Rust admin commands

If you need a command but don't remember its full name, you can use find [text] command. It will show a full list of available commands, rust admin commands, variables and descriptions that matches your request.

For the first few months of Rust's "experimental" development, most player variables such as the nudity censor and mouse sensitivity were controlled only by console commands aka "cvars". Thankfully, most of these controls are now in the game menu for your tweaking pleasure. Simply hit the escape key and open the options tab! While it's now easier to edit many things, console commands still come in handy. Below is a list of use Rust console commands for both players and admins.

Rust admin commands


The procedural mapping system uses this number to generate the map. Kills your player taking you to the respawn menu same functionality as hitting "suicide" in the esc menu. Cinematic Tools 8.


Rust has an extensive library of admin commands. They are mainly used for customizing how a dedicated Rust server behaves. Here are all the commands you can run on a Rust server. Note: ownerid is the admin on the server while moderatorid is the server moderator. Rust admin commands are divided into server commands and server variables. Server commands typically change the game state at a higher level of abstraction than server variables.

Rust admin commands

For the first few months of Rust's "experimental" development, most player variables such as the nudity censor and mouse sensitivity were controlled only by console commands aka "cvars". Thankfully, most of these controls are now in the game menu for your tweaking pleasure. Simply hit the escape key and open the options tab! While it's now easier to edit many things, console commands still come in handy. Below is a list of use Rust console commands for both players and admins. These may be used interchangeably when entering console commands that have an "on or off" state. The long running replacement for fps. That being said, there is just no substitute for telling a friend to type "censornudity false" into console and hearing their screams of horror as their screen is filled with literal dicks. Sometimes your best course of action is to just to say screw it and start fresh.

S pen tip replacement

Electrical Some commands are only designed to be used through the server console but can be used via a client with admin if prefixed with "sv", eg, the say command that broadcasts a message in chat from the server can be only be used by the client by doing sv say. This can be particularly useful with reducing the grindy feeling that Rust conveys on occasion. Medical 5. This is also a great one to have binded, we suggest using the P key bind P debugcamera. Getting Started 0. That being said, there is just no substitute for telling a friend to type "censornudity false" into console and hearing their screams of horror as their screen is filled with literal dicks. You can search for any kind of collection of symbols, words and etc. It's a good idea to bind this to a key bind L noclip debugcamera Breaks the camera away from your character or the player you're spectating and allows you to look around without players seeing you. If this is a locally hosted server you can replace the IP with "localhost". Freezes the debugcamera camera position allowing you to move your player around from a fixed viewing angle. Some commands have different functionalities if they are prefixed with "sv", eg, the quit command that normally closes the client can be prefixed with "sv" to save and close the server by doing sv quit. Just type a partial name or full name. Cinematic Tools 8. Close the game to desktop.

Searching for Rust server and admin commands? Read this article to find all these commands.

Attire For the first few months of Rust's "experimental" development, most player variables such as the nudity censor and mouse sensitivity were controlled only by console commands aka "cvars". Resources A very useful function that serves the purpose of binding various actions such as attack, crouch and the standard movement actions into one keybind. Time connected, kills, deaths, suicides. It will then be broadcast to the entire server. Displays recent damage information for what the player damaged and what the player was damaged by. How many minutes does a minicopter take to decay from full health when under a roof. Particularly useful in situations when big giants are fighting or to improve picture quality for the aspiring content creators. Bans a player from the server. Modding Mutes the player locally if used without admin so you don't see their messages in chat. If you need a command but don't remember its full name, you can use find [text] command. You can search for any kind of collection of symbols, words and etc.

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