Ron desantis high school girls

Ron DeSantis Tuesday, seizing on a story that his rival for the Republican presidential nomination partied with underage students when he worked as a teacher at a Georgia high school. Two of them referenced a story published by the far-right website Hillreporter.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dismissed former President Trump's spreading of a rumor that the governor allegedly partied with underaged girls while he was a high school teacher in Georgia. On Tuesday, Trump responded to two photos posted to Truth Social of a man posing with three women, with a caption claiming that it was of DeSantis "grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. He would never do such a thing! Asked about Trump's attacks, the governor told reporters on Wednesday, "I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans.

Ron desantis high school girls

On Feb. President Donald Trump re-shared a meme on his Truth Social platform that claimed to show a photograph of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis "grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. Cambridge Dictionary provides the relevant definition of "groomer" as "someone who grooms children" and "becomes friends with them with the intention of trying to persuade them to have a sexual relationship. The term "grooming" has grown in its usage in American politics in recent years, including at least one mention by DeSantis' own press secretary in relation to legislation the governor signed. As for the photograph, Salon reported that DeSantis addressed the subject after being asked a question. His answer did not specifically address the claim in the meme, but did respond generally. I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans. We contacted DeSantis' press office with further questions and will update this article if we receive a response. As of this writing, we found some information regarding the origins of the photograph, but did not locate any credible data that would show DeSantis had a history of "grooming high school girls. In this story, we'll look at the claim that Trump re-shared, as well as past reporting about the picture. The former president followed up the first post with another one that showed the picture without the meme's words.

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On Tuesday, Dec. Ron DeSantis and the Legislature. The association also barred the girl from participating in boys sports for 11 months. The student, a 10th grader who played in 33 matches over the last two seasons, was removed from the team last month after the Broward County School District was notified by an anonymous tipster about her participation. Her removal led hundreds of Monarch students to walk out of class two weeks ago in protest. The governor was in Iowa on Tuesday, campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination. He has made his enactment of the law and others that are similar a campaign cornerstone.

Former President Donald Trump boosted an accusation that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was guilty of "grooming" underage girls shortly after DeSantis defended the former president over the "Russia collusion hoax. DeSantis, who is widely viewed as Trump's likely GOP presidential primary opponent despite not officially announcing his candidacy, took part in a roundtable discussion about "media defamation practices" on Tuesday morning. During the discussion, the governor referred to special counsel Robert Mueller 's investigation into allegations that Trump's campaign team colluded with Russia as the "Russia collusion hoax," echoing a phrase that is often repeated by the ex-president himself. In two posts, Trump shared an image that purportedly showed the governor drinking alcohol with teenage girls that he was responsible for teaching at a high school in Georgia. The image, which has not been independently authenticated by Newsweek , appears to have first been published by Hill Reporter in October A version of the image shared by Trump on Truth Social featured the caption,"Here is Ron DeSanctimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher. The former president commented, "That's not Ron, is it?

Ron desantis high school girls

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday escalated his feud with potential rival Ron DeSantis, by accusing him of drinking alcohol with students when he was a high school teacher. On his Truth Social page, Trump responded to a post that included a photo allegedly showing the the governor of Florida standing next to a group of female students, one of whom is holding a beer bottle. Trump, resharing the image, responded , "No way?

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And I'll also just say this. Jul 31, 4, 3, They included a screenshot of a Tampa Bay Times story in which DeSantis said he was "glad" violent Trump protestors had been arrested after the January 6 attack on the Capitol. More News. Nov 24, 72, 6, Share icon An curved arrow pointing right. Still, the caption reads, "Here is Ron DeSantimonious grooming high school girls with alcohol as a teacher," followed by the vomit emoji. You only have to watch both of them in action to recognize they both are animated by profoundly shallow moral standards. Trump has also shared QAnon memes on Truth Social. To help keep your account secure, please log-in again. That looks like DeSantis.

Ron DeSantis that accused him of drinking alcohol with minors when he was a high school teacher. He would never do such a thing!

What are the Vikings planning with their two first-round picks? Login My Profile Logout. Redeem now. DeSantis was a frequent presence at parties with the seniors who lived in town. Copy Link. Shop Navigation caret. New posts Latest activity. I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans. So, no idea who the girls are, although it should be criminally simple to find out if indeed the girls in the pic were students at the HS DeSantis where taught. England and Wales company registration number Search titles only.

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