Sexy female monologues

These are the best examples of Dramatic Monologue Sexy poems written by international poets. Member Area.

We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. If there's one thing that gets you locked into any film, it's a good monologue - especially from a woman. To save you the trouble, we've compiled a list of the best monologues from women in film, and they're all absolutely sensational. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong. And you can never say you want to be thin.

Sexy female monologues

My face. I was born with it, people. I look in the mirror and I see some beautiful woman looking back at me; my worst day, a line or two, a little pale or whatnot, but a really good face in there. Some sort of oblivion that gets pasted over her eyes so she can go about life and not be aware that people are cruel in many ways. It is. Think, I guess. President, I know you will never read this letter. Crazy, hostile letters — like mine — the ones written in crayon on butcher paper, the ones made of letters cut out of magazines — these get sent to the FBI, analyzed, Xeroxed and burned. But I send them anyway, once a day, and do you know why? Because the loathing I pour into these pages is so ripe, so full-to-bursting, that it is my firm belief that anyone touching them will absorb into their hands some of the toxic energy contained therein. This toxin will be passed upwards — it is the nature of bureaucracies to pass things vertically — till eventually, through a network of handshakes, the Under-Secretary of Outrageous Falsehoods will shake hands with the Secretary for Pernicious Behavior under the Cloak of Night, who will, on a weekly basis in Cabinet meetings, shake hands with you before you nod off to sleep. In this way, through osmosis, little droplets of contagion are being rubbed into your leathery flesh every day — in this great country of ours there must be thousands of people who are sending you poisoned post.

So why the fuck are you up here, taking me apart? Look at this

My face. I was born with it, people. I look in the mirror and I see some beautiful woman looking back at me; my worst day, a line or two, a little pale or whatnot, but a really good face in there. Some sort of oblivion that gets pasted over her eyes so she can go about life and not be aware that people are cruel in many ways. It is. Think, I guess. President, I know you will never read this letter.

A monologue from the screenplay by Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig. I told you she wanted to go to Paris. I told you Paris! I told you! How romantic! What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Am I right? Look at this shower! Did you really think this group of women would finish that cookie?

Sexy female monologues

By Isabell Tenorio — Written on Jan 09, When you are feeling less than inspired and need someone to look to for empowerment, it's always a good idea to draw from some iconic female monologues from movies and shows we love. Even though there is a long list of movies and TV shows starring men to fuel the masculine audience to be stronger and proud of who they are, now, that list is matched with movies and TV shows starring strong women. The stories of modern women bring to light the adversity women have faced in the quest for equality and to be taken seriously. Many want to see themselves on the screen, this time doing what they have wanted to for so long.

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Plus fashion tips, knock-knock jokes — I mean it was nuts, OK? As their defining compliment. Because I said a lot of terrible things to you. I had to haul ass to the kitchen, redistribute the food, squish in extra place settings. No, you don't know my life! And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself. Home » Poems » dramatic monologue » sexy. For facts. I have to walk to Timbuktu just to relieve myself. Heartbeats Another round of passion seems to find Its way to our bedroom with extinguished Love trying to find its homeward place As we tried to bring ourselves together But By Theresa Rebeck. I never pretended to be somebody else. But proved. People kill each other every day and for what? And on the way back, he stopped on 76 to help a guy with a flat tire and he got hit by a car and killed.


He kept demanding more and more books. I really should just leave him. Skirt below my knees, my heels, and a simple string of pearls. But she seemed so grateful for the milk. Love, Zillah. But the most important thing in the world to my father that she have her last wish, so he left his job, sold the house, moved us into the city, went through miles of red tape, and arranged for a permit to build a sandbox and swing next to the parking lot outside her window, where she could see us. I know we all secretly hope the other one will trip and fall on her face - wait a minute! All those other girls that you never really cared about, by making myself someone like the one person you really love and admire above all others: you! So I was, like, totally buggin'. To buy, to spend, to mock, to summon. Be smart Lisa.

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