Sakarya şiiri

Human it is, like water, flows fold by fold I flow from one side, and Sakarya from the other.

The name, titles, unique nativity, mother, miracles and the whole life of Jesus Christ as a Prophet have been studied in many ways and scales in the Divan poems for ages. Since the Divan poets provide the knowledge about him from the same source, Quran and Hadith, there is no doubt that they believe him and his prophethood. He has been respected deeply by all the Divan poets. Like Jesus Christ, his mother, Virgin Mary, is respected by the Divan poets as having virtue and chastity. There are plenty of references about her pregnancy and giving birth to Jesus Christ in the Divan poems. In these references, the birth of Jesus is explained clearly by Allah that he was born by a virtues mother as a miracle without having a fa-ther. Though Divan poets believed that it had been altered within the ages, they included the Holy Book Bible and its miracles in their poems respectfully.

Sakarya şiiri


What a severe test that you are dealing with, Sakarya! Share this: Twitter Facebook. All these are within you, these complex puzzles Sakarya, sakarya şiiri, nights poured tar on candles.


Ne agir imtihandir basindaki, Sakarya! Siirde ayni zamanda bir tarih felsefesi ve yorumu yapilir. Burada da o var. Nehir asagi dogru akar, yokusa dogru akmaz. Pozitivizm, determinizmi esas alir.

Sakarya şiiri


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Muhammed Uncategorized April 11, April 11, 4 Minutes. Now be frantic with sorrow, it is time for sorrow Remember the old suns, that ran to history! Like Loading Humans, are drops of blood, rivers drops of water We face a life, that seeks to ambush life Came; the mortal lie, gone; the immortal truth You! Remember when Yunus Emre was walking by your side That, army which strew glittering dome after dome behind you. Divan poem , the Holy Bible , Christ. Muhammed Uncategorized April 11, April 11, 4 Minutes. What a severe test that you are dealing with, Sakarya! Already have a WordPress. Like Loading Water goes down from the slope, always step by step And my fate is to be thirsty on the slopes Everything flows, water, history, stars, humans and ideas Channels are dual, from one flows divine light, from the other, dirt Little, big, universe; bundled amidst the flow Look at that cloud! Skip to content. Apart from the references above, Divan poets stressed ascending of Jesus Christ to Al-lah, his bachelorhood, his poverty, and his humbleness. Water goes down from the slope, always step by step And my fate is to be thirsty on the slopes.


Like Loading I thought that it was human, who would carry the sacred burden Being a porter carried no rank in the end, with no wealth Only a painful bite, from the meal cooked with poison And separation from mother, country and friend Now be frantic with sorrow, it is time for sorrow Remember the old suns, that ran to history! This cause is contemptible, this cause is orphan, this cause is big! Already have a WordPress. I thought that it was human, who would carry the sacred burden Being a porter carried no rank in the end, with no wealth Only a painful bite, from the meal cooked with poison And separation from mother, country and friend Now be frantic with sorrow, it is time for sorrow Remember the old suns, that ran to history! Like Jesus Christ, his mother, Virgin Mary, is respected by the Divan poets as having virtue and chastity. Everything flows, water, history, stars, humans and ideas Channels are dual, from one flows divine light, from the other, dirt Little, big, universe; bundled amidst the flow Look at that cloud! Published April 11, April 11, Now be frantic with sorrow, it is time for sorrow Remember the old suns, that ran to history! Published by Muhammed. Sign me up. How can a canary carry a an eagle with heads? Everything flows, water, history, stars, humans and ideas Channels are dual, from one flows divine light, from the other, dirt Little, big, universe; bundled amidst the flow Look at that cloud! But Sakarya is different, as if it is climbing a hill. Equal to conscience, boil, boil O Sakarya You are estranged on your own land, a pariah in your own land.

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