rip louth

Rip louth

Read the latest crime and court news from Dundalk, Louth and the surrounding areas, Co Louth. Enjoy our rip louth winning photos and picture galleries taken in Dundalk and Louth.

Read the latest crime and court news from Dundalk, Louth and the surrounding areas, Co Louth. Enjoy our award winning photos and picture galleries taken in Dundalk and Louth. Enjoy our latest and up to date motoring review and news in Dundalk and Louth. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. Recent Deaths. National News.

Rip louth

Peacefully, in the dedicated care of the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, surrounded by her family. She will be so missed by her heartbroken husband Patrick Paddy , children Katelyn, Emmet, Ultan and Isabel, parents Peter and Mary, aunts, uncles, cousins, father-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, colleagues and friends. Removal on Thursday, February 29th, at 1. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. The Mass can be viewed live by following the Funeral Service link below. Donations Box and envelopes at the Church and home or you may donate online by following this link:. The family ask that those attending wear colourful clothing in honour of the colour and brightness Sinead brought to everyone's lives. You are encouraged to leave a personal message and your memories of Sinead in the Condolences section below. Find useful funeral-related services. Search Last 7 Days Death Notices.

Enjoy our latest and up to date motoring review and news in Dundalk and Louth.


Find useful funeral-related services in your county. Home Death Notices. Search Death Notices. First Name First Name. Surname Surname. Nee Nee.

Rip louth

A community in Louth is mourning the loss of year-old Kate Keenan who died in a crash in her home county in the early hours of Monday, just before the weather warning for Storm Isha was lifted. The crash at 1. Today's top videos Kate was sadly pronounced dead at the scene. A second passenger, a male in his 20s, was treated at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda for non-life-threatening injuries. In a statement on RIP. May She Rest in Peace. Kate, who lived in Knockbridge, was loved by locals in her community, who took to social media to express their grief over the loss of one of their residents. RIP Kate Keenan always a great laugh out of you,' someone else commented. In a statement, they wrote: 'Any road users who may have camera footage, including dash-cam, and were travelling in the Carnalogue area around the time of the crash are asked to make the footage available to them. Sandra Black.

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The family ask that those attending wear colourful clothing in honour of the colour and brightness Sinead brought to everyone's lives. Support our mission and join our community now. Search Last 7 Days Death Notices. You are encouraged to leave a personal message and your memories of Sinead in the Condolences section below. Buy Now. Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Enjoy our latest and up to date motoring review and news in Dundalk and Louth. Memorial Gifts View All. Contribute Free Newsletter Maybe Later. Pedestrian in her 80s seriously injured in hit and run involving tractor in Tipperary. You can also sign up to our carefully curated newsletter s to keep up to date with your latest local news! May god give them the strength to get them through the dark days ahead.

Our count of the number of death notices on RIP. Close Menu Blog. Summary Table.

Support our mission and join our community now. May they rest in peace. Create A Family Notice. Pedestrian in her 80s seriously injured in hit and run involving tractor in Tipperary. Send a Sympathy Card View All. What is in your horoscope this week - March 4, Declan Nerney, paid tribute to Mr Bradley at the weekend, saying on social media that:. Subscribe or register today to discover more from DonegalLive. Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. You can also sign up to our carefully curated newsletter s to keep up to date with your latest local news! We've got Donegal Covered Peacefully, in the dedicated care of the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, surrounded by her family. Thinking especially of Jerome and Bob and please God they will fully recover from their injuries. Date of Death: Monday 26th February What is in your horoscope this week - March 4,

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