shapeoko pro

Shapeoko pro

The machine can handle various materials such as wood, plastic, and select metals. It ensures high machining accuracy with top-quality shapeoko pro and includes features like Shapeoko Pro BitSetter for easy tool changes, shapeoko pro, the Sweepy 65mm V2 dust boot system, and a Hybrid T-slot table for versatile workholding options.

Track My Order. Frequently Asked Questions. International Shipping Info. Send Email. This product has shipping restrictions, so it might have limited shipping options or cannot be shipped to the following countries:. In order to keep our catalog full and to continually expand our selection, SparkFun has partnered with several companies to ship a select list of our products.

Shapeoko pro

All other Brands are subject to the Manufacturers Guarantee. Returns, defective items, and product issues should be resolved with the Manufacturer do send these items back to HVT. Non-Defective returns are limited to 60 days. We hate backorders too. Backordered items will be released and shipped automatically as soon as they are available. For credit card orders, backordered items will not be charged to your card until the item ships. Backordered items will be shipped with no additional shipping charge in the contiguous USA. See Options Below. Shop with Confidence. Shapeoko 4 Pro CNC Router is a quality CNC router that comes with everything you need to accurately cut wood, plastic, and aluminum so you can turn your workbench into a business. Inductive Homing Switches No moving parts and no contact mean these switches are more durable in even the roughest environments. New Electronics A shop is a difficult place for precision equipment but our new V3 electronics are more resistant to electromagnetic interference and static discharge than ever. Integrated T-slot Table The Hybrid Table on Shapeoko 4 gives you almost unlimited workholding options right out of the box. Fully-Supported Y Extrusions Our extrusions have always been overbuilt, even for a much bigger machine, but the Y extrusions are now fully supported by the Hybrid Table, making Shapeoko 4 a much more rigid machine than anything we've ever made before. You'll never want to go back to a machine without it.

If this item arrives damaged or is not functioning properly, please do not hesitate shapeoko pro contact us to see if further actions may be taken.

Shapeoko Pro is a CNC router that can run all day long. It's a great choice for anyone who wants to make a living with their CNC machine or who wants to push their machine to the limit. Linear rails provide greater rigidity than the V-wheels used on the Shapeoko 4 so you can push Shapeoko Pro harder for more productivity. No moving parts and no contact mean these switches are more durable in even the roughest environments. A shop is a difficult place for precision equipment but our new V3 electronics are more resistant to electromagnetic interference and static discharge than ever.

Shapeoko Pro is a CNC router that can run all day long. It's a great choice for anyone who wants to make a living with their CNC machine or who wants to push their machine to the limit. Linear rails provide greater rigidity than the V-wheels used on the Shapeoko 4 so you can push Shapeoko Pro harder for more productivity. No moving parts and no contact mean these switches are more durable in even the roughest environments. A shop is a difficult place for precision equipment but our new V3 electronics are more resistant to electromagnetic interference and static discharge than ever. The Hybrid Table on Shapeoko Pro gives you almost unlimited workholding options right out of the box. Our extrusions have always been overbuilt, even for a much bigger machine, but the Y extrusions are now fully supported by the Hybrid Table, making Shapeoko Pro a much more rigid machine than anything we've ever made before. The BitSetter makes tool changes a breeze. You'll never want to go back to a machine without it.

Shapeoko pro

Unless you have a forklift, and are willing to spend twice as much, Shapeoko is the most capable CNC router you can get. It's the perfect blend of size, speed, and power to make it a great fit for your shop. That's as fast as we feel comfortable shipping from a safety point of view. All of our spindle options turn at least 24, RPM allowing you to cut quickly, even with smaller cutters. Both options are powerful enough to cut wood, plastic, or aluminum. Shapeoko is built on top of our Hybrid Table , a rigid machine base that gives the entire machine a solid foundation. The Hybrid Table is made from custom aluminum extrusions designed by Carbide 3D. It fully supports the Y rails along their entire length to minimize flexing. Our motion system is built off of these fully-supported rails so you'll get cleaner, more productive cuts. Shapeoko 5 Pro and Shapeoko HDM use ballscrews and linear rails to provide the highest accuracy, repeatability, and rigidity we can.


It was built to run all day, every day, giving you maximum productivity and profit. Shapeoko Pro uses our Z-Plus Z-axis assembly that's leadscrew-driven with heavy-duty linear bearings. Shapeoko takes hours to assemble. Shapeoko Routers. Power cord US as Default Choose a selection See more here. The final product will be cosmetically different. All of the noise comes from the spindle a trim router and the shop vacuum. Engraving Use our engraving bits to mark tiny details into plastic and metal parts. Note: We have an order limit of 5 per customer on this product. Non-Defective returns are limited to 60 days.

The machine can handle various materials such as wood, plastic, and select metals.

Comments 0 Reviews 0 Comments Looking for answers to technical questions? Shopping Cart 0 items. Non-Defective returns are limited to 60 days. Shapeoko 5 Pro can cut brass but it will cut slower than wood, plastic and aluminum so you'll need to take your time with it. Shapeoko Pro has everything you've come to love from Shapeoko, plus:. Workholding Shapeoko 5 Pro is based on our Hybrid Table that includes T-slot workholding and a set of clamps to go with it. Drag Engraving Drag engraving, using our McEtcher , is a great way to add detail to stone, ceramics, hard plastic, and anodized aluminum. Fully-supported Y extrusions Our extrusions have always been overbuilt, even for a much bigger machine, but the Y extrusions are now fully supported by the Hybrid Table, making Shapeoko Pro a much more rigid machine than anything we've ever made before. Items ordered may be delivered at different dates Items ordered may be delivered in different packaging SparkFun will continue to handle all support and returns for these items Have other questions? Description Includes Features Documents This product is expected to ship within 7 business days of your order date.

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