solaine thornton

Solaine thornton

By Madeleine Ross. The devastated family of an year-old who was gunned down by an angry neighbour had just received their passports for a trip to the UK to visit relatives. Solaine Thornton, solaine thornton, 11, was killed by a single shot as her family enjoyed a barbecue last Saturday evening in the sleepy Brittany hamlet of Saint-Herbot, solaine thornton Quimper.

A MUM screamed as she cradled her dying daughter, 11, after she had been shot while playing on the swings with her sister. Solaine Thornton was gunned down by reclusive neighbour Dirk Raats who also shot her parents Adrian, 52, and Rachael, Raats appeared in court charged with murder and attempted murder after he opened fire on the family as they had a barbecue on Saturday. The pensioner - described as a local recluse - had been locked in a bitter feud with the family as he raged over noise and the trimming back of hedges and trees. The well-liked family were relaxing in their garden in the tiny hamlet of Saint-Herbot, France , on Saturday, when Raats opened fire with a rifle. Pierre Leroy, a neighbour and family friend, revealed the heartbreaking scenes as he was alerted to the attack by the screams of Solaine's sister Celeste.

Solaine thornton

By David Jones. Further down the garden, where the fire had burned, some half-eaten cobs of toasted corn are strewn on the grass. There is an empty packet of chocolate fingers, a discarded beer can, and a plastic goblet — still holding dregs of red wine — marked Glass Reserved for Mummy. It seems like a film set. The sight that caused me to catch my breath, as I gazed at this eerily frozen tableau this week, was that of a makeshift swing swaying in the breeze. British girl Solaine Thornton, 11, was shot dead as she played on swings in Brittany by an elderly neighbour 'on drugs' who wounded her parents, investigators say. Solaine was shot dead while playing on a swing in her garden in the village of Saint-Herbot. Solaine died in the arms of her mother, Rachel, who appears to have carried her to a grassy hollow and tried to shield her, despite being hit in the neck and back. Adrian, who is 52, was shot in the head. For Adrian the prognosis is less certain. However, Mrs Rhodes says he has emerged from a coma and gestured to family members, who have travelled from Oldham, Greater Manchester, to lend their support. The Daily Mail is the first newspaper to have inspected the scene of the macabre barbecue at close quarters. This French army veteran was born and raised in Saint-Herbot, the bijou Breton village where the shooting happened, and educated in the former schoolhouse where the gunman, Dirk Raats, a reclusive year-old originally from Belgium, lived with his wife, Marlene van Hoof. Moments before the shooting, Mr Madec had been outside, chatting amiably to Adrian and Rachel.

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The suspect held over the fatal shooting of an year-old British girl in France is under investigation for murder, prosecutors say. Solaine Thornton was shot dead while playing on a swing in her garden on Saturday evening. Prosecutors said Dirk Raats, a year-old neighbour, got to within 10m of the girl's father before opening fire through a hedge. He had been in conflict with the family over building work on their property. Mr Raats then shut himself in his house in the village of Saint-Herbot, north of Quimper in Brittany, following the incident but gave himself up to police an hour later. His wife, who was also arrested, surrendered half an hour after he did, but she has since been released.

The suspect held over the fatal shooting of an year-old British girl in France is under investigation for murder, prosecutors say. Solaine Thornton was shot dead while playing on a swing in her garden on Saturday evening. Prosecutors said Dirk Raats, a year-old neighbour, got to within 10m of the girl's father before opening fire through a hedge. He had been in conflict with the family over building work on their property. Mr Raats then shut himself in his house in the village of Saint-Herbot, north of Quimper in Brittany, following the incident but gave himself up to police an hour later.

Solaine thornton

News World. Dirk Raats, 71, spoke briefly on Monday evening as he was formally charged with the murder of Solaine Thornton, 11, and the attempted murders of Adrian and Rachael Thornton, 52 and 49 respectively. The Dutch national is accused of aiming a volley of shots at the family, who are originally from the Manchester area, as they enjoyed a barbecue on Saturday. Raats was taken from a secure police station for a minute appearance before a judge at Brest Criminal Court. The court heard that Raats had worked as a photographer, shepherd and career for the handicapped before retiring to France some five years ago. Raats was remanded in custody following the charges, and could spend the rest of his life in prison if found guilty at trial. Five killed in Gaza as aid package 'hits people on ground'. Meet the fitness influencer defying stereotypes about ageing.

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Read our privacy notice. This French army veteran was born and raised in Saint-Herbot, the bijou Breton village where the shooting happened, and educated in the former schoolhouse where the gunman, Dirk Raats, a reclusive year-old originally from Belgium, lived with his wife, Marlene van Hoof. British Medical Association's industrial action While his wife worked in social services and his two children attended local schools, Adrian, a mechanic, spent a lot of time working on his plot of land. A German neighbour, whose property also abuts that of Raats, suspects he may have needed privacy not because he was socially awkward but because he was using the old schoolhouse to cultivate cannabis. No one can understand how that could have happened. To donate to the family's appeal to pay for funeral costs and medical bills, click here. Want an ad-free experience? Two outbuildings - one which blocked the road from the view of the couple's house and another along the back line of Thorntons' property - also appear to have been knocked down. The two plots are well delimited. Residents in the village of Saint-Herbot described Solaine's eight-year-old younger sister Celeste shouting: "My sister is dead, my sister is dead". Read more: Police looking into car wash fight stumble into double murder scene - with woman arrested in Stoke. The Thorntons had lived in the property — a converted sawmill close to Saint-Herbot chapel — for around five years.

An year-old British girl was shot dead as she played on swings in the garden of her family home in a village in western France on Saturday. The Thornton family, who have lived in the village for about five years, were enjoying a barbecue in their garden and the girls were playing on swings at about 10pm on Saturday when a man appeared with a gun and fired several shots.

Scottish Sun. British Medical Association's industrial action After some negotiation with police, he gave himself up and was arrested, along with his wife. I don't believe it for a moment. Solaine Thornton, 11, was playing on a swing in the garden of her family home in Brittany when a neighbour allegedly stormed in and opened fire. Locals say that the English family were well-liked. First look at exceptional new London properties for sale in She added: "There was a problem with the land around their properties, and with noise pollution — it started from there. Read more: British mother 'screamed as she cradled dying Solaine in her arms' after Dutch neighbour who 'wanted to kill the entire family' opened fire following long-running dispute in French hamlet. Residents in the village of Saint-Herbot described Solaine's eight-year-old younger sister Celeste shouting: "My sister is dead, my sister is dead".

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