stannis and renly baratheon

Stannis and renly baratheon

Following the deposition of House Targaryenand subsequent ascension of his eldest brother, Roberthe was granted the title of Lord Paramount of the Stormlandsstannis and renly baratheon his youth. He also served as Master of Laws on Robert's Small Councilbut abandoned the latter position when laying claim to the Iron Throne upon Robert's death. Renly is the third and youngest son of Steffon and Cassana Baratheon.

His death resulted in a fight over the throne that involved Joffrey Baratheon being named king, despite not being a true Baratheon, and Robert's brothers, Stannis and Renly, each naming themselves as the true heirs. In the end, these would-be kings all died and House Baratheon dwindled almost out of existence. How could such a powerful house decline so quickly? There were many mistakes made by the Baratheons along the way and many things they could have done better to win the game of thrones. In order to win the Iron Throne in the first place, Robert had to make some deals with people he didn't necessarily like.

Stannis and renly baratheon

It was the direct result of the failed parley between claimants to the Iron Throne , Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon , the brothers of Robert Baratheon. They both know Robert's official heir, Joffrey Baratheon , is not actually Robert's son, but a bastard born of incest between Cersei and Jaime. Stannis, from his seat on the island of Dragonstone , claims the throne as Robert's legitimate heir by right of birth, with the sole support of the lords of the Narrow Sea, houses sworn to Dragonstone. Knowing his numbers were vastly inferior, Stannis sets sail to Storm's End to demand the allegiance of his younger brother and the Stormlords. Renly, however, refuses to bend the knee , citing the vastly superior numbers of his army and the fact that no lord wants Stannis as King. Catelyn , who had been sent by King Robb Stark to discuss an alliance between Houses Stark and Baratheon against House Lannister and King Joffrey, attempts to make peace between the brothers and reminds them of their common foe, but is unheeded by both would-be kings. Stannis coldly reminds Catelyn that her husband supported his claim to the throne, even at the cost of his own life. Stannis gives him until the night to consider his decision, adding that if Renly does not come to him by sunrise, he will be destroyed. Stannis orders Davos to smuggle Melisandre to a seaside cove nearby Renly's camp. Despite his misgivings, Davos does as ordered and smuggles Melisandre aboard a small rowboat. The pair finds the cove to be barred by a metal gate. However, Melisandre is not cowed by the obstacle and merely removes her robe to reveal her pregnant belly to a horrified Davos. She quickly gives birth to a shadowy, human-like immaterial creature with an appearance similar to that of Stannis, that vanishes soon after leaving Melisandre's womb. That same night, as Renly's men prepared for the inevitable battle, he holds another meeting with Catelyn to discuss the terms of his alliance with Robb inside his tent. Renly offers to accept Robb styling himself King in the North, ruling over all lands north of the Neck , as long as he swears loyalty to him.

From this point on, Brienne would be forever loyal to Renly. When Margaery enters he warns her that he may have drunk too much.

Martin , and its television adaptation Game of Thrones. He served as master of laws in his eldest brother's small council, before crowning himself king in the wake of Robert's death with the support of the Reach and the Stormlands , an act that helps kick off the War of Five Kings. This brings him into conflict with his older brother Stannis, whose claim is greater. Renly's homosexual relationship with Loras Tyrell is alluded to in the books and is made clearly evident in the television show. Both men are among Martin's most prominent LGBTQ characters, although Renly and Loras' adapted relationship and the show's portrayal of the latter has received mixed criticism. He is thought to look extremely similar to his older brother Robert, albeit smaller and slimmer, inheriting the Baratheon height and long black hair.

Following the deposition of House Targaryen , and subsequent ascension of his eldest brother, Robert , he was granted the title of Lord Paramount of the Stormlands , despite his youth. He also served as Master of Laws on Robert's Small Council , but abandoned the latter position when laying claim to the Iron Throne upon Robert's death. Renly is the third and youngest son of Steffon and Cassana Baratheon. Renly has two older brothers Robert and Stannis. Their parents died when the boys were young and Robert inherited his father's titles. He made Renly the Lord of Storm's End following his victory. Renly was only a child during the civil war, so he did not fight. At some point, Selwyn Tarth held a ball on Tarth in hopes of arranging a match for his daughter, Brienne.

Stannis and renly baratheon

On account of the revelation of Robert's supposed children's true parentage, Stannis declares himself the rightful King after Robert's death as his rightful heir, and begins a campaign to take the Iron Throne. After assassinating his younger brother Renly using bloodmagic , due to Renly also having claimed the throne despite being the youngest brother, Stannis almost succeeds in taking King's Landing at the Battle of the Blackwater , but is ultimately repelled by the armies of Tywin Lannister and House Tyrell. As his wars drag on, Stannis falls further and further under the sway of the red priestess Melisandre. With conditions growing desperate, Stannis ultimately chooses to burn his daughter, Shireen Baratheon , to melt the snows away and clear his path to Winterfell. He is defeated in the battle in the ice by Ramsay Bolton 's army, much of Stannis's own army having deserted following the burning of Shireen. Stannis is shortly thereafter found wounded by Brienne of Tarth , once Kingsguard to Renly, who kills him for the murder of his younger brother. Steffon died when the boys were young and Robert inherited his titles. Stannis is a serious and severe man.

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Renly greets Eddard Stark , whom he knew when younger, upon his arrival at King's Landing. Before the Battle of Oxcross , two Lannister sentries argue who is the greatest swordsman in Westeros. Tell me something, do you still believe good soldiers make good kings? Stannis counters that he would expect her to support his claim as Eddard did. She smiles and says that he can be open with her and should save his lies for court because he will need a lot of them. Son Died in infancy. As Robert lays dying Renly suggests to Eddard that they take Joffrey prisoner and hold him hostage to neutralize House Lannister and allow Renly to seize the throne. Loras interrupts to ask if Robb has marched against Tywin Lannister yet. With inspiration from his lover Loras Tyrell , however, Renly arrogantly flouted the line of succession and declared himself king ahead of Stannis after Robert died. Episode 2. With Stannis away from King's Landing, Renly took his chance to name himself as the rightful heir and tried to convince Ned Stark to back him. He also seals an alliance with the powerful House Tyrell and its bannermen including Randyll Tarly, father of Samwell Tarly by marrying Margaery Tyrell. Robert was known as a great warrior who led a rebellion that overthrew the Targaryens and won himself the Iron Throne. A Game of Thrones. Renly was only a child during the civil war, so he did not fight.


She reaches for his crotch and he blames the wine for his lack of arousal. Renly undresses his lover and notes his badly bruised chest before kissing the marks. Season 1 1. Voyager Books. Renly serves on Robert's council as Master of Laws. Loras stops him and complains about Brienne's appointment to the Kingsguard being a further humiliation after she bested him in the tournament. He agitates her for failing to protect Renly but quickly apologizes upon gauging her reaction. The circumstances of this assassination were transferred to Renly's death in the TV series adaptation. Bastards Deceased. So was Robert! They'd have never got him off it. Jaime then proceeds to make cruel japes at Brienne for loving Renly whose "proclivities were the worst kept secret at court. A Dance of Dragons 5. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, there are two separate assassinations and two shadows carrying them out.

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