Star hunters 40k

They are infamous for their acts of piracy, which involve attacking spacecrafts of various races, as well as worlds, and salvaging abandoned facilities, bases, Star hunters 40k Hulks and even battlefields. They also attack the bases of various races, primarily humans, Orks, Eldar and Tau.

But that is as nothing to the peril you face if you cannot see us, and all you can hear is our laughter. Known and feared throughout the Imperium of Man for their highly mobile way of war, the White Scars are considered the masters of the lightning strike and hit-and-run attack and are particularly adapted to the use of the Astartes Assault Bike as their mechanical steeds and their forces contain an unusually large number of Bike Squads compared to other Chapters. Bearing the ritual scars of bravery, these fierce warriors fight with all the tribal savagery that define the fierce steppe nomads of their homeworld Mundus Planus , known to them as Chogoris , bringing swift death to all of the enemies of the Imperium. Recruited from the most savage nomad tribes of the Feral World of Chogoris, the White Scars fight in the manner of the nomad warriors of the steppes. Mounting lightning assaults utilising the fastest of vehicles, the White Scars descend upon their foes in an unstoppable torrent, their hearts filled with savage joy and the battle cry "For the Emperor and the Khan! The Primarch of the White Scars was the mighty Jaghatai Khan , the first and only warrior to have risen to such power that he could unite every one of the wild tribes of the Chogorian steppes into a single body.

Star hunters 40k


So it was, as the Great Crusade progressed, that each Legion fleet slowly took on the character of its master through an endless programme of refits, retrofits and base modifications. The White Scars vessels took on new trajectories and moved in perfect concert, star hunters 40k, suddenly leaping from semi-committed holding patterns into star hunters 40k single attack vector. These warriors he trusted to spread his teaching and to lead by example, to stand as his champions among the V th Legion as it went to war in his name.


It took part in the final days of the Badab War and the final assault upon the Astral Claws ' homeworld of Badab Primaris , helping bring the war to a successful conclusion. Created during the so-called "Sentinel" Founding, the Star Phantoms was one of several Chapters whose mission was to take and hold various xenos -contested regions on the very borders of the Emperor 's domains. Many of the Chapter's earliest campaigns were waged against now-extinct xenos monstrosities, and the Star Phantoms frequently operated on their own and far from the support of other Imperial institutions. This situation is often cited as the main reason for the Chapter's somewhat isolationist outlook, though others have advanced the notion that the cause is rooted in the Star Phantoms' genetic heritage. Some Imperial scholars suspect that the Star Phantoms were created from the gene-seed of the Dark Angels , which, if true, would be unusual, not only because the Astartes of the Chapter do not suffer from any known mutations , but because the Dark Angels' gene stock is rarely utilised by the Adeptus Mechanicus for new Foundings. The Dark Angels themselves deny the lineage, while the Star Phantoms regard any such enquiries as impertinent. The Star Phantoms display a peculiarly idiosyncratic Chapter cult. The Chapter's rites and traditions focus on death and martyrdom, the fallen being revered over and above the living. Symbols of death and mourning are used as Chapter iconography, the Chapter symbol itself featuring a sand-timer surmounted by two death's heads.

Star hunters 40k

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In those earliest days, the Legion numbered only a few hundred warriors, and often operated in small cadres of less than a dozen. A bolt of lightning in clear skies, a sudden gale from an unexpected quarter -- the White Scars Legion was war's sudden and merciless slaughter. Severely outnumbered by their foe, these tactics, intimately familiar to the Chogorian initiates of Jaghatai's inner circle, were best suited to make the most of the White Scars' native ferocity and war-honed skills. Despite the ire caused by their insular nature, few could doubt the ability of these warriors, who soon gathered a measure of acceptance within the grand armies of Unification for their fortitude and shrewd intelligence. Everything had changed so quickly, garbled in a flurry of contradictory astropathy and secure comm-bursts: Russ of the Space Wolves had gone rogue; or the Warmaster had, taking several Legions with him; the White Scars were ordered to reinforce the Alpha Legion at the Alaxxes Nebula ; Ferrus Manus had killed the peacock Fulgrim ; Mars and the Mechanicum was in open revolt against the Emperor. On the open fields of the Empty Quarter that day, more than 50, warriors took up blades in forms beyond count and cut a mark upon the flesh of their own faces, each gauging the depth and pattern of the wound to mark their loyalty. The clansmen of the Thulean Basin had survived in the frozen salt-wastes of the north for centuries, fiercely independent and stoic but with a deep well of inventive cunning. Roving far and wide, it was these warriors of the V th Legion who charted the course of the Emperor's rise, surviving where few others could have, running ahead of the massed armies of Unification and seeking out the enemies in its path. The cities were destroyed and their armies set to the sword, until finally, all of Chogoris belonged to the tribes of the steppes. This article, Star Hunters, is still being written. It was hunting, and in a way that he understood: cavalry charges across open spaces, going up against prey that had no concept of capitulation or self-pity. That same night, his Legion razed the unnamed city to ruin. It died upon his blade, but the explosion of aetheric force unleashed was very nearly his end too.

The Star Hunters were a team of outcasts led by the soldier of fortune, Donovan Flint. The only way to end their exile from Earth is to find the origin of man in the universe. The Star Hunters were infected by the Corporation controlling Earth with a virus which would cause their genes to mutate if they set foot on the planet again without receiving an antidote which the Corporation would only give to them on completion of their mission - to learn the true origins of man.

They valued courtesy and forthright honesty over protocol and rigid adherence to rules ill-suited for the battlefield, but did not fail to punish those who transgressed the rules they set themselves. It was how their Stormseers had become so powerful. M30, a lonely, arid world spinward of the Morpheus Rift. Were it not for the sudden discovery of the lost Primarch of the V th Legion, an event unlooked for after fifty Terran years of searching, the Legion might have fought on to extinction. The Khan of Khans wedded those genetic ties to the culture of Chogoris, making this the glue to unify his Legion. Once free of the broken earth they swayed through the air jerkily, lurching as though blind and famished. As the two vanguards closed to within Lance-range, for the first time the White Scars noticed incoming Vox -requests from the enemy on the sensorium array, and ignored them. The White Scars arrived at Terra in time to stand before the Traitors, though countless of their number gave their lives to thwart he who would undo the great work of the Master of Mankind. They believed this inherent Imperial Truth , just as they were meant to. Please do not edit this article without their explicit permission. The starships of the White Scars fleet soon reached their Mandeville Points and translated without delay into Warpspace, their destination unknown.

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