Sml characters

General Aesop Amnesia : If the amount of times they've had to learn sml characters exact same lesson could be converted into finances, it'd easily be enough for Mario to not have to worry about his house payment anymore, sml characters. Awful Wedded Life : Marvin and Brooklyn Guy are both stuck in variations of this: for Marvin, not only does he have to put up with Rose constantly enabling Jeffy's behavior and generally not seeming to care all that much whenever he suffers, she also regularly threatens to leave him on a whim, sml characters.

The main characters are often split into two groups, with episodes usually including only those characters despite the fact that they all live in the same house , so characters in one group are rarely featured with those of the other. There have been a few crossovers, however, such as in The Fishing Trip! The two groups are defined as follows. SML Wiki Explore. Newest Jeffy and The Jeffmunks! Shrek's Endless Cheesecake! Chef Junior!

Sml characters


Cutting the crusts off his sandwich is enough to throw him into one. But "Joseph Moves In! He will sml characters you a mere ass beating.


These videos previously used plushies of various Nintendo characters from the Super Mario franchise, having adventures in the civilized world - though due to a cease-and-desist letter that was allegedly from Nintendo, the show currently consists only of human puppets. For more information about the channel and its history, see this page. To see full results of this poll, see here. If you have further questions or confusions, feel free to contact any admin or mod for assistance. SML Wiki Explore. Newest Jeffy and The Jeffmunks! Shrek's Endless Cheesecake! Chef Junior!

Sml characters

The gang's all here. Good man , Brooklyn T. The plots mainly focus on a variety of Super Mario Bros. For the most part, the episodes either focus on Mario and how terrible his life is , Jeffy and the utter havoc he wreaks, or Bowser Junior and the harebrained Zany Schemes he and his friends try to pull off. In February , Nintendo supposedly filed a cease and desist order against Logan for the usage of Mario characters in his videos. Because of this, the Mario characters were replaced by the human puppets introduced in , and the channel is simply known as SML now. On July 8 of the same year, the original Super Mario Logan channel was officially deleted, along with 13 years' worth of videos. However, many fans have put in the effort to archive the channel, and most videos have been reuploaded, with efforts to locate the last few missing ones underway.

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It doesn't help that most Jeffy episodes are more or less Mario torture porns. What Mario did to receive all of this was spank Jeffy for saying the word "faggot". He willingly played Russian Roulette once. In most cases, they function as a Satellite Character , with the few episodes centering on them amping up their negative traits. Stalker with a Crush : Mario's major flaw is that he is a creeper towards women, especially Princess Peach. Sanity Ball : He's sometimes shown to have a sane side in a couple videos, especially when he swears. Next, he gets mocked repeatedly about this. Nice Girl : If you look past the unhealthy amount of times she clutched the Jerkass Ball , then she tries to be nice to everyone, and is a lot more patient and caring around Jeffy than [[Butt Monkey Mario]]. Flanderization : In her first few appearances, she seemed to be addicted to seeing stars, and cries during the day when they're gone, but as of "The Pizza Delivery! The Time Machine! Obfuscating Disability : Three weeks after breaking his leg, he starts pretending about his leg still broken in an attempt to get more free things, despite a warning not to from Brooklyn T. Sometimes when he plays dinosaurs with his friends, he will give them one tiny dinosaur to pit against his many bigger ones. Fortunately, it's just Brooklyn Guy in a disguise alive and well, and Joseph is left unaware of this. No matter how many times it bites him in the ass, Junior never learns to think before he acts.

The main characters are often split into two groups, with episodes usually including only those characters despite the fact that they all live in the same house , so characters in one group are rarely featured with those of the other. There have been a few crossovers, however, such as in The Fishing Trip! The two groups are defined as follows.

It doesn't help that most Jeffy episodes are more or less Mario torture porns. Black Yoshi's In Trouble! Older Than They Look : Despite looking like a young child, Jeffy is actually a young adult, being 19 years old as of August Adaptational Dumbass : The Junior from the games is capable of piloting mechs and commanding entire fleets. For example, Jeffy calling a prostitute in "Jeffy's Cellphone! Him always leaving when something goes wrong , thus having little to do with the videos does nothing to help his character. Satellite Character : Though she has her own personality and there are some things established about her, she only appeares in videos alongside Jeffy and Mario, not having any meaningful relationships outside of being Mario's girlfriend and Jeffy's surrogate mother. Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling : He and his unnamed sister are seen as the responsible siblings to their sister Stacy's foolish sibling. Butt-Monkey : Seems to have the worst luck of the three; unless the episode is about Junior suffering Laser-Guided Karma. More specifically, cards of the Poliwag line , which is pretty much confirmed to be his favourite Pokemon note Logan himself has noted that his favorite Pokemon is Poliwhirl, also from the Poliwag line. Would Hurt a Child : In some episodes, Chef Pee Pee tries to either beat up, choke or strangle Junior whenever the latter makes his day miserable. For example, whenever Bully Bill verbally taunts him or even called him a retard , he responds with a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.

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