setting sensitivity pubg pc

Setting sensitivity pubg pc

Mousepad: HyperX Fury S.

Marloes Valentina Stella. Published: Jul 13, Looking for the best settings in PUBG? Though your individual PC components can greatly influence your frame rate, remember that most professional PUBG players still go for lower settings. As a result, this list should do the trick for most setups.

Setting sensitivity pubg pc


There-s no point using his settings, youll never be as good!


The difference may not be noticeable in casual games, but an optimized configuration can make the difference between placing second or getting that sweet chicken dinner in PUBG. While turning down every graphical setting will net you the highest frames per second FPS , it may cause you to sacrifice some game elements that could give you the upper hand in PUBG. The best settings for an ideal PUBG experience should find a decent balance between optimizing your graphics for the best performance without sacrificing any visual advantages that can help you during a match. Mouse settings tend to be highly personal, and it all depends on what kind of a player you are. An excellent way to find your own sweet spot will be taking a look at what professional and veteran players are using as their sensitivity options. Most FPS players usually go with low sensitivity values to make tracking more precise and use a large mouse pad to help with wider hand movements.

Setting sensitivity pubg pc

The DPI of the device mouse can be changed in the mouse settings and is used to change the mouse pointer speed. At a glance, a higher DPI indicates a higher sensitivity as more dots per inch is being detected by your device. A lower DPI indicates a lower sensitivity. DPI settings are a really important part of first-person shooters' gaming experience so setting the perfect DPI will help you get that chicken dinner. If you are not looking for DPI settings and want to learn bout PUBG controls in general we recommend reading the article best control settings and binds in pubg. There should not be any difference between the X and Y-axis. The sensitivity actually depends on the gun recoil but if you keep it low to around 0.

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As for anti-aliasing, this is perhaps the most contested PUBG graphics setting. I believe he said that he used the standard keyboard layout PUBG comes with. As for the in-game FPS cap, set this to whatever refresh rate your monitor can handle. We recommend setting this to low, unless you experience flickering and false movement on this setting. What is his room temperature? Stereo or 7. And is his mouse dpi on ? He regularly says he changes what fingers hit what keys depending on his situation. Hi Johndave, yes the information is current you can check the top screenshots as well for confirmation. Does someone know why did he revert back from the G Pro to the older G? Do we know if Shroud is using the sensitivity mouse fix? Comments can u tell me about shroud Headphones setting. Another reason he uses the low or very low settings for this is because if he is shooting from extreme distances away no grass or bushes render but people do so it is a little less difficult to hit the shit with no distractions. Checked his tweet the other day, and saw it on one of his Oneplus promotional Tweet!

Mouse sensitivity is the ratio of how far a mouse pointer moves across a screen to the distance a physical mouse is moved.

Definitely enable HRTF as this audio setting makes tracking enemies significantly easier. When it comes to brightness, generally you want this value slightly higher to spot enemies in shadowy areas. Yeah, shroud uses the default Q and E for leaning. Why shroud now use the Logitech G Pro X, when before he used 2 models of wireless headphones? When it comes to picking the right resolution, it really does depend heavily on the power of your system. Check out the picture. What shirt does shroud wear? Hope this helps! The same thing applies to shadows, effects, and foliage, drop these settings down to very low to decrease the number of shadows and increase your overall performance. If he does, plz tell all to me. You guys might want to read up on what gsync does. Besides, even the LOW setting is really, very far. Always turn motion blur off, this setting might look nice but it comes with a performance hit. I think he uses stereo for PUBG; he explains why but i forgot. If you find that your system can handle pushing out more pixels without sacrificing frame rate, feel free to bump up the resolution.

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