roger american dad

Roger american dad

Roger is a narcissistic alcoholic sociopath who usually only has his own interests in mind, which roger american dad caused by his species "needing to get their bitchiness out". He does on occasion do some selfless acts, such as saving Stan's life at the CIA,and willing to be sacrificed to save the Smith's from torture. On one occasion his caring for a girl named Judy Panawits actually caused one of his personas to break free, roger american dad.

American Dad! Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? A very zany space alien who self-describes as effeminate and alcoholic who was taken in by the Smiths after he saved Stan from death by grenade during a lockdown at Area Also a master of disguise out of necessity, to avoid suspicion from the rest of the planet. It's even lampshaded in the episode "Great Space Roaster," where he reveals that he didn't really feel like a part of the Smith family, which is why he got insulted when they threw a comedy roast for his birthday at his request.

Roger american dad

TV 22 min Animation, Comedy. Stan creates the avatar of a sexy high school girl so that he can participate more in Steve's life, and Roger gets revenge on a group of fraternity brothers who stiffed him on a limo ride. Votes: Stan discovers that Roger is one of his all-time heroes: a member of the U. Olympic Hockey Team. But when he also discovers that Roger used steroids, he turns to his other hero for advice on how to handle it. Francine fakes Roger's kidnapping so that she can prove to Roger that Stan still cares about him. So why won't Stan pay his ransom? Roger feels humiliated after the Smiths roast him for his birthday, so he sets out to kill the family. When Hayley and Steve leave for their respective summers of fun, Francine looks forward to her newfound alone time with Stan. There's only one problem: Roger is still living in the attic See full summary ». In an attempt to prove his manhood to Stan, Roger joins the Police Academy. However it's not very long until he becomes a corrupt cop. The Smiths are angry and jealous when they discover that Roger has been seeing other families behind their backs, and Klaus tries to get the family to go to a Fabulous Thunderbirds concert with him.

Super-Speed : Allowed him to fake the death of a persona in "Jenny Fromdabloc".

Roger Smith is a fictional character in the adult animated sitcom American Dad! Roger is a grey space alien living with the Smith family. Having lived on Earth since crashing in Roswell, New Mexico in , Roger came to live with the Smiths after rescuing main character Stan Smith at Area 51 four years prior to the beginning of the series. The character has also made cameo appearances in episodes of Family Guy. Roger is usually insensitive and careless; he often takes advantage of, cheats, and ridicules people.

Roger Smith is a fictional character in the adult animated sitcom American Dad! Roger is a grey space alien living with the Smith family. Having lived on Earth since crashing in Roswell, New Mexico in , Roger came to live with the Smiths after rescuing main character Stan Smith at Area 51 four years prior to the beginning of the series. The character has also made cameo appearances in episodes of Family Guy. Roger is usually insensitive and careless; he often takes advantage of, cheats, and ridicules people. Over time, the character has also exhibited increasingly sociopathic , cruel, selfish, devious, and depraved behaviors. His most important relationships are with Stan, who is annoyed by Roger's antics despite the fact that he saved his life; Klaus , who is Roger's frenemy ; and Steve , who is Roger's best friend and partner in many of his misadventures. In early episodes of the show, Roger was disallowed from leaving the Smith house in order to conceal his being an alien.

Roger american dad

Roger Codger Roger is believed to be dead. Stan is humiliated at work when a new agent, Duper, bests him in an operation simulation. He grows even more bitter when the new guy takes over his more prestigious assignments. When Stan complains about this at home, Francine suggests that they invite his boss, Deputy Director Bullock to dinner, and some bootlicking. Because of that, however, Roger will have to hide in the attic all night.

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He is the best friend of Steve Smith , and several subplots revolve around them, most notably the Wheels and the Legman episodes. Despite having little to no sense of empathy the majority of times, he is often shown to genuinely care about Stan. Not even leaving the planet is enough to escape his wrath. However, unlike the rest of the Smith family, Stan is able to put Roger in his place in several occasions, usually by assaulting him in anger. In "Whole Slotta Love", Roger decides to become a comedic air stewardess. Show Spoilers. He tries to hunt Jeff. Made of Iron : He has survived being shot multiple times, being skinned and dissected, accidentally slicing his own face off, and falling off a cliff multiple times, once in a car which exploded with him in it. Black Comedy Rape : One of the reasons he doesn't want to return to his own planet is because the sex over there is so boring; it's all consensual. Which means Roger is indeed, pansexual. He wished his mom could figure out Skype so he could show her his shorts in " The Worst Stan ". Good Hurts Evil : The episode "Frannie " reveals this to be the reason why Roger is such a Jerkass : his species has to let their "bitchiness" out regularly, or else it will turn to bile and poison them. Roger can also lactate a lot more if he eats and because Roger's milk apparently tastes delicious though the people that had it doesn't know what it is , Stan and Francine use Roger's milk as a substitute for mayonnaise in Francine's potato salad for their church and they force feed him so that he can keep producing. Release year or range to ».

TV 22 min Animation, Comedy. Stan creates the avatar of a sexy high school girl so that he can participate more in Steve's life, and Roger gets revenge on a group of fraternity brothers who stiffed him on a limo ride.

Jordan Edelstein Dr Jordan Edelstein. Roger is overjoyed to discover that Steve's new book is all about him - until he finds out that it paints him in an unflattering light. In other words, if Roger acts too nice for too long, it will literally kill him. He's a hybrid of types B, C, and E, and D too. Angsty Surviving Twin : She was born with a dead twin that "had a second butt where its mouth should've been," and despite her cutesy attitude she needs booze and industrial solvent to get her through the day. You're gonna have to live with that for the rest of your life. Manipulative Bastard : In "The One That Got Away", to get revenge on Sidney Hauffman for using his credit card, he completely ruins every aspect of his life from his job, his garden, his pigeon friends, his fiancee, and his apartment. Roger's a huge Comedic Sociopath , even if he's heroic in such a way. He's even tried to outright kill the Smiths at one point. Brilliant, but Lazy : Roger is shown to be quite talented with the use of his personas, but he'll usually only show it when he actually feels like it. Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse : As revealed in "Frannie ", Roger is such a Jerkass because his species needs to be for their own survival; as he explains, he needs to let out his "bitchiness" or it will turn to bile and poison him to death. He does on occasion do some selfless acts, such as saving Stan's life at the CIA,and willing to be sacrificed to save the Smith's from torture. Roger's other organs can survive and voluntarily return on their own in " Camp Campawanda ". Roger: I know! Roger tries to sabotage Stan's CIA telethon because Stan didn't give him credit for coming up with the idea.

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