sally nightmare before christmas face

Sally nightmare before christmas face

Impersonate your favourite ragdoll with this Sally inspired printed face mask!

She is a rag doll from Halloween Town. Intelligent, yet inconspicuous, she longs for independence, but is repeatedly restrained by Doctor Finklestein , her overprotective creator, and also is romantically infatuated with Jack Skellington , the Pumpkin King. Sally is kind, sensible, honest, and very clever. She is restless due to being constantly kept under lock and key by Doctor Finklestein and intrigued by the outside world. This restlessness, or a desire for a better life to be more specific, is what draws her towards Jack Skellington. At the beginning of the film she idolizes and admires Jack like any female resident of Halloween Town would, but however learns they are connected by the desire for something more in their lives, which intensifies her feelings for him.

Sally nightmare before christmas face


Sally also appears to have precognition powers.


She is a rag doll from Halloween Town. Intelligent, yet inconspicuous, she longs for independence, but is repeatedly restrained by Doctor Finklestein , her overprotective creator, and also is romantically infatuated with Jack Skellington , the Pumpkin King. Sally is kind, sensible, honest, and very clever. She is restless due to being constantly kept under lock and key by Doctor Finklestein and intrigued by the outside world. This restlessness, or a desire for a better life to be more specific, is what draws her towards Jack Skellington.

Sally nightmare before christmas face

Sally is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. She is a rag doll monster from Halloween Town , created by Dr. An intelligent, yet inconspicuous woman, Sally yearns for independence, but is repeatedly restrained by her overprotective creator. She is also romantically infatuated with Jack Skellington , the Pumpkin King.

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Jack is determined to take Santa Claus's place this year, and even convinced Sora and the gang to join him as Santa's bodyguards. She plays as a front-line tank hero that can be obtained through the online-shop or through the Coliseum Shop or a Diamond Crate. She goes back home to the lab again and the Doctor locks Sally in her bedroom. However, she travels as far as the Hinterlands and worries if she is lost. In stock. Sally later joins the search party sent after Zero in Christmas Town, coming up with the idea to use Igor's lighter while The One Hiding Under the Stairs sneezes, effectively clearing their way through a snow storm. Sally appears in all 3 installments of the Kingdom Hearts video game series. Start a Wiki. She then follows Jack all the way to Spiral Hill , listening to his song. Intelligent, yet inconspicuous, she longs for independence, but is repeatedly restrained by Doctor Finklestein , her overprotective creator, and also is romantically infatuated with Jack Skellington , the Pumpkin King. Her game figure accompanies Jack and offers the player luckiness and thriftiness at maximum level. She runs all the way back to Halloween Town and tells Jack that she found him in the abyss to Christmas Town. After the town agrees to help throw a search party for Zero in order to help Jack, Sally participates and checks in the Graveyard, where she sadly touches Zero's grave.

The filmmakers constructed puppets to represent the characters in the film, with Jack Skellington having "around eight hundred heads", allowing the expression of every possible emotion. During the animation process, only Sally's face 'mask' was removed to preserve the order of her long red hair.

However, this was only shown once when she recieves a vision showing Jack's ideas of Christmas ending in disaster. Sally is kind, sensible, honest, and very clever. Due to the fact that she's mostly made up of sewn together body parts Sally is largely invunerable to bodily harm, surviving a potentially deadly fall from a tall tower of Doctor Finklesteins, albiet in pieces. Afterwards, Sally plucks the petals off a forget-me-not, which then transforms before her eyes into a miniature Christmas tree and suddenly bursts into flames: a premonition of things to come. These times may be longer at Seasonal times such as Christmas. He dances with Sally in the end, finally realizing all of the gifts she had given to him were all from the heart and wishes to give her something in return. Current Wiki. Basket 0. After Santa is rescued in Christmas Town, she arrives with Halloween Town's sleigh so Santa can still deliver the gifts on time. After the Halloween celebration, the Doctor catches her and tries to drag her back to the lab. Di Palomo Disney Ginology Gund. International Delivery. Her game figure accompanies Jack and offers the player luckiness and thriftiness at maximum level. Finkelstein to get her arm reattached. The two refer to each other as "friends", as Jack seems unaware towards how she truly feels about him, as she's too shy to make them known to him other than through her sweet actions.

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