spanking sketches

Spanking sketches

A collaborative project to collect information on Spanking in Arts, Movies spanking sketches Literature. This wiki, started on May 8,has currently 4, articles and 7, images.

Photoshop has just celebrated its 20 th anniversary! In this website spanking is dealt with as an erotic practice. Practiced by aware and free adults. This website is against each form of punishment, institutional or domestic, practiced on children or minors or on people who are not aware. Ancient Rome Rama caput mundi " The hard life of slaves " some drawings are in low resolution Living in the past " The hard life of the common people " Authority was always imposed.

Spanking sketches

Here is some more spanking art for you, most of it with captions. I like these kinds of spanking art pieces as they tell a sort of mini story in just one frame. The rest is left up to our imaginations!! That is a good thing as we spankos have pretty vivid imaginations. Anyways, onto the spanking art for today!! Hope you enjoy!! As you might know about me, I really enjoy witnessed spankings or voyeur spankings. There is just something exciting to me to imagine myself in the position of a witness, whether a secret witness or not. Anyways, since this last picture does not have a caption, I want to challenge my readers to submit caption suggestions in the comments down below. Cheers folks!! Wow that was odd. Anyway, just wanted to say excellent blog! Like Like.

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Posted by Jason Gilbert A quick update for you!! The art is by Collegeboy!! So a huge thank you to him for this amazing art!! And also a huge thank you to Drooaygah for letting me know who the artist was for these drawings!! Posted by Jason Gilbert I liked this piece of spanking art enough to share it as a standalone feature!! The best part about the image and the caption is… Continue reading Lying is Bad — Never too old to get spanked.

Then I want to spend time focusing on my personal ideas that I hope will still be enjoyed by those who like what I've been slooowly producing I will announce if I'm open to commissions again. If you don't like this stuff, please browse elsewhere!!! Otherwise, I hope you have fun looking at my art I also write spanking-related fiction at my AO3 link above. I'll invent my own characters here and there, but existing characters offer me plenty of inspiration! These are some teasers of my artworks. I hope you like them.

Spanking sketches

Commissions OPEN!!! SpyxFamily: Anya and Becky. SabrinaSpanking on DeviantArt. Private school spanking Arima Kana 2. Praxiteles12 on DeviantArt. Punishment time. Briar Patch Commission Let's Make Sure. Sidney Prescott Wedgie Caption 2.

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Posted by Jason Gilbert A quick update for you!! The secret world of women Sometimes very hard. In this website spanking is dealt with as an erotic practice. Punishments are used wherever a person or institution has authority to watch over other people's behavior and enforce rules and regulations, for example in jurisdiction , in the military , in parenting and in educational institutions. As you might know about me, I really enjoy witnessed spankings or voyeur spankings. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection! Previous post. Category : About Spanking Art. Nice picture only problem is that is not ME being spanked Like Like. Not quite sure how! Servants and Maids " The hard life of maids " the perverse pleasure of dominating I like these kinds of spanking art pieces as they tell a sort of mini story in just one frame. Subscribe Subscribed. It puts the wrongdoer in a state of physical, emotional, financial or otherwise discomfort.

Hello again my friends!! I wanted to highlight an excellent website that has been around for many years. There is lots to discover on Handprints.

Posted by Jason Gilbert I liked this piece of spanking art enough to share it as a standalone feature!! That is a good thing as we spankos have pretty vivid imaginations. Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection! Before Photoshop was invented Please note: This wiki contains non-pornographic nudity, sexuality related material and links to external adult websites. This website is against each form of punishment, institutional or domestic, practiced on children or minors or on people who are not aware. Previous post. Next post. Loading Comments Loading pages takes long and sometimes server timeouts happen. I will display the pictures and give you a brief outline of the story I have in mind for each and I would like… Continue reading Spanking Art — Inspiration for next story — Need your feedback. And also a huge thank you to Drooaygah for letting me know who the artist was for these drawings!! Posted by Jason Gilbert Here is some more spanking art for you, most of it with captions. Log in now.

3 thoughts on “Spanking sketches

  1. On mine the theme is rather interesting. I suggest all to take part in discussion more actively.

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