space marine chapter organization

Space marine chapter organization

An Ultramarines company of Firstborn Space Marines formed up for battle.

The Space Marine Chapter is the largest commonly-used organizational unit of Space Marines , nominally consisting of a thousand Marines, give or take. As of the 41st Millennium, there are approximately one thousand Space Marine Chapters operating in the Imperium of Man , so there are nominally about 1,, Space Marines running about. That's roughly double the current number of active US military personnel or half that of China spread out across an entire galaxy. Each Chapter is descended, in one way or another, from the twenty original Space Marine Legions founded to wage the Great Crusade -- in fact, the term "Chapter" began as one of several names for a roughly thousand-strong division of Marines, as a thousand Marines was few enough to be logistically manageable while numerous enough to handle almost any situation, especially with the assistance of their Imperial Army regiments. It says something about the sheer manpower of these armies that large portions of the Legion were often benched during a campaign. The Horus Heresy proved that having a quarter of a million Marines and billions of Guardsmen under the command of one corruptible individual was too dangerous, so Roboute Guilliman who also originally had a quarter of a million of Marines and millions of Guardsmen under his command , with the grudging assistance of the surviving loyalist Primarchs , instituted the Codex Astartes reforms, where the remaining loyalist Legions were divided into Chapters of no more than a thousand Marines. This event was known as the Second Founding , with the creation of the twenty original Legions being retroactively designated the First Founding.

Space marine chapter organization

A Chapter is a completely autonomous military unit made up of one thousand transhuman warriors known as Space Marines and their related vehicles, starships and support personnel. Each Chapter serves collectively with the others of its kind as part of the Imperium of Man 's Adeptus Astartes. Every Chapter is entirely autonomous from every other adepta of the Imperium, including the Inquisition , and takes its orders only from the High Lords of Terra themselves. Most Chapters have feudal title to an entire planet of the Imperium which serves as its Chapter homeworld or to a large fleet of powerful and massive starships that serves as a mobile headquarters if the Chapter is fleet-based. The Codex Astartes details the proper organisational structure and mobilisation methods for a Space Marine Chapter. The Codex has been adopted by the vast majority of Space Marine Chapters as their organisational blueprint. It is believed that there are about 1, Chapters of Space Marines operating throughout the galaxy at any one time, though this number can fluctuate greatly as time and circumstances determine. During the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium, the Space Marines were originally organised into 20 Legions each of which was further divided into companies. The XIII Legion , the Ultramarines, led by Roboute Guilliman, became the largest of all the Astartes Legions as a result of Guilliman's tactical mastery and a steady flow of new recruits from the Realm of Ultramar as well as the terrible losses suffered by other Legions such as the Dark Angels during the Rangdan Xenocides. The Ultramarines became so large, growing to a size that included over , Astartes, that a new, larger unit of division, the chapter, was created to better organise the XIII Legion's forces. This form of organisation was also adopted by many of the other Legions of comparable size. These chapters, alternatively designated as great companies, harrows, millennials, etc. At the time of the outbreak of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium, the Ultramarines Legion was divided into twenty Chapters, each composed of ten companies, with each company composed of roughly one thousand Astartes.

Start a Wiki. Most such Veterans have served as Sergeants elsewhere in their Chapter -- sometimes for Terran centuries -- before being accepted into the 1st Company, but a notable few are elevated space marine chapter organization performing singular acts of insane heroism.

The Codex Astartes describes the organisation, tactical operation and countless other aspects of Space Marine doctrine. Subjects as diverse as religious instruction and strategic supply are all covered in great detail within its thousands of holopages. Over the following pages we will look at the origins of this ancient tome and also how it states a Space Marine Chapter should be organised. Of the original twenty Primarchs, Horus was the greatest and most beloved of the Emperor and so was appointed his Warmaster. Little did the Emperor know that Horus really served a darker master. Their plan was a foul and devious one.

