sexy christian serratos

Sexy christian serratos

Hottest Pictures Of Christian Serratos. Christian Serratos is an out-of-the-world beauty. She is an American actress.

Absolute perfection if you ask me. Hell, even if you ask a zombie with only one semi-working eyeball! Alright, alright, enjoy the sizzling photos and try not to drool all over yourselves! Photo Credit: Instagram. Bonus Galleries :. Posted in Christian Serratos No Comments ». Hell, even if you ask a zombie with only one working eyeball.

Sexy christian serratos


Rosita with even bigger breasts!?!? Now that, my peeps, in one hell of a sexy little appearance. Kristen Stewart :.


I might have to check my files on this, but I believe Christian Serratos is the first survivor of the zombie apocalypse to pose for Playboy. Survivors of the zombie apocalypse notwithstanding, I would have to imagine that zombies themselves have appeared in Playboy before. Of course, there never is any shortage of blood and dust on The Walking Dead, which wraps up its fifth season with a minute finale, Sunday, March 29 on AMC. In fact, there was one scene in last weekend's episode in which Serratos' character Rosita was in the forest with Sasha played by Sonequa Martin-Green and Michonne played by Danai Gurira , and the three of them were wasting zombies galore, guns blazing and knives stabbing. Those girls have really stepped up their game. Mobile users, click this link.

Sexy christian serratos

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Posted in Christian Serratos No Comments ». Photo Credit: Getty. Photo Credit: Instagram Bonus Galleries :. Get help. I absolutely love this peach, and I love her perfectly shaped cleavage even more, and god bless for showing it off every single chance she gets. Rosita with even bigger breasts!?!? Bonus Galleries :. You have entered an incorrect email address! Yes Please! So, go ahead and click on the censored thumbnails to see the whole shebang. That top photo, my peeps, is a rollercoaster of uber sexiness.

Pia Velasco is a New York-based beauty reporter with over 10 years in the industry. The character is a feisty survivor, and especially skilled when it comes to using firearms and knives.

Bonus Galleries :. She was raised in Burbank, California. Leave a reply Cancel reply. Jennifer Love Hewitt :. Serratos was in the show for its entirety. Alright, enjoy the photos and try not to drool all over yourselves! Archive for the 'Christian Serratos' Category. Get help. Forgot your password? Ashley Greene :. Brian - June 14, 0. She has one daughter with her longtime boyfriend, the New Politics singer David Boyd.

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