sexual health clinic dudley

Sexual health clinic dudley

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! Free, confidential sexual health services for everyone in Dudley. Access contraception, STI testing, emergency contraception and more.

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! Coseley 1. Tipton 1. Order an STI test. Request contraception through My Brook. We offer walk-ins during opening hours.

Sexual health clinic dudley


Tipton 1.


The building stands adjoining to the Dr. Please click here to view a map of where the SCCR is located. The SCCR is a new, state of the art facility which was opened in but is part of a much longer legacy. The two-story building houses three interdisciplinary teams and offers on-site accommodation to patients through either the Transitional Living Suites TLS or the Nursing Unit. Stan Cassidy was an engineer who was born and raised in Fredericton.

Sexual health clinic dudley

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! Coseley 1. Tipton 1. Order an STI test. Request contraception through My Brook. We offer walk-ins during opening hours. For coils and implants you need to have a booked appointment. We may be able to offer a same-day appointment if urgent.

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Access contraception, STI testing, emergency contraception and more. Accessing our services is confidential, regardless of your age, sexuality or gender. For Professionals. Hours Open today am — pm. Services Free, confidential sexual health services for everyone in Dudley. Search for a local test provider. I need the morning after pill. Follow us. I need free condoms. Brook Dudley at The Greens. Please check the individual service pages to find out exactly what is available at your nearest service. Free, confidential sexual health services for everyone in Dudley. Search here e. About Brook. What are my rights when accessing sexual health services?

Cork T45CX All Phone Numbers We offer patients the highest quality of medical care and work at the cutting edge of modern day General Practice.

Search for:. You may still be able to order a free home test kit. Click here to see some frequently asked questions about Brook Services. Find out more about C-Card. I could speak freely and not feel judged. Brook visits Dudley colleges on a regular basis. The staff that looked after me were amazing. My Brook. Brook has been operating sexual health services for young people for over 50 years. All services are free Brook services are completely free to use. Our friendly staff are here to help you, whatever is going on.

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