Sandy full name spongebob

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She is an anthropomorphic squirrel who is one of SpongeBob 's best friends. Sandy is sandy full name spongebob for her Texan characteristics, stereotypical accent and passion for science.

Wiki User. Spongebob got his name because Spongeboy was taken. They still needed Sponge in the name,and he had square pants. Thus the name Spongebob Squarepants was born. SquarePants, and Larry SquarePants. When Spongebob is jelly-fishing he saw Sandy Clam Wrestling then Spongebob said tries to Sandy and Sandy came out of the clam then Sandy saw Spongebob then Spongebob is stuck inside a clam then Sandy rescues Spongebob and that's the time they meet.

Sandy full name spongebob

She is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. Sandy is a thrill seeker who loves extreme sports, and karate. Having come from the state of Texas , she has a Southern drawl and a love for rodeos. She works as a scientist and builds both her treedome and air suit and helmet herself. She is also a member of the Gal Pals along with Karen , Mrs. Puff , and Pearl. Sandy comes from the state of Texas, known from the episode of the same name , and exhibits many characteristics of a cowgirl character. She speaks with a heavy Southern accent and uses typical Southern slang words and phrases, such as "Howdy" and "Y'all. Sandy is very fond of her homeland and its culture, as most notably seen in the episode "Texas," in which she was homesick and considers leaving Bikini Bottom to return to Texas. In that same episode, she takes great offense at SpongeBob and Patrick's negative insults about Texas and violently attacks them when they continue to make fun of it. Along with Plankton and Karen , Sandy is one of the most intelligent and levelheaded characters on the show.

I don't need it! She has also been shown to have a strong competitive streak and a high opinion of herself. Savage Patrick More

She is voiced in all franchises by Carolyn Lawrence. Sandy is a brown squirrel from Texas. Being active and athletic, she lives the ultimate challenge of living underwater, but in an air-filled treedome, in Bikini Bottom the SBSP community setting. Over the course of the series, Sandy is shown to be a keen athlete and bodybuilder. When she isn't lifting weights or practising karate, Sandy will bring SpongeBob along on one of her thrill-seeking adventures underwater, dressed in her air-filled deep-water suit similar to a space suit. Sandy otherwise wears a two-piece purple bikini with a chartreuse bottom when inside her treedome.

What makes SpongeBob so fun to watch? Apart from SpongeBob being a hilarious character, all the other characters in SpongeBob have unique personalities. Such as Mr. Krab and his love for money, Squidward , who only wants to spend his life in peace doing what he loves, and Patrick with his adventures under the rock. What makes Sandy so important? First, she is a squirrel living under the water in her Treedome.

Sandy full name spongebob

The SpongeBob Wiki has a guideline regarding the use of image galleries — collections of episode screenshots are no longer allowed on galleries due to potential fair use violations. Sandy Cheeks is a squirrel and a scientist from above the water surface. She is one of the main characters in the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise and the only land animal to be part of the main cast. Sandy originates from Texas and has a southern drawl. She likely lives in Bikini Bottom to study aquatic life.


This wasn't the only sequence cut from the episode. The suit is white and has a yellow square-shaped patch with an acorn on it. When Sandy appears inside her treedome, she wears purplish violet clothing, primarily a purple bikini top, a purple tiny platter tulle skirt and green undergarments. Character Gallery Appearances. In addition to things like jellyfish playing tennis and Gary riding on a ball, he sees Patrick rubbing lotion on Sandy's shoulders. She and SpongeBob share a favorite hobby of karate , and frequently fight each other just for fun. Sandy is most commonly seen wearing her air suit when she is outside her tree dome. It changes color depending on the episode. In what was likely a nod to shippers who want to see them together, "Truth or Square" has SpongeBob and Sandy get married, only for it to turn out to be part of a play. Personal tools Create account Log in.

Sandy is notable for her Texas characteristics and knowledges of Karate and science.

She is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. Behind the Pantis Square Roots. In " To Save a Squirrel ," she makes SpongeBob and Patrick almost eat each other just to see if they can survive out in the wild. Its board of directors, a group of chimps, came for inspection in "Chimps Ahoy. Main article: Karen-Sandy relationship. As an inventor, Sandy is capable of creating extremely advanced devices with ease. During her adulthood, she joined a company called Treedome Enterprises. It also has three rings on the sleeves, two red rings and one blue ring in the center. Main article: SpongeBob-Sandy relationship. Although, he is sometimes called Patrick Sea Star Sea could be classified as a middle name. Bureaucrats Emeraldblade95 Jester of Chaos.

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