skylanders worth money

Skylanders worth money

Alvin Goodley June 28, Entertainment.

Prices for all Skylanders Figures. Prices are updated daily based upon Skylanders listings that sold on eBay and our marketplace. Read our methodology. Average loose price for all licensed, non-variant games for Skylanders Compare vs. Premium: Download Price List. Search Prices Collection Market. Best Matches.

Skylanders worth money

And there's good reason, too. Given the limited supplies of these variant editions, collectors are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money for them. Today, people are asking more than that for just one figure. How are the other rare figures selling? We rounded up the latest confirmed sales for some of the more popular variants available. If you have any rare figures, list them in the comments section below and we'll do our best to figure out what they are worth! More second-hand listings have appeared in recent years, driving its price down. It wasn't sold in stores, and was only handed out to Activision employees and people associated with the product. Next up The Value of Gold and Purple.

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Author: Evan Butler Skylander figurines come in all different shapes and colors but they are not all worth the same. Which Skylander figures are the rarest and the most expensive? No public sales have occurred at this time. In , before Skylanders launched, Activision sent figures to different media people to hype the release. Each figure had a sticker asking the person to bring the figure to E3 in and try the game.

Author: Evan Butler Skylander figurines come in all different shapes and colors but they are not all worth the same. Which Skylander figures are the rarest and the most expensive? No public sales have occurred at this time. In , before Skylanders launched, Activision sent figures to different media people to hype the release. Each figure had a sticker asking the person to bring the figure to E3 in and try the game.

Skylanders worth money

Alvin Goodley June 28, Entertainment. Skylanders, which was based on the Spyro the Dragon series from the s, first came out in and quickly became a popular series. This popularity was fueled by the Skylanders figures, which are similar to the Nintendo Amiibo, and give players access to certain characters, items, and power ups in the Skylanders games.

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Twitter Tweet. Would have been worth alot. Quote: ZapNorris bury the remaining stock in new mexico. Will it be looked as a toy or a gaming related object? Anybody know Author: Evan Butler email or twitter account? Share Facebook Post. Does anyone have any info on that? Only 1, units of each figure were produced and released to various retailers. This is part of the newer wave of releases and for the time being they are more sought-after, driving prices up. Author: JJ Hendricks Labels: skylander , video game collecting , video game memorablia. Chrome Spyro was given out to E3 attendees, but no one really knows how many were available.

I have a tough time resisting the Skylanders figure's charm when I pass the toys at the store, and I'm not the only one.

They are relatively common but do fetch notable prices. Boomer - Silver. I don't no what the retail value of a red drill sergeant is but i have heard there are some out there. Only 1, units of each figure were produced and released to various retailers. Labels: skylander , video game collecting , video game memorablia. Now people are snapping them up, although they have almost no value still. Dino-Rang - Silver. Has anyone heard anything about the Granite Zook? Because of this, the final run of Skylanders figures for the Imaginators game have become some of the rarest Skylanders out there. My son has about 50 of these darn things, what do I do with them?

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