sophie marceau young

Sophie marceau young

She grew up in the suburbs of Paris and showed an interest in acting from a young age. Marceau attended drama lessons as sophie marceau young child and began auditioning for acting roles in her early teens.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Sophie Marceau Actress Director Writer. Play trailer A Woman She grew up far from the studio spotlights.

Sophie marceau young

Marceau has appeared on more than magazine covers worldwide and been the face of numerous luxury brands. In February , Marceau and her mother came across a model agency looking for teenagers. Marceau had photos taken at the agency, but did not think anything would come of it. La Boum was a hit film, with 4,, tickets sold in France. In , at age 16, Marceau bought back her contract with Gaumont for one million French francs. In , she starred in Pacific Palisades and La note bleue , her third film directed by her companion. That year, she returned to the theatre as Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion. Marceau achieved international recognition in playing the role of Princess Isabelle in Mel Gibson 's Braveheart. That year, she was part of an ensemble of international actors in the French film Beyond the Clouds , directed by Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders. In , Marceau teamed up again with her then-partner Andrzej Zulawski to film Fidelity , playing the role of a talented photographer who takes a job at a scandal-mongering tabloid and becomes romantically involved with an eccentric children's book publisher. In , she teamed up with Monica Bellucci in Don't Look Back about the mysterious connection between two women who have never met. In , Marceau played a successful business executive forced to confront her unhappy childhood in With Love In , Marceau played a something career woman who falls in love with a young jazz musician in Happiness Never Comes Alone. She was selected to be on the jury for the main competition section of the Cannes Film Festival. In , Marceau published the semi-autobiographical novel, Menteuse the English translation, Telling Lies , was published in

She grew up far from the studio spotlights.


Post a Comment. Sophie Marceau first found fame when she was plucked from obscurity by director Claude Pinoteau to star in his teen comedy La Boum. The sudden switch from working class schoolgirl to silver screen siren must have come as a shock to the aspiring starlet, but Sophie has never been one to shy away from a challenge. She tasted controversy at the tender age of 18 when she fell in love with the French-Polish director Andrzej Zulawski. I guess I was spoiled, starting young, but I think if people are interested in working with you they'll find you.

Sophie marceau young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Mini Bio. She grew up far from the studio spotlights. When she was 14 she was living in the Paris suburb of Gentilly with her father. She learned from friends that director Claude Pinoteau was looking for new faces for a movie about teenagers called The Party She auditioned for the role, got it, and the film was a success.

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She was elected Romantic actress for Chouans! Marceau is a classically trained cellist , as seen in the film Lost and Found. Photos AgoraVox in French. Vincent Zulawski. Le Matin in French. Retrieved 21 April Princess Isabelle. November 17 , Paris, France. Belphegor, Phantom of the Louvre. Official Trailer. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Categories: Celebrities Cinema World. The young beauty Sophie Marceau seems to be sending us on a journey through time.

Known for:. Awards for Sophie Marceau. Happiness Never Comes Alone 6. France Happiness Never Comes Alone. Retrieved 7 October Sophie Marceau Actress Director Writer. The Independent. Le Matin in French. Archived from the original on 11 July I Love America.

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