

The show focuses on the love story of Argyro Vroulaki and Asteris Stamatakis, members of families that are tangled in a Cretan vendetta. Witnesses of the murder are his wife Marina and his two young children, sasmos, sasmos, Argyro and Petros. The murder came to be added to the long chain of murders of a vendetta that has sasmos ongoing for many years, sasmos. And when it seemed that things were about sasmos calm down and the vendetta was almost forgotten, a member of the Stamatakis was found dead and the main suspect is the Vroulaki family….

Two young people from opposing families fall in love and reawaken the vendetta from years ago in a mountain village in Crete. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Sasmos TV Series — 1h. Drama Romance.



Stathis Mantzoros Pantelis Angelakis.


Two young people from opposing families fall in love and reawaken the vendetta from years ago in a mountain village in Crete. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Sasmos TV Series — 1h. Drama Romance.


Sign In. Edit Sasmos —. Series Directed by Kostas Anagnostopoulos Asteris Stamatakis episodes, Dimitris Lalos Mathios Stamatakis episodes, Maria Protopappa

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Alina Kotsovoulou Anna Angelaki. Vera Makromaridou Aspa. Top cast Edit. Asteris, Theodora , while some other do f. And when it seemed that things were about to calm down and the vendetta was almost forgotten, a member of the Stamatakis was found dead and the main suspect is the Vroulaki family… The show is running on the TV channel Alpha. Release date September 6, Greece. Mihalis Aerakis Father Mihalis. That was until it was revealed that he's actually the murderer. New Customer? Evfimia Kalogianni Dina.

Kalliopi Stamataki Episodes. Grandma Eirini Episodes.

User reviews 7 Review. Photos The performance of every singe actor and actress is unbelievable, script and direction on point, visuals are pretty good and so is the music. Stratis Hatzistamatiou Manolis Angelakis. See the full list. Drama Romance. Olga Damani Eirini Vroulaki. Danai Pappa Dora Angelaki …. Episode guide. Digital De-Aging :Almost always used for flashbacks. Stella Gika Katerina. More like this. Misplaced Accent : Many characters don't have the standard Cretan accent f. You need to login to do this.

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