

Woodford has everything you need when it comes time to install or repair an sliptube wall faucet, wall or even a yard hydrant, sliptube. Once you've determined which one of our freeze proof faucets best serves your needs, take a look at our instructional step-by-step video on how to install it, sliptube. Watco is the Choice of Professionals when looking for high-quality, innovative and useful bath drain products for your upcoming DIY or repair project.

John R. Homer, Shreveport, La. This invention has vto do with a device for'in'dieating the level of liquid in a pressure vessel, and for determining the gas-filled space 'above such liquid, commonly called outage space. It is particularly useful in determining the quantum and character of the contents of a tank containing liquefied petroleum gas fuels, such as butane and the like. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device. The iioat may leak, the gears become inaccurate, and 'foreign materials cause the magnetic Vneedle to stick, especially if the glass cover is broken.



The sliptube of the fuel determines the relative percentage of the outage spaceand liquid space. It is provided to.


John R. Homer, Shreveport, La. This invention has vto do with a device for'in'dieating the level of liquid in a pressure vessel, and for determining the gas-filled space 'above such liquid, commonly called outage space. It is particularly useful in determining the quantum and character of the contents of a tank containing liquefied petroleum gas fuels, such as butane and the like. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device. The iioat may leak, the gears become inaccurate, and 'foreign materials cause the magnetic Vneedle to stick, especially if the glass cover is broken. Another gage which gave trouble and frequently leaked is the old-fashioned slipetube gage; and as heretofore constructed it discharged too much fluid from the tank while it was being read; and there was no way to prevent occasional or continued leaks around the slip-tube itself, even though packing was used.


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Then he watches the discharge hole at the top of the gage until a thin stream of liquid appears, at which moment he cuts off the pump delivering fuel to the storage tank. More often the tank is charged to its maximum liquid capacity which is usually ninety per cent of the entire tank capacity. Woodford Videos Watco Videos. This valve has a pin I9 extending transversely through its body to form a handle for turning the valve. An operator could see it; but the break or inadvertence could be corrected before any d-amage at all could result or would result. The need for safety and accuracy has Vcaused its creation. Wood blocks or expensive stainless steel supports were the standard until MAPA Products introduced the first plastic based adjustable support for light to medium duty gas piping. The operation of 4this :gage vshould be selffrev-identirom the disclosures of this specicati'on and the drawings. Butane, the most commonly used of these somewhat similar fuels, is usually handled by allowing the relation ofninety per cent for liquid and ten per cent for gas. Tube I has a tubular extension The upper part of packing nut 8 is turned inwardly to form a rim I5, having therein one or more slots I a, so that dogs I6 carriedby tube head II may be pressed downwardly through these slots and turned slightly to be engaged by the over-hanging rim I5, and thus lock the tube in place so that it cannot slip upwardly through the gage head 2. It is used to measure the depth of this outage space which is left in the tank for the accumulation of gases expanded from the liquid fuel.

March 20, H. In one aspect, it relates to apparatus for gauging liquefied petroleum gas in transport truck tanks.

This usually occurs whenl the capY I2 has been removed from the gage and when valve I8 hasbeen opened and when the tube is elevated in its housing to gage the contents of the tank, as when the rtank is being refilled with fuel. One undesirable result of a completely filled tank was that when the liquid expanded it would be forced through the service line to the consuming appliances and cause the premises to catch tire. The liquefied petroleumV gases stored Y in the tank which carries this gage are quite volatile and usually exert considerable pressure. The drawings and the speciflcationset forth a preferred form of this invention; but modifications in structure and arrangement and relation of the parts of this gage may be made without departing from the spirit of this invention and still effect its objects. The outside threads II of the topmost extension of the head 2 are designed to carry sealing cap I2, which has alower finished face, Underneath this face and resting on the shoulder I3 of member 2 there is a ring of packing Iii, provided so that when the cap is screwed down fast it seals the head against the possibility of ,any escape to the atmosphere of any fluid as may appear therein, such as might be present if packing IEI were to leak. Screw valve I8 is rotated and unscrewed until hole 22 is exposed and allowed to communicate with the channel 23 in tube I. Because of these considerations the old style gage has always carried a somewhat larger channel than is required for reading and determining the contents of the tank. Immediately thereupon he restores the gage toits collapsed, closed, sealed and locked position. The iioat may leak, the gears become inaccurate, and 'foreign materials cause the magnetic Vneedle to stick, especially if the glass cover is broken. Through this orifice there will come just suii'icient fluid to allow accurate reading of the gage. Then the operator cuts off the puzmp and closes the iilling opening in the tank. The character of the fuel determines the relative percentage of the outage spaceand liquid space. A still further object is the provision of vthe minute safety orifice at the lowest end of the tube so that only an extremely small quantity of iiuid could pass out ofthe gage to the atmosphere even though the entire head of the gage exposed above the tank were completely broken off.

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