sally red dead redemption 2

Sally red dead redemption 2

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The Old West was a time and place that attracted every type of human being from all walks of life. From the absolute scum of the Earth to living saints, rich and poor, young and old, hard-working and lazy; all manner of people! But the zeitgeist of the country being what it was, most people who were actively engaging in the Old West had one thing in common: they were enterprising individuals all trying to carve a life. Red Dead Redemption 2 is certainly one of the best simulations of the time period. Rockstar's game is filled to the brim with characters specifically "Strangers" who embody the spirit of the Old West. Here are ten of the best of such individuals. The Old Cajun can be found in the wilderness of Lemoyne , fighting off swarms of bugs that will not cease bothering him.

Sally red dead redemption 2

Sally Nash is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. Sally Nash is Margaret 's assistant and animal handler that works for the Bradly Bros. She wishes to become an animal wrangler like Margaret. Margret will ask the protagonist to go help his assistant, who is looking for the tiger and has used the lion to search for the tiger. Margaret tells the protagonist that they are at Caliga Way. Sally is seen waiting for the "lion" to return and is greet by the protagonist. The protagonist tells her that Margaret sent him to help her find the tiger. Sally tells the protagonist that she sent the lion to search for the tiger, but has not returned. She reveals to the protagonist that the "lion" is a dog that has the appearance of lion. She states that she lost sight of the dog, when it went into the shrubs. The protagonist offers to search for the dog and eventually finds the dog dead. The protagonist calls Sally over and she is disappointed that the dog died. The protagonist states dog looks like it was attacked by a cougar and she states that the tiger is actually a cougar. The protagonist decides to place the dog in Sally's wagon to bait the cougar and tells her to hide somewhere.

Once Arthur does help, Brother Dorkins is eternally grateful and even leads the protagonist into another, separate Stranger mission with a nun.


Starting with Chapter 3, Arthur can find a broken circus caravan and a man named Margaret sitting on it. When you speak with him, the man asks you to find exotic animals that have escaped. Margaret, an animal wrangler and showman, has lost all of his exotic animals after a wagon crash in Scarlett Meadows, and needs help recapturing them. Margaret World Map. The second animal you'll have to look for is a tiger. To do this, go to the location on the map and talk to Margaret's assistant, a girl named Sally. Sally, the animal handler traveling with Margaret, needs help finding the pair's missing tiger. Their first trained lion, actually a pet dog, helps in an unexpected way. Activate Eagle Eye and find a trail starting close by. Follow the trail until you reach the corpse of the dog, the first "lion" mentioned by Sally.

Sally red dead redemption 2

As a Legendary Fish, the Legendary Sockeye Salmon is one of a kind: once you kill it, it will not appear again. Fishermen have reported that the best way to attract this fish is with either Special Lake Lures or River Lures on an overcast day. Rumors suggest that the size of this Sockeye Salmon could be around fifty inches long and weighing over fifty pounds. In alternative, we created a VIP Membership that allows you to browse the site without ads and get some extra features, for a small price. By becoming a VIP Member, you support our work and allow us to create even more amazing features and content for you. Sign Up. Legendary Sockeye Salmon.

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Apply obligatory "In my opinion" with this post. Ask A Question. Arguably the most touching of the Strangers in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Charlotte Balfour, who has exclusive interactions with Arthur and John respectively. The protagonist decides to place the dog in Sally's wagon to bait the cougar and tells her to hide somewhere. Dockery Mr. These poll results make me think people aren't voting based on "prettiest" at all though. Sign In Register. Here are ten of the best of such individuals. It's my modest hope Casyle posted Start a Wiki. Margaret tells the protagonist that they are at Caliga Way. Theres only one thing I hate about this game. Sally Nash is Margaret 's assistant and animal handler that works for the Bradly Bros. John Weathers Lilly Millet Mrs.

The Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion delivers your in-game Journal, the full game manual, an optional comprehensive strategy guide and more. This digital version, unlocked via a onetime in-app purchase, contains every page of the physical Standard Edition guide in beautiful high resolution along with interactive menus to make finding information quick and easy. Rockstar Games, Inc.

Upon overhearing him explain that the animal is dead to Margaret, she stops cleaning. Who in their right mind would not want to help someone who wishes to save children from cruelty and abuse? Revolver Redemption saga Redemption Redemption 2. Red Dead Wiki Explore. Start a Wiki. Free aiming in this game is frustrating. Sally Nash is actually the minor character of her own Stranger mission, playing second fiddle to her cross-dressing male boss, Margaret. Arguably the most touching of the Strangers in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Charlotte Balfour, who has exclusive interactions with Arthur and John respectively. She wishes to become an animal wrangler like Margaret. She states that she lost sight of the dog, when it went into the shrubs. Though, Sally lacks any formal training letting a "lion" track and find a "tiger" much to her dismay that they didn't get along, ignorant to the animal's feral instincts. The two walk away from Helen as she follows them begging for their attention once more. That is exactly what Brother Dorkins asks of Arthur Morgan when they encounter each other on the streets of Saint-Denis. The monk came across information that the nearby fence for stolen goods has been keeping a group of children as slaves in his shop. Revolver Redemption Redemption 2 Online.

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