south indian rape

South indian rape

Actor and producer Dileep, south indian rape, 55, is accused of arranging the abduction and sexual assault of an actress inwhile Franco Mulakkal, 57, the former bishop of the Jalandhar diocese in the northern state of Punjab, is at the centre of allegations that he raped a nun 13 times. The alleged victim in the first case is an actress who south indian rape in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Rape of women by men has occurred throughout recorded history and across cultures and religions. It is a crime against basic human right and a most common crime against women in India. In this article, rape is discussed from legal and mental health perspective. Law Commission Reports related to rape and the psychological impacts of rape have been discussed.

South indian rape

I contend that recent filmmakers have begun to arguably reframe the narratives of rape victim-survivors and disrupting the cultural of silence described above. They offer progressive and multi-faceted representations of these experiences, such that there is an opportunity for a dialogue within both private and public spheres. Instead, their characterisation shows that they have agency and autonomy, but at the same time struggle with the repercussions of speaking out against their perpetrators in a society that does not support them wholly. Shrivastava, N. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this work for both commercial and non-commercial purposes , subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. Shandilya, Dutta and Sircar convey the notion that rape discourses in the Indian public privilege certain narratives — such as the Nirbhaya gang-rape case — in the mainstream media and popular culture. While they are correct in pointing out that the narratives of rape survivor-victims who exist are silenced, I would further add that their analysis demonstrates that by the proliferation of the Nirbhaya rape case in the national and international mediascapes, there is a problematic circulation of the notion that rapists and perpetrators primarily belong to the downtrodden, economically disadvantaged and less educated classes. Here, we see the culture of silence manifest on mainstream media channels where urban, upper and middle-class rapists and paedophiles are protected from being held responsible for their crimes. In turn, the rape victim-survivors are re-traumatised again after the incident. Often, family members persuade and coax them to remain quiet, and, if they choose to speak up, they blame them for bringing dishonour and shame to the family.

Often, family members persuade and coax them to remain quiet, and, if they choose to speak up, they blame them for bringing dishonour and shame to the family.

Police in India said Tuesday they have now arrested eight people in connection with assault and gang rape of two Spanish travel bloggers late last week in eastern Jharkhand state. Police said the two looked as though they had been assaulted. When they were taken to a local hospital, the wife told the doctor she had been raped. Three people were initially arrested Saturday, and, at a news conference Monday, police announced they had arrested five more men in connection with the incident. Police Superintendent Pitamber Singh Kherawer told reporters police had taken confessions from the men and were preparing charges.

The woman in the Instagram video appeared shaken. Her face was swollen and bruised. Sitting beside her husband, she began recounting her ordeal. Her husband then said: "We were assaulted in the tent. We were beaten. They put a knife to our necks and she was raped by seven guys. In the video that has since been deleted, the woman said the assault on her and her Spanish partner — both travel bloggers — took place in a forest late Friday in eastern Jharkhand state's Dumka district in India where they were camping on their way to neighbouring Nepal. The couple, who had been documenting their trip for more than , followers on an Instagram account, were found by a police patrol van which took them to a hospital, where the woman told the doctor she had been raped.

South indian rape

For the first time since her abduction and assault in , South Indian actress Bhavana Menon took to her social media to open up about her trauma. The journey from being a victim to becoming a survivor. In , the actress was allegedly assaulted in a moving vehicle by a gang of men. Actor Dileep is one of the accused in the case and has been named as the alleged mastermind behind the attack, which was orchestrated to settle personal scores. The incident played a catalyst in the formation of the Women In Cinema Collective, an organisation to protect female actors in the Malayalam film industry, through which Menon had issued statements in the past.

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Human rights: A feminist perspective. India's winter of discontent: Some feminist dilemmas in the wake of a rape. Zinck, Zinck , P. Indian man on bail for rape must wash women's clothes for six months. Being reminded of her earlier days in the city, Rani takes pity and re-hires Ayesha. And despite the physical nature of the act constituting the crime, much of the harm is psychological or emotional in nature. The actor reported that both her former driver as well as current driver were involved. Supreme court norms on rape trial not being followed strictly: Experts. Two rape trials stir controversy in south Indian state of Kerala. Unlike other violent crimes, most incidents go unreported despite evidence suggesting that the rate of sexual assault is on the increase. Recall of childhood neglect and physical abuse as differential predictors of current psychological functioning. Back to the top. Moses DC. Sex has been treated as obligatory in a marriage.

Her face was swollen and bruised. Sitting beside her husband, she began recounting her ordeal. She said seven men held knives to their throats and took turns sexually assaulting her.

Barnes TD. Violence Vict. Once again, unlike the typical rape-revenge devices that have been used previously, here again the rape victim faces the society and her perpetrator. Experts suggest the actual figure is likely much higher due to the stigma connected with the crime as well as a lack of faith in police. Eventually, Veera shares her decision to leave her family and start a new life working a regular job and leading an independent life where she, rather than her family or society, dictates the course of her life. In this pivotal scene, Rani openly asks Shai to share it with her if boys at a party had touched her inappropriately. New Delhi: Zubaan; When they were taken to a local hospital, the wife told the doctor she had been raped. Human Rights Watch. Who has access to resources and privilege to speak out? In a Jan 19 social media campaign, hundreds of women posted handwritten letters of support with the hashtag WithTheNuns and Avalkoppam or "with her" in Malayalam. I was scared of what else he might do.

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