Sailing anarchy forum

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Meade and Jan Gougeon have made living building, racing, breaking and fixing all forms of sail powered crafts. Jan Gougeon describes the perfect race boat as the one that is light, stiff, rockets around the course and finally disintegrates as it crosses the finish line — anything else is overbuilt and subsequently too heavy. This year we celebrated our 40th year in business. We attribute this longevity to the high-quality, innovation-driven products we offer, and to our and our unwavering commitment to customer technical support. Sailing Anarchy brings sailing minds together from all over the world, giving the community a way to share and debate, all aspects of sailing and beyond. We know epoxy, wood and composite construction and as active anarchists, we will be part of the forum banter.

Sailing anarchy forum

The currently available sailing publications and web sites are often filled with stories that are something less than insightful. Many boat reviews are nothing more than politically correct spin to ensure the advertising revenue is not jeopardized. Sailing Anarchy will present topics, ideas and, critiques that have never been written about before. But perhaps most importantly, we have a Message Board where robust discussions will be encouraged. Got an opinion? But you better prepare for a healthy dose of reality. This is where the big kids play. It is a forum for industry insiders and racing sailors to exchange ideas. We encourage your participation here at Sailing Anarchy. Where the hell else are you going to have this much freedom to say what you want? After all, that is ultimately what Anarchy is all about.

From a friend on the Puerto Vallarta race, close to Cabo: The wind is fucking bipolar down here. Title inspiration to the Doggy Dogg.

It's all so confusing! From the Formula Kite European Champs. The Environment When the ocean's average surface temperature hit a new record high in March , it set off alarm Moved by the passing of his friend , Scot Tempesta gets into a subject — finally — that he knows something about — Booze. He actually has some sobering thoughts haha , about an often difficult topic and you may wish to give this a listen.

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Sailing anarchy forum

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Their explanatory material proclaims:. Being There. Can there be any doubt that this is the kind of dude who would sue if he got his little fee fees hurt? F18 crew Miami. The price to list a boat is cheap, the buyers and sellers are enthusiastic, non-bullshitters well, for the most part — ed and you will very likely be able to buy or sell right here. After 19 years in publication, Sailing Anarchy has remained true to its roots as a community oriented, edgy sailing publisher. For media inquiries, interview requests, or further information, please contact John Bertrand at [email protected]. Then out of nowhere, it shifted to 3kts so we put up the drifter. The Naked Beach; Part Deux. Now sign the hell up! Charleston Race Week - Day 1. The wind is fucking bipolar down here. The disease has spread to every continent except Oceania, killing a remarkable diversity of animals — even taking down a polar bear at the end of last year.

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BVI Spring Regatta? Farr X2. Getting tough with the anti-vaxxers. Clean Reports from the 21st Canada's Cup. It is slightly different from a regular discussion, as each thread starts with a Question, then Answers can be up or downvoted if they are good or bad answers. More here. The differences are now in the details which are, presumably, open for discussion and debate until the final NoR is published. Raymarine I Galaxy Sirius XM antennae and cable. After all, that is ultimately what Anarchy is all about. The Naked Beach; Part Deux.

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