talented musician and, despite having a dislike for fighting, was a skilled knight.

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The rebel army continued unopposed south to King's Landing, but Tywin Lannister's army arrived there first. Customarily, he would have given the victor's wreath to his wife. Rhaegar even named his first two children after the original trio of the Conquest generation: first his daughter Rhaenys , then his son Aegon though in the original trio, Visenya was actually the eldest, Rhaenys the youngest. And beautiful, noble Rhaegar Targaryen Some time later, both Rhaegar and Lyanna fled to Dorne. Even though he had done reprehensible things in the eyes of some, Rhaegar was still adored and dearly missed by many in Westeros, as the people adored him. The dragon has three heads. If you're wondering how or why he died, or perhaps you've forgotten, we are here to help, because he's definitely an important piece of the Westeros puzzle. Dragonstone , Dragonstone island. Another possibility is that Rhaegar could have just kept Lyanna as a mistress then legitimized Jon by royal decree - as other kings have done in the past, such as Aegon IV the Unworthy.

He was the sixteenth member of House Targaryen to rule from the Iron Throne.

She bore his children. About himself. Samwell replies that Sand is not Jon's name and, realizing the significance of the High Septon's diary entry about Rhaegar's secret second marriage, tells Bran that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married. When you are done, remove this notice. Wiki of Westeros. You May Also Like. After winning another tourney a year later, she and Rhaegar disappeared together, the Starks and Baratheons believing Rhaegar to have abducted Lyanna. Bloody Mary , the same isn't necessarily true in Westeros - even for TV-Rhaegar, getting an "annulment" in these circumstances would be such a unique dispensation from the High Septon that, while he was at it, he might have additionally had the annulment phrased in such a way that his children with Elia would officially remain legitimate. However, Rhaegar's line lives on. Another possibility is that Rhaegar could have just kept Lyanna as a mistress then legitimized Jon by royal decree - as other kings have done in the past, such as Aegon IV the Unworthy. That day, men fought and died for Rhaegar because they believed in him and loved him. They did point out, however, that while in real-life history this automatically rendered any children by that first marriage bastards i.

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