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Share the Dignity was born last year, after reading an article in Mamma Mia on a crisis concerning homeless women and women who are in refuge after fleeing domestic violence, share the dignity facebook. Many women are forced to choose between food for themselves and their children, or sanitary items when they have their period.

By Alyssa Ho Join Me. This year I'm celebrating my birthday a little bit differently to make it one to remember! Changing the lives of many women and girls. I'm swapping gifts for donations to help fund Dignity Vending Machines. These are a world first innovation that provides free and dignified access to period products.

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Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to women, girls, and anyone who menstruates who needs support. Why do we work with them? The loans. Our staff have assisted in donating to collection drives and campaigns which are delivered to various charities across Australia. What have we achieved? Some loans. With the support of loans. You can find more about Share the Dignity below:. Share the Dignity. Share the Dignity Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. Meet our team: Carole. Get to know one of our team members, Carole. Meet our partners: Rochelle. Get to know Rochelle from Share the Dignity.

For Christmasconsider putting money away each fortnight into a separate bank account Your real share the dignity facebook agent will still direct debit your rental payment, your electricity company will still want your quarterly bill paid and your telco company will still demand your BPay payment on a set day of the month.


Our work directly benefits those in crisis experiencing period poverty. Share the Dignity is a women's charity in Australia, that works to make a real difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. We distribute period products to women, girls, and anyone who menstruates who needs support. When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period. We assist those in need by collecting hundreds of thousands of period products each year through collection drives and campaigns.

Share the dignity facebook

Take a look at our FAQ's page here before you fill out our contact form. The answer you're looking for might be on there! Help us spread love to more people who need our help by sharing your story. We'd love to hear from you. For media enquiries only please email comms sharethedignity. Our Dignity Drives happen every March and August. Collection points are at all Woolworths stores nationwide and select businesses. We collect all period products and incontinence aids including pads, tampons, menstrual cups and period undies. ItsInTheBag is Share the Dignity's annual event where we encourage every day Australians to donate a bag to someone in need for Christmas.

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Share the Dignity Instagram. We survive on the goodwill of compassionate volunteers and the caring women who support our twice yearly sanitary collection drives each April and August, or attend our various events through the year. Time to pick-up last-minute gifts and prepare for celebrations with family and friends. Christmas is a special time of year but it can be especially hard on those who are less fortunate or alone. As an option, suggest that everyone bring a salad or a packet of sausages to cook on the public BBQ at your local park. Many women are forced to choose between food for themselves and their children, or sanitary items when they have their period. Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. There will be less people around, which means you may feel less stressed and rushed Melissa Love your work, Alyssa! Choose solar Christmas lights over electric When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period. At Christmas we had the idea to do collections of "it's in the bag", whereby women were asked to donate a preloved hand bag and fill it with life's necessities and some of life's luxuries, in addition to sanitary items. Take advantage of the extended Christmas shopping hours.

We are collecting period products this March to help those experiencing period poverty.

Get to know one of our team members, Carole. They distribute period products to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia. Connect with us. Christmas Lunch Christmas is a special time of year but it can be especially hard on those who are less fortunate or alone. Leave a Message Optional. Wrapping paper can be expensive. Only 7 Days until Christmas! Zane Ibrahim. Meet our partners: Rochelle. Frances Hill You are an inspiring and beautiful person Alyssa. As most supermarkets are closed on Christmas Day, pay them a visit the night before right before they close to see what food has been discounted. Consider baking cookies or making a Christmas pudding as alternative to buying someone a Christmas present.

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