smithing calculator osrs

Smithing calculator osrs

Accuracy, speed, always up-to date results - guaranteed.

This calculator assumes you are on a Blast Furnace theme world and are using a coal bag and ice gloves. This calculator assumes you are spending 72, gp per hour on coffers and consuming 36 stamina doses i. Blast Furnace xp rates start from 18, xp per hour for Bronze bars and go up to , for Gold bars with Goldsmith's gloves. Blast Furnace xp per hour and bars per hour figures used in this calculator aim to be in line with suggested rates from the Wiki. Each tool is built with love, care and precision.

Smithing calculator osrs

Recent updates. Skeleton lantern Pumpkin lantern Spooky outfit Spookier outfit. Affiliates Requests Deletion requests Adminship requests. Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account? Current Wiki. Start a Wiki. Sign In Register. Sign in to edit. View history Talk 0. It does not take user inputs, but it does use changing prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

Blast Furnace xp rates start from 18, xp per hour for Bronze bars and go up tofor Gold bars with Goldsmith's gloves. Rune knife.

Old School Runescape Smithing Calculator This old school runescape smithing calculator will help you plan your way from smithing with various osrs smithing training methods. If you would like an in-depth guide for Smithing we recommend osrsguides' Smithing guide. Get Levels. Current Experience:. Target Experience:.

This calculator assumes you are on a Blast Furnace theme world and are using a coal bag and ice gloves. This calculator assumes you are spending 72, gp per hour on coffers and consuming 36 stamina doses i. Blast Furnace xp rates start from 18, xp per hour for Bronze bars and go up to , for Gold bars with Goldsmith's gloves. Blast Furnace xp per hour and bars per hour figures used in this calculator aim to be in line with suggested rates from the Wiki. Each tool is built with love, care and precision.

Smithing calculator osrs

New tools are constantly being developed and added. Calculate expected loot, profit, xp gains, time taken and more from birdhouse runs! Calculate damage-per-second, accuracy, max hit and more, based on different gear setups and stats! Calculate Smithing xp rates, supplies used, moulds, profit, gp per hour, rep gains, time taken and more! The Zalc-ulator has been released. Calculate loot, rewards, profit, banked xp, Smolcano pet chance and more! A new Tokkul calculator has been added to calculate how many runes you require to buy an uncut onyx and other rewards using Tokkul. A brand new calculator for the new Fishing skill boss, Tempoross, has been developed. Calculate loot, xp gains, profit, rewards, time taken and more! A new calculator for the Motherlode Mine has been developed.

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Steel claws. Godsword blade. Iron spit. Dragonfire shield. Adamant med helm. Target XP. Iron claws. Oil lantern frame. Bronze knife. If you would like an in-depth guide for Smithing we recommend osrsguides' Smithing guide. Rune longsword. Steel platebody. Adamant dart tip. Bronze arrowtips.

Use the navigation below to navigate to your preferred method and current level. Here are some items that will help you get more experience while training the Smithing skill or just make it easier. Recommended for: Blast Furnace.

Steel mace. Rune platebody. Adamant sq shield. Rune longsword. Steel scimitar. Lovakite bar. Rune knife. Affiliates Requests Deletion requests Adminship requests. Rune dagger. Steel hasta. Fantasy Old School RuneScape. Runite bar Blast Furnace. Rune sword. Mithril full helm.

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