slice of bacon nutrition facts

Slice of bacon nutrition facts

Bacon is a good source of protein and contains nine of the essential amino acids, making it a complete source of protein.

Bacon nutrition facts are helpful to keep in mind so we can responsibly enjoy our favorite meaty treat. All nutritional information provided is an estimate, and will vary based on cooking methods and brands of bacon used. Please review our nutrition information disclaimer for further information, and talk to your healthcare professional for the best nutritional guidance. By the way, we love to cook bacon in the oven. Source: My Fitness Pal.

Slice of bacon nutrition facts

Bacon gets its unique flavor from pork, salt, fat, and sometimes added sugar. The meat is a popular choice and favorite because of its unbeatable taste. Most of the fat melts off when you cook and drain it by putting cooked bacon on a plate stacked with a few paper towels. Nitrates and nitrites are added to improve the shelf-life and appearance. Bacon in the U. Their bacon is taken from the back of the pig, making it taste more similar to ham. The following nutrition information is provided for 3 slices Bacon contains 0. Although bacon has no sugar, some brands add it for extra flavor. For example, bacon labeled as brown sugar or maple often has that added to it, which adds sugar content. There is no fiber in bacon.

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Register Sign In. My Fatsecret. Food database and calorie counter. Last updated: 21 Aug 07 AM. Calorie Breakdown:. Nutritional Summary: Cals.

Slice of bacon nutrition facts

Try FatSecret Mini. Home Foods Food List Bacon. Calories Other common serving sizes.

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Fat 3. It usually contains less fat than pork bacon. Here is a closer look at the potential benefits of bacon. Overconsumption could cause your blood vessels to narrow, possibly leading to critically high blood pressure. If you have a bacon allergy, it could be related to alpha-gal syndrome AGS , also called alpha-gal allergy or tick-bit meat allergy. Related Articles. According to My Food Data , two average slices of pan-fried bacon contain Suggestions or requests? Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Carbs 0.

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How to Prepare. For facts about specific brands, most bacon makers publish their bacon nutritional data on their websites and of course the information is required on their packaging. Food database and calorie counter. Plus, the fat in bacon may promote satiety. Source: My Fitness Pal. Food Search. It makes a suitable stand-in if you are on a plant-based diet. The fat in bacon is both saturated and unsaturated and one slice contains about 0. Learn about our Medical Review Board. Create profiles for personalised advertising.

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