Shogun 2 general
The General is a type of sword or bow cavalry in Total War: Shogun 2. The duty of this loyal samurai bodyguard is to protect their general from harm, shogun 2 general, whatever the risk to their own lives. A general oversees a battle and provides an inspiring shogun 2 general to men whose courage is beginning to falter. His loyal bodyguards consider death in the line of duty to be the greatest thing a warrior can hope to achieve.
Daimyos are the Head of the Family and unless you have a lot of sons to take over this position, it is best to just let him sit at his home castle and drink tea. Stack your one or two fighting Generals with max. I always have 3 units of Yari Cav. Then it is mop up time with all 4 horse units to reduce the survivors to the lowest number possible. A couple of Yari Samurai on either flank of the battle line will handle the opposition cavalry so they don't perform an end-around on your General.
Shogun 2 general
It might be using a similar system to rome and medieval, you got your family generals, and if you have an army without a general and in his place have lets say a captain, depending on how well he does and how many times he fights, you might get a request to recruit him to your clan. It seems to me that our general can defect, so I don't see why can't we bribe the enemies' general to join us. General recruiting is based on either family members coming of age or if you have a captain just an army with no general who wins battles and does well, you get the option to recruit him for Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Total War: Shogun 2 Recruiting more generals. Ceath 12 years ago 1.
Don't have an account? These can be allocated to various skills that improve their combat ability, leadership skills, or influence on the world map. Positioning an army in front of a bridge, in shogun 2 general narrow mountain pass - anywhere that movement is restricted - enables that army to block other armies or agents from using that route.
Generals are used to command armies and fleets in battle. Their command rating influences the effectiveness with which their army or fleet fights. When a force does not have a general one of the other units is assigned as the command unit. The command unit does not become a general's bodyguard, its unit type stays the same. In these cases the army fights with a severe disadvantage, as there is no-one to rally or inspire the troops, although the command unit does provide a small morale bonus. A successful battle fought without a general may result in the commander being offered for promotion to general. A general's loyalty to his daimyo , if low, can lead him to defect to an enemy clan.
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Shogun 2 general
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. I have never used either of these. What are the benefits?
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Qirn [author] 15 Apr, am. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 20 of Left-click to select an army and then right-click to move it to any part of the highlighted area - this is the extent of its movement capability during a single turn. The Takeda Clan , despite having bonuses to cavalry, do not gain bonuses to the generals bodyguard. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. Levels aka "stars" gives bonus to melee, defence, accuracy, morale to all units. A successful battle fought without a general may result in the commander being offered for promotion to general. March 25, , PM 2. Trait: Bloodthirsty. However, the Oda starting Daimyo begins play with the Impolite trait. If this is indeed the behavior, I believe this was an oversight by CA or a limitation of the modifiers available via the scripting. The "Fertile" and "Fecund" traits are two exceptions. On the other hand, generals that invest their skill points in leadership improve the combat capabilities of the men under his leadership, but remain relatively vulnerable in direct combat. Sign In Create an Account Cancel. It is only visible to you.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam.
HittMaster You can always edit the effects of the trait itself to zero. Browse More Questions. Store Page. Some clan starts such as the Oda can consistently get this trait because of the starting rebels and neighboring enemies who will enter and attack your starting province. Trait: Drunkard. It seems to me that our general can defect, so I don't see why can't we bribe the enemies' general to join us. Originally Posted by arras. It gives you no chance of winning the prize. This means that your generals may acquire certain traits which are only supposed to be provided on character creation if they are wounded during assassination attempts throughout the course of your campaign. I wish we had optioin to turn off aging. Damn, that's ambitious.
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