An Ultramarines company of Firstborn Space Marines formed up for battle. A company is one of the standard organisational units within a Space Marine Chapter , normally comprised of Astartes led by an officer with the rank of captain. It is the largest of such formations within a Chapter, and a single company of Astartes is still a potent force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, fully able to engage and destroy the enemies of Mankind without any external support. A Space Marine Legion was a frontline force of shock-infantry comprising tens of thousands of Astartes warriors armed and equipped with the finest wargear the Imperium could supply. A Space Marine Legion, unlike the 1,warrior Chapters of the present-day Adeptus Astartes created after the Second Founding , could number anywhere from 10, to more than , Space Marines. The Legions were massive armies, and the size of each could vary tremendously. A precise, pre-set formation was never truly achieved or maintained. Even during the Great Crusade some Legions were very large, while others were not. The size of each Legion was fluid, with the numbers of combat-ready Astartes dependent on the number of new recruits, the inevitable battle-losses, the availability of potential recruits, and the administrative skills of the Legion's primarch and his officers.

Space marine chapter organization

Alex Evans. Published: Jan 4, The power-armored super-soldiers of the Adeptus Astartes are a perpetual favourite on the tabletop, supported by a vast range of miniatures. This guide explains everything you could possibly need to know about them. There are flavors of Space Marine to suit every palette, so much so that we have a whole separate guide to the Space Marine chapters and legions. More than any of the other Warhammer 40k factions , Space Marines take the centre spotlight, whether in the lore-rich Horus Heresy book series , or the hundreds of distinct models backed up by rules in their Warhammer 40k codex army list. Space Marines — also known as the Adeptus Astartes — are surgically enhanced, mentally indoctrinated super-soldiers, who wield the most powerful arms and armor available to the Imperium of Man. Each Space Marine begins life as a human adolescent, and is selected to enter a chapter through a series of gruelling trials. Some are additional organs, like the third lung and second heart, while others alter their metabolism and enable the other implants to function.

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Forum Index » 40K Background. Establishing new Astartes Chapters on an individual basis is nigh impossible--the mobilisation of such vast resources is beyond the ability of any single segment of the Imperium. Greg Chiasson - June 29, These additional squads are reassigned from the Reserve Companies. Mantic Games announces new Halo tabletop game. A Chapter's other armoured vehicles form a pool, maintained by the Armoury, that Captains can draw upon. The newly created High Lords established the organisation of the Imperium that remains familiar to this day. Their launch decks, meanwhile, house squadron after squadron of fightercraft and gunships ready to swarm out and defend their parent craft or support ground forces in battle. Many are noncombatants of advanced years whose roles are to recruit and train new members or administrate the Chapter. DogWelder Posted November 3, The 10th Company of a traditional Space Marine Chapter is the Scout Company composed of Space Marine Neophytes who are being exposed to actual combat for the first time. These individuals are known as the Headquarters staff and they may be assigned to fight with a Company in battle. The Close Support Squads include:.

In the fictional universe of Warhammer 40, , the Space Marines , also known as the Adeptus Astartes , are superhuman warrior-monks who fight for the Imperium of Man.

So they don't have to have a special relationship, because the ship crews simply are active duty line marines. By operating deep within hostile territory, Scouts reconnoitre the enemy's movements, set ambushes, sabotage supply lines and destroy communications centres in daring commando raids. This is the most mobile Company and is often used wherever a strong hand-to-hand fighting force is needed. The Adeptus Terra has never decreed it necessary to enforce the Codex absolutely. Circumstance, rather than design. Vanguard Space Marines are reconnaissance and infiltration experts, equipped to operate alone in enemy territory for extended periods of time and intensively trained in shadow warfare tactics and sabotage techniques. The gene-seed of the Traitor Legions was placed under a time-locked stasis seal, although at the time many believed these dangerous gene stocks should be destroyed. When the Progenoids are fully developed, they are extracted from the original test-slave and then implanted into another two test-slaves, producing four Progenoids, and so on. Fantasy Sci-fi. Others were an eclectic mix based on the varied requirements of different campaigns and the will of their Primarch Horus. Chapter Masters may select an Honour Guard that are in addition to the company roll, although not all Chapter Masters choose to do so. One chapter would bear the name of its original legion and retain its heraldry, and home world, while the others would take new names and find new worlds to draw from, spreading out across the Imperium to better protect it from threats far and wide. The Codex Astartes details the proper organisational structure and mobilisation methods for a Space Marine Chapter. In all likelihood some of the Chapters created during the Second Founding have since been destroyed leaving no record of their deeds. Companies 6 and 7 are Tactical Companies, each consisting of ten Tactical squads.

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