scp ghost ship

Scp ghost ship

Archive photo of SCP unusually close to shore in No photographs of the object's current configuration are available. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites are to constantly track the movement of SCP, with analysts and programs predicting the movements of the object, with plants in the meteorological bureau to divert traffic from areas likely to be visited by SCP In addition, scp ghost ship, the SCPS Sunderlanda fully armed Legend-class cutter, will be dispatched to patrol areas where SCP is likely to scp ghost ship into contact with other vessels.

SCP is a s italian style ship she was originally found as a rusted dilapidated ship drifting in the Atlantic untill she was found by some salvagers. They reported when we interviewed them they stated that they towed SCP believing she was just a drifting old vessel and were towing to [REDACTED] when a storm formed and when a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky the salvagers reported she changed that if she was just from the 50s lights on and in perfect condition. Until another lighting strike crossed the sky and she had in their word " changed back into a old rust bucket" they thought it was their imagination until the same thing happened again untill the storm stopped and they towed her to dock in [REDACTED] when another storm came by and lightning flashed and the ship changed back into the 50s look before another lightning strike changed her back into the rust ship which was witnessed by Dr [REDACTED] which he informed the foundation and was taken away by the foundation for test. What the most intesting thing about SCP is that there was no record's of a ship called Antonia Graza by any italian shipping company in the 50s which makes her apprence even more a mystery. End of log. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences.

Scp ghost ship

Special Containment Procedures: The Foundation is to liaise with the National Weather Service during SCP's active season each year and monitor the development of meteorological phenomena which may contribute to onset of SCP events. Whenever weather conditions favorable to SCP exist, Foundation personnel embedded within the United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard are to assist in monitoring radio communication from civilian vessels in the active region for any reports of SCP sightings. Civilians spotting SCP are to be instructed not to attempt to approach, communicate with, or render assistance to any instance of SCP The existence of SCP is attested to in "ghost stories" circulated by the general public. Foundation media assets are to limit public dissemination of sightings of SCP instances. Subsequent to civilian sightings of any SCP instance, the Foundation is to intercept the vessel making the sighting upon its docking, debrief its crew, and issue Class-A amnestics. No vessel is to approach within meters of any instance of SCP Following any shipwreck under conditions resembling an SCP incident, the Foundation is to locate the wreckage as soon as possible and retrieve any instances of SCP found in the vicinity for containment or termination as necessary. All available information about the wrecked vessel is to be catalogued for use in identifying potential new instances of SCP The Foundation is to monitor emergency calls and social networking for any indications of civilian encounters with SCP Any person reporting an SCP sighting is to be detained, debriefed, and treated with Class-B amnestics. Any dead SCP instances found afloat or washing ashore are to be acquired by the Foundation and destroyed as soon as possible.

Of course, they're not the worst that's on the ship.

SCP is officially designated as a "centaur", having a regular solar orbit with an aphelion of 9. Its orbital period is roughly Containment of SCP's anomalous nature is predicated on maintaining its current identification as 13 Catherine, a natural small solar system body. Government sanctioned missions to observe 13 Catherine, manned or otherwise must be prevented in order to preserve containment. Due to its distance and small size, 13 Catherine's true nature is currently not known to terrestrial observers.

Archive photo of SCP unusually close to shore in No photographs of the object's current configuration are available. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation satellites are to constantly track the movement of SCP, with analysts and programs predicting the movements of the object, with plants in the meteorological bureau to divert traffic from areas likely to be visited by SCP In addition, the SCPS Sunderland , a fully armed Legend-class cutter, will be dispatched to patrol areas where SCP is likely to come into contact with other vessels. SCPS Sunderland is to be equipped with a minimum of two rigid bottomed motor life boats to aid in rescue of survivors of encounters with SCP, along with high impact naval weaponry to aid in discouraging the object from attacking civilian, merchant and military vessels. Absolutely no aircraft is to be deployed in the area of SCP's area of operation, due to the severe weather phenomena associated with it. Where possible, waste dumped by SCP is to be collected by Foundation watercraft and taken to the nearest Foundation research site for study. Typical explanations to be provided include user error, sinking via rough seas or rogue waves, mutiny, and pirate encounters. Amnestics are to be administered to any and all survivors and witnesses of SCP and its activities.

Scp ghost ship

The Archimedes is disguised as a destroyer from the US Navy, allegedly pursuing illegal whalers. Local naval officials are to be informed of the presence of illegal whalers in the area and reroute commercial and private traffic accordingly. The harbor's entrance has been blocked by stone, preventing escape.

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Find out what you can do. By the time Bruce McGivern gets there to help, everyone's dead. Crew members feel a compulsion to jump overboard, and soon you have a lifeless ship drifting in the middle of a fog covered sea. Tension mounts as the would-be rescuers search the ship for survivors and clues. They are pale, uneasy copies, like shapes in mist, but they move and they act as they should. SCPC: "Aye" was created in , by your calendar. I confess that I'd completely forgotten about it, but I feel that on this, a day of celebration in our great Union, I should write one final entry to commemorate the years of my life spent in service to a grand proletarian ideal. Testing has indicated that all instances of SCP are visual hallucinations and do not exist as corporeal entities. The crew start seeing ghostly German warships and aircraft, and entries in the ship's logbook start appearing where there'd previously been none. Real Life One maritime legend claims that in , a whaling ship called the Hope came across the Jenny , a schooner, completely frozen in ice in the Antarctic Drake Passage. Sword of the Stars has the aptly named Alien Derelicts, which are actually broken-off sections of a larger craft.

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We haven't been able to locate 1A since, and 1B and C claim to not know anything. Why are you here? The Foundation is to monitor emergency calls and social networking for any indications of civilian encounters with SCP The steamer is actually the orangutan's Stand, Strength. In one instance, a vessel approaching SCP appears to have spontaneously capsized without suffering any other damage to its hull. The Lloyd in Space Halloween special. Alex Benedict : The central mystery of Polaris revolves around a spaceship that abruptly went out of communication and was later found completely empty. Stargate : Stargate SG-1 : Descent is about the team investigating Anubis' mothership, hovering ominously above Earth with no detectable life signs on board. The ships' logbook, sextant, mechanical chronometer and other navigational equipment, as well as all the firearms kept in the boat, were missing. There are probably cobwebs everywhere and creepy mementos. Create account or Sign in. In , the Teignmouth Electron , one of the competitors in a solo nonstop around-the-world yacht race, was found adrift and deserted. It's believed that she would probably attack any American or British vessel. Mystery Case Files : There's one in 13th Skull , although it only appears briefly during the finale. But I couldn't handle the quiet un-life.

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