shackelford funeral directors

Shackelford funeral directors

He joined the Indiana Army National Guard in In a ceremony of unity and love in Mayshe became the cherished companion of Connie H, shackelford funeral directors. Prater Sr. Martha's culinary talents shone

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Shackelford funeral directors


After the military he worked as a


Shackelford Funeral Directors offers distinctive, personal, and affordable services designed to help you honor your loved one in a way that is unique to them and meaningful to you. Whether you choose burial or cremation, a funeral service is an important part of honoring your loved one and starting the healing process. We offer service options that are meaningful and affordable. We offer several service options for families that choose cremation which can include a full service funeral, a memorial service, or something more private, as well as permanent resting place options for the cremated remains. Our funeral directors are experts in helping to create meaningful services that are unique and honor your loved one in ways that are special and meaningful. We offer several ways to personalize a service from tribute videos to keepsakes, to live streaming for family and friends that cannot attend in person.

Shackelford funeral directors

In the Shackelfords purchased the funeral service assets of the Gooch family, allowing them to expand into McNairy County and the surrounding areas. The business, which was located on North Third Street, was moved to Cypress Avenue in when construction was completed on the current facility. The increasing use of cremation by families led the Shackelfords to open their own crematory in which they chose to centrally locate adjacent to the Selmer facility in order to easily serve all of the Shackelford locations.

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He was a member of Turkey Creek Baptist. On July 26, , she was united in marriage to Walter S. Duren and Ruth Parker Duren. Beverly Carelene Thrasher Feb 18, Mrs. Showing 1 to 20 of results. Please try again later, or re-subscribe. Something went wrong There was an error verifying your email address. Sign up for one year of grief messages designed to offer hope and healing during difficult first year after a loss. Toney's life was a testament to dedication and service, having gallantly served Generations of Service Building a Stronger Community. Mary A. Henderson Main St. Prater Sr.

Community happenings.

This week:. Henderson Main St. She was united in marriage to Michael Mintz, who preceded his wife in death on October 27, He loved his work and he loved his customers. He was a member of Turkey Creek Baptist. On February 20, , we bid farewell to a beloved soul, Toney Dewayne Butler. Sue's union with Ralph Davis on February 24, was a HeartLight offers a variety of support groups, education, resources, and special programming related to grief and loss. Collins, who survives. Learn More ». In a ceremony of unity and love in May , she became the cherished companion of Connie H. He was a member Send Flowers. Bolivar Henderson Savannah Selmer Waynesboro

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