Ronnie mcnutt video

Ronnie Mcnutt Video. DoesSlowReborn Feb 24, more info. Subscribe

Ronnie McNutt May 23, — August 31, was a year-old American man and US Army Reserve veteran from New Albany, Mississippi , who committed suicide by shooting himself under his chin on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on various social media platforms due to its inherent shock value. TikTok was also slow to respond to the video, which had appeared in many user feeds and constant re-uploads, leading to many users choosing to boycott the platform. He worked at a Toyota plant. He had a variety of mental health problems, such as depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD , the latter of which was a direct consequence of his time served in the Iraq War in and On August 31, , McNutt began a Facebook livestream.

Ronnie mcnutt video


Retrieved March 25, That's apparently more offensive than my friend killing himself.


Now, he is fighting for answers from the firm and other social media platforms where clips of the suicide are widely available. He reported it to Facebook during the livestream, at Mississippi time - two hours after the video had started, and half an hour before Ronnie killed himself. He said that he didn't get a response until , when Facebook told him that the video did not violate its community guidelines. Josh Steen said the social network had an opportunity to stop the stream when Ronnie misfired his gun before - which he says is a clear violation of the guidelines. Mr McNutt was a year-old army veteran who had seen active service in Iraq, and subsequently dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and other mental-health issues.

Ronnie mcnutt video

His death was confirmed by his church, the non-denominational Celebration Church in Tupelo, Mississippi, which posted a statement about his passing. He was very caring, committed, loyal, dependable, and eccentric. According to his obituary , McNutt was 33 years old, a resident of New Albany, Mississippi, and is survived by his mother and two siblings. Heavy reached out to the New Albany Police Department for more information but did not immediately hear back. Do not donate!! He just killed himself live on FB and I cannot unsee this. What do you do?


Article Talk. He had a variety of mental health problems, such as depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD , the latter of which was a direct consequence of his time served in the Iraq War in and According to Heavy , Facebook also initially refused to prevent the spread of recorded video of McNutt's misfire and suicide but later agreed to remove the videos from its platform. Ronnie Mcnutt Video. CBS News. The incident was compared to the filmed suicides of anchorwoman Christine Chubbuck and politician R. Subscribe Want to add this video to your playlists? Save Cancel. Retrieved January 2,

In early September , Snopes readers asked for verification of a troubling story circulating widely online. Is it true, they asked, that Ronnie McNutt, a U.

Joshua Steen had called Facebook multiple times, and had called the police, neither of which stopped the stream before McNutt had already committed suicide. Alcorn, Mississippi , U. September 13, Many parents reported that their children were highly distressed after encountering the video, with one girl becoming physically ill and needing to sleep with the lights on. Budd Dwyer. Download as PDF Printable version. The last call he received was from his ex-girlfriend, which he answered, leading to a brief argument between the two. The incident was compared to the filmed suicides of anchorwoman Christine Chubbuck and politician R. TikTok released a public statement saying, "Our systems have been automatically detecting and flagging these clips for violating our policies against content that displays, praises, glorifies, or promotes suicide. BBC News. Though the platforms worked to remove the videos, new uploads of it would appear from separate accounts, while links to the video also began to appear in Reddit 's true crime communities. A final message by McNutt was later discovered on Facebook, saying, "Someone in your life needs to hear that they matter. DoesSlowReborn 1 year ago. Facebook Twitter Reddit.

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