soul wars cape osrs

Soul wars cape osrs

We started talking about Soul Wars way back in March, with insight into a behind-the-scenes experiment to bring elements of RuneScape to Old School.

Quick find code: Quick find code: Back to Top. This thread is for discussing the latest game update new post that you can find here. Aug Any content is good content. For Soul Wars can we recieve the Herbicide instead of the Ectoplasmator for a reward?

Soul wars cape osrs

Soul Wars is a team-based game. Before joining a team, it is strongly recommend that you speak to Nomad , who will teach you about the game. There is a bank chest just north of Nomad should you need to change out your equipment or bank items. You will be fighting other players with any combat style, so bring appropriate equipment. Note : You are not allowed to have a cape equipped in-game. To join a team, enter either the red or blue team's waiting room. If you do not know which team to select, you may enter the green balancing portal in the center and you will automatically join one of the two teams. Soul Wars requires team cooperation, operating with different roles, to succeed as a whole. To play the game you can work on lowering the level of the enemy Avatar, keeping your Avatar alive, or trying to capture key points. If one role is lacking, the entire team will suffer. Once a game has started, you will appear near your team's Avatar. In the area next to it, you can find an equipment area where you can stock up on the following items, which will aid you in the game. To win the game you must kill your opponents Avatar. Whether you are able depends on your Slayer level. The Avatar's level, shown in the top right menu equals the minimum Slayer level required to harm the Avatar.

Additionally, players who die will appear there as ghosts and must wait for 15 seconds before leaving using one of the three different exit points.


Soul Wars was released to OSRS on January 6th, , following a poll vote in which the majority of the player base approved. The rewards in Soul Wars make it an appealing minigame for players. Most soul wars players are there for the XP. Soul Wars was commonly used on pre-eoc Runescape accounts without any other stats to get 99 hitpoints. Also, try this as well: osrs raids 3 release. It is very easy to get to Soul Wars. Using the minigame teleport to Soul Wars is the easiest way to get there.

Soul wars cape osrs

This can make Soul Wars an alternative, free method to train prayer. Or it can help you work on a pure PK build. Back in pre-eoc Runescape, Soul Wars was often used to get 99 hitpoints on a fresh Runescape account with no other stats. These measures were put in place because Soul Wars used to be a pretty heavily botted event in pre-eoc. Getting to Soul Wars is very easy. The easiest way to get there is to use the minigame teleport to Soul Wars. To do so, head over to your quest menu and choose minigame the red logo , look through the list for Soul Wars and teleport there, easy! Another way you can get to Soul Wars is by going through the portal which is located in Edgeville, just West of the Grand Exchange. Soul Wars is a fairly easy and straightforward minigame that holds a lot of similarities with Castle Wars.

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The Soul Obelisk in the centre of the Soul Wars battlefield. If our other attempts to ensure team balance isn't effective then we'll reconsider. Above: Blue team. Soul Wars requires team cooperation, operating with different roles, to succeed as a whole. Wyvern bones 16 , Babydragon bones 23 , Wolf bones , Big bones 60 , Dragon bones 11 , Dagannoth Bones , Bones , Ogre coffin keys 42 , Dagannoth hides 5 , Evil turnips 7 , Carved evil turnips , Kyatt fur , Larupia Fur , Graahk fur 5 , Marigolds , Unicorn horns 22 , Vampire dust , Thin snails 20 , Proboscis 12 , Desert goat horns 6 , Coins 20K gp , Green dragonhides 10 , Potato cacti , Bagged plants 1 20 , White berries 14 , Flowers 9 , and Snake hide We'd like to thank you for all of the feedback. Finish the game to be rewarded with Zeal and Zeal tokens, which can be used to purchase rewards. You sent us a lot of Castle Wars suggestions, and here's what we'll be offering this time around. All players begin the game in their team graveyard. We've edited the blog to reflect a decrease in the set effect of Swampbark. In the original Soul Wars there was only one exit point for the team graveyard. Should we add a Games Zone to the Grand Exchange and various pubs across Gielinor, as described in the blog? Repair the ruined Flamtaer temple.


If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums. Your Defence level is now 2. At present the Asyn shades occupy a large mostly empty area. Aug Talk to Nomad. Minigame World Restrictions. The Soul Obelisk in the centre of the Soul Wars battlefield. Prayer can be used to block damage from their attacks. Be sure to keep your activity bar up. Alternatively, you can use a minigame teleport or a second portal in Ferox' Enclave. Blue teams - your avatar is the Avatar of Creation!

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