salem rwby

Salem rwby

This is Thesecret

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volume 8 are unmarked. And I can't wait to watch you burn. It's true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary. The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute, which is why I will focus all my power to snuff it out. How does it feel knowing that all of your time and effort has been for nothing, that your guardians have failed you, that everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes? The narrator of the first episode and the first four "World of Remnant" videos, providing the initial exposition on the fantasy setting of RWBY.

Salem rwby

Salem [5] is an ancient, mysterious figure from Remnant's forgotten past and the primary antagonist of RWBY. She is one of the few who possesses the power of Magic , and the master of the Grimm. She is highly knowledgeable, cunning, and the leader of a cabal which operates out of Evernight Castle in the Land of Darkness. Her goals are to find the Maidens and use their powers to obtain the Relics from the Huntsman Academies. She was a part of the original Humanity , before being cursed with immortality and falling into a Grimm Pool. She was married to Ozma and had four daughters with him before their ideologies tore them apart, resulting in their children's deaths and making them mortal enemies. In " War ", it is revealed that the reason she intends on dividing Humanity is so that when the Relics are brought together, The Gods will destroy Remnant and in turn, break the curse on her allowing her to die. She is the protagonist of The Girl in the Tower , a fairy tale which details her early life. In " Ruby Rose ", the first episode of the series, Salem serves as the narrator, giving the opening voice-over for the series, but credited only as " Mysterious Narrator" in " Black and White " and " Breach " until her first on-screen appearance in the Volume 3 finale, " End of the Beginning ". In ancient times, Salem was a woman with fair skin, pale platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. She wore most of her hair in a half up-done bun style with a small, simple bun on the top, and the remainder of her long, straight hair hanging at the bottom.

When Yang angrily calls her out for failing to handle one bad thing happening in her life as salem rwby comparison to how much Salem has taken away from her, salem rwby, Salem's response is to ask in a bored tone who she took from her.


With the eighth volume of Rooster Teeth's hit show RWBY imminent, fans eagerly await what happens next after Volume 7's major cliffhanger, with Atlas under direct threat from the main villain Salem, riding atop a gigantic Grimm whale. However, one question that has been a topic of conversation during the break that has yet to be answered is who the strongest character in RWBY is. The obvious answer would, of course, be the God Brothers. They created humanity and the Grimm, and their brief appearance in Volume 6 showed additional feats of incredible power, like wiping out humanity with the clench of a fist and shattering the moon as the Godly equivalent of slamming the door on your way out, leaving it in the way it is in the series proper. But, between their single actual appearance in the flashback and their current absence in the modern-day, counting the God Brothers feels unfair. So, the next most obvious choice would be the main villain herself, Salem. The last surviving human from the first age of humanity, where everyone freely wielded magic gifted by the Gods, Salem was rescued from her wicked father by a brave warrior named Ozma, who she eventually fell in love with. Unfortunately, he was taken by disease, and in her attempts to get the Gods of Light and Darkness to resurrect him, she ended up cursed with immortality for her efforts, which left her as the only surviving human when she led an army against the Gods. As a result, she was the most powerful human in existence when the Gods recreated humanity and created the Faunus, all without any magic like her own. Of course, even that didn't technically hold true for that long.

Salem rwby

Salem was once a lonely girl locked in a tower by her cruel father until she was rescued by Ozma, the original form of Professor Ozpin. However, after an illness took the life of her beloved she turned to the gods to revive him. After the near success, but failure, she was cursed with immortality, so she could never reunite with Ozma in the afterlife. Eventually gaining an army that spanned all of humanity, she challenged the gods only for humans to be wiped out with her as the sole survivor. Over time, Salem turned to the Pools of Grimm in a desperate attempt to finally die, only for her to emerge alive, although as an evil Grimm -like being. Centuries passed and humanity returned from the dust, and Ozma was sent back to the world of the living to try and deal with her. However after he told her of his mission, she decided the gods were no longer needed, and she alone would be all humanity needed for guidance. Among the known successes that Salem has enjoyed have been the death of the Fall Maiden and the acquisition of her power by Cinder, the destruction of Beacon Academy, and diminishment of its headmaster, Professor Ozpin. Salem was dubious when told that Salem had killed him, and now she knows that he is back, in the body of Oscar Pine. Nonetheless, at least one agent of Salem is currently searching the ruins of Beacon Academy for the relic that is most likely still there.


Current Wiki. He can lead you to the girl. She can also utilize some form of astral projection as seen in " Gravity ", when she appears as an apparition through a Seer to confront James Ironwood. She leads a group of people with malicious plans, with her goals being to divide and weaken the people of Remnant, then collect the four Relics and summon the Gods so they will finally end her immortality. The Punishment : Salem is punished with immortality for attempting to manipulate the gods into restoring the life of her beloved because it prevents her from being reunited with him in the afterlife. She also uses the narration to hint at a deeper, darker, history of humanity that has been forgotten by all but a few such as her and Ozpin. It doesn't destroy her curse, instead it spits her back out as a being of both infinite life and infinite destruction. She is able to hover over the air, and towers over others. Salem has always been an incredibly manipulative and cunning individual: She was even able to trick the God of Darkness to bring back Ozma for her, even convincing him to fight the God of Light for him, and the Dark God only realized the truth when his brother revealed how Salem went to him first. Salem speaks to her in the same quasi-motherly treatment she gives others, but her and Cinder's dynamic is much more intimate because of it. When Hazel first went after Salem, it didn't matter how hard or for how long he fought her, her Complete Immortality meant that she kept coming back. However, even after she has been corrupted by the Pools of Annihilation, she still loves him and builds a family with his reincarnation. Start a Wiki. Villain No Longer Idle : Salem prefers to work from the shadows, through subordinates that turn humanity against itself, leaving people pointing their fingers at each other instead of her. Obviously Evil : Salem's appearance alone makes it clear she isn't a good person.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

This simply adds to her menace as a villain, as she rarely loses her composure and the things she says with a gentle voice are rarely reassuring. Ozpin and the heroes have separately come to the same conclusion that Salem's plan to divide humanity with hate and collect the Relics is so that the gods can be summoned to see humanity at its worst; if they decide humanity is irredeemable, they will carry out the God of Light's warning to Ozma and destroy the planet, hypothetically ending Salem's unwanted immortality. Bring him to me. That everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes? She along with Ozma would later successfully trick humanity into believing they were gods and establish a huge kingdom that would successfully conquer many other oppositions with Salem as the leader due to Ozma's reluctance to go that far. For accessories she wore gray circular earrings, a pair of dull brown bracers, and a thin leather strip that holds the same crystal over the sash. It is the sole chance humanity has to redeem themselves in the eyes of the gods after an ancient slight that humanity does not remember. Orcus On Her Throne : Though a very powerful fighter, Salem prefers to work from the shadows and let subordinates act in her stead, as it enables her to turn humanity against itself and leave them pointing fingers at each other instead of her. Although she obtains her white skin and hair and red eyes with black sclera when she falls into the Pools of Grimm, she emerges without either the tainted veins or the mark in the center of her forehead. All you need concern yourself with is your ability to act when I tell you to.

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