sour solution 2 soundtrack

Sour solution 2 soundtrack

At this time our filmmaker Lomar was on his freewheeling art phase sleeping semi homeless in couches across Barcelona.

For the past two years the Sour team have been working on a new video. He gives me a virtual tour of the new HQ, which is located just by the Poble-sec metro stop there in Barcelona. As Sami walks into the back with his phone someone shouts:. Gustav proceeds to take out his VX and twist off the fisheye. Sami finally decides to put the phone down on the table and prop it up. Josef Scott Jatta, backside Smith grind, Vic. Beers are getting cracked.

Sour solution 2 soundtrack


I ask Gustav if this video will be a full-length, longer than his promo and the Cinematographer edit. Josef Scott Jatta, backside Smith grind, Vic. We were completely broke and all the make was fake.


At this time our filmmaker Lomar was on his freewheeling art phase sleeping semi homeless in couches across Barcelona. Everyone was nicely lost with their lives. The boys were skating heavy. The life was not easy, but it was pretty funny in all its broken confusion. Bjorn had had this Sour idea simmering for some years and suddenly it was time to make some ballsy mad moves fuelled with blue eyed northern naivety. We dug a dirt cheap hole into a cockroach infested Poble Sec wall to make up our first office. The infamous cave.

Sour solution 2 soundtrack


Cha cha dance steps

I think cops showed up and confiscated an og bench stolen from Parallel. Fabien Ponsero. Close search. Oscar described it as disorganised but I would say organised chaos, as somehow they always make it happen in the end. At this time our filmmaker Lomar was on his freewheeling art phase sleeping semi homeless in couches across Barcelona. Sami finally decides to put the phone down on the table and prop it up. He gives me a virtual tour of the new HQ, which is located just by the Poble-sec metro stop there in Barcelona. There was no air. Helena St. This is gonna sound really bullshit.


He says the boys went back home more for this one. People are just going to skate. Once we found out how annoyed Oscar was with it we had to fill all the glasses up to the brim with wine. Was a total surprise addition by Lomar. Sami finally decides to put the phone down on the table and prop it up. We were completely broke and all the make was fake. At the same time we were scratching our heads to make some graphics and apparel and ways to produce it all and learning along the way from our mistakes and triumphs. And a video he made. Everyone was nicely lost with their lives. Photography by Gerard Riera unless stated Interview by Will Harmon For the past two years the Sour team have been working on a new video. Company wise the creativity and madness was hitting new highs. I ask one last time if there have been any interesting stories from the making of this video. Nisse Ingemarsson, frontside kickflip to switch crooked grind, Barcelona. But the love and the support was out there.

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