robert taylor american actor

Robert taylor american actor

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Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Robert Taylor Actor Director Soundtrack. Play trailer Return of the Gunfighter Born Spangler Arlington Brugh, Robert Taylor began displaying a diversity of talents in his youth on the plains of Nebraska. At Beatrice High School, he was a standout track athlete, but also showed a talent for using his voice, winning several oratory awards.

Robert taylor american actor

Robert Taylor August 5, — June 8, , was an American actor. Robert Taylor was one of the greatest figures in Hollywood. His career the most diverse roles from war to historical movies as Bataan , Quo vadis He starred as a corrupt cop in Rogue Cop He plays the legendary Billy the Kid in Billy the Kid , one of the most successful Westerns of all time. Matt Holbrook, in 98 episodes. It was also special guest co-star in the TV movie Hondo and the Apaches Contents move to sidebar hide. Page Talk. Read Change Change source View history. Tools Tools.

Related stars Ronald Reagan Friend.

Big name cast, colorful costumes, flashy swordplay, beautiful damsels and wild inaccuracies. The great Robert Taylor, who starred in several historical movies, is the honorable Sir Lancelot, a far more noble and pure portrayal than was recorded in all the legends, Ava Gardner is the stunningly beautiful Queen Guinevere, the ever dependable Felix Aylmer is the mysterious Merlin, Mel Ferer is a somewhat subdued and less than charismatic King Arthur. See it for the spectacle, costumes, word-play filled dialog and over the top Stanley Baker as Sir Mordred. Director Vincente Minneli said of Undercurrent : He [Robert Taylor] out acted her [Katharine Hepburn] and stole the picture as the demanding and sadistic husband. It was Kate who was miscast. All of the criticisms of this movie might well be flushed down the loo.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Spangler Arlington Brugh. Mini Bio. Born Spangler Arlington Brugh, Robert Taylor began displaying a diversity of talents in his youth on the plains of Nebraska. At Beatrice High School, he was a standout track athlete, but also showed a talent for using his voice, winning several oratory awards.

Robert taylor american actor

Robert Taylor has been acting professionally for over 30 years but he's only just reached that big open sky of American stardom by playing the lead role of the stubborn, honorable, old-school Wyoming sheriff in his recent series, "Longmire. Before "Longmire," Taylor was the actor you'd see and be like, "Hey isn't that the guy from If you lived in Australia, you'd seen his guest stints, cameos and a main role or two in a ton of local series and TV movies, so you had a better chance of knowing his name.

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The Power and the Prize. As a teenager, Taylor was a track and field star and played the cello in his high school orchestra. Society Doctor. Page Talk. Skip to content. American actor — Stanwyck: A Biography. Hondo 7. Killers of Kilimanjaro. Three Comrades. Refine Cancel. The Glass Sphinx 4. This Is My Affair. Call it Film-Noir.

Robert Taylor born Spangler Arlington Brugh ; August 5, — June 8, was an American film and television actor and singer who was one of the most popular leading men of cinema.

Zeppo Marx 's wife, Marion, was Stanwyck's matron of honor. All Ultimate Vital Uncut Foundation. The Films of Robert Taylor. Photo property of Terry Taylor. Though his contract with MGM expired in , he accepted a few more films into the s. His career began in , when he played the juvenile lead in "Handy Andy. Wikimedia Commons. I was expecting not to like this movie. In he attended Doane College and continued his drama and music interests. Taylor in MGM saw the error of the typecasting and, in , put him in more masculine parts. Sign me up. The centerpiece is, of course, the dinner party.

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