star trek voyager borg seven of nine

Star trek voyager borg seven of nine

Introduced as a member of the Borg collective in Star Trek: VoyagerSeven has transformed from the drone who wanted nothing to do with Starfleet to the second in command who is willing to risk it all for her crew. Seven has had a multitude of titles in her life so far.

At first, Seven found her transition back to humanity difficult, but with the help of Janeway and her crew, Seven eventually made her home on Voyager. Since Seven had lost her entire childhood to the Borg Collective, Captain Janeway served as a mentor for her, helping her relearn how to be human. With her skin-tight unitards and obvious attractiveness, part of the reason Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine was added to the Voyager cast was to appeal to male viewers. Despite this, Seven became a fully realized three-dimensional character who was not defined by her appearance or the outfits she wore. She proved to be an inspired addition to the cast after the departure of Jennifer Lien's Kes, and she appeared in one hundred episodes across four seasons of Voyager. Her parents were exobiologists who followed the Borg into the Delta Quadrant to study them. Although Seven's father had developed a shield to hide their ship from the Borg, an ion storm caused it to malfunction and the Borg found them.

Star trek voyager borg seven of nine

Since her introduction in Star Trek: Voyager season 4, Seven of Nine has become one of Star Trek's most beloved and important characters. Not only did she offer more insight into the nature of the Borg, but she also went on a beautiful journey to rediscover her own humanity. Seven of Nine's name comes up on a list of four ex-Starfleet officers who remain unaccounted for and need to be escorted back to Earth. This means that Starfleet currently does not know Seven's whereabouts, even though it has only been a couple of years since Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant. By season 4 of Lower Decks , a couple more years have passed, but Seven is still figuring out her place in the Alpha Quadrant. Seven had spent far more time as part of the Borg Collective than she ever did as a human, making her transition back to human life particularly difficult. Despite protests from Janeway, Seven's Starfleet application was rejected due to her Borg past. Since Starfleet does not know Seven's whereabouts during Lower Decks , she must have already been rejected by Starfleet, left Earth, and possibly joined the Fenris Rangers. The Fenris Rangers are a group many refer to as vigilantes who attempt to keep peace along the edges of the Romulan Neutral Zone. Seven was still working with the Fenris Rangers by the time of Star Trek: Picard season 1, but during Lower Decks , she would have been new to the peacekeeping group. Sometime around , fellow former Borg drone Lt. Seven viewed Icheb like a son in many ways, and she was devastated when he was later fatally injured by Bjayzl Necar Zadegan , a Borg parts broker, in Star Trek: Picard season 1. Seven vowed to avenge Icheb by killing Bjayzl, but it wasn't until that she accomplished that goal while aiding Admiral Jean-Luc Picard Patrick Stewart. Seven then traveled to the derelict Borg cube referred to as the Artifact to save the former Borg drones there from the Romulans. Seven was then sent back in time with Picard, Raffi, and the crew, where she helped to restore the proper version of the future.

Episode 3.

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of Picard and the continuations of Discovery , Lower Decks , Prodigy and Strange New Worlds , the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming , as well as other postth Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. She was assimilated , along with her parents, in , but was later liberated by the crew of the USS Voyager in In the following years she began to reclaim her humanity, but still preferred to go by her Borg designation rather than her given name. She eventually returned to Earth aboard Voyager in Because her parents moved frequently because of their work, Annika spent a great deal of time with her aunts, Irene Hansen and Helen , on Earth.

Picard reintroduced Icheb, one of the Borg children who Voyager rescued from a drifting cube, for one shocking scene. Icheb had not appeared in Star Trek since Voyager returned home, and Picard 's focus on former Borg like Seven of Nine and Hugh provided the perfect opportunity to show Icheb's fate. But while Seven of Nine and Icheb are back in the picture, the other ex-Borg children are still missing from the story and with Picard 's increasing focus on former Borg in the new series, they could still play into the story. The Borg children were introduced in Voyager when a virus infected a Borg cube, killing the adult drones and leaving it adrift with only assimilated children alive. Icheb was among several Borg children rescued by the Voyager crew: Mezoti, twins Azan and Rebi, and an unnamed baby. Somewhat inevitably, Seven of Nine served as an adoptive mother for Icheb and the other Borg children as they adjusted to life as liberated drones and she had an additional Borg child, One, created in a transporter accident.

Star trek voyager borg seven of nine

Seven of Nine , born Annika Hansen , was a Human female who lived during the latter half of the 24th century into the early 25th century. Twenty-four years later , Seven , as she was later known, was liberated from life as a Borg drone by the crew of the USS Voyager and joined the crew under Captain Janeway 's mentorship. She was critical in assisting the crew's return to the Alpha Quadrant in Seven was initially rejected by Starfleet for her Borg past, and chose instead to join the Fenris Rangers , helping instill justice in lawless and dangerous regions. Instrumental in the forging of a truce with a new Borg faction, she was given a field commission by Admiral Picard and joined Starfleet as a commander and first officer of the USS Titan -A.

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Janeway was not happy with Seven's conduct, and revoked most of her privileges until she proved trustworthy once again. She returned to Voyager and the enhancements were removed. The evolution of Seven of Nine was not quick. The game is set beyond the end of the original Voyager series, with the storyline placing Seven on board the USS Callisto as a science advisor to the Federation fleet which is returning to the Delta Quadrant. Chakotay was interested in the early history of space exploration, and jumped at the chance to retrieve the Ares IV command module from a graviton ellipse encountered by Voyager in At first she was reluctant to teach the drone about individuality and life on Voyager , but she eventually became attached to him, almost maternally. Tuvok also had a similar attitude towards Seven. Seven of Nine's name comes up on a list of four ex-Starfleet officers who remain unaccounted for and need to be escorted back to Earth. By mid , they had developed an enhanced warp drive and were closer to the Alpha Quadrant than the real Voyager. The transition back to Humanity was difficult for Seven of Nine. We get more into Seven's history later on in Season 4 in "The Raven," where Seven has flashbacks to her past, specifically the day the Borg assimilated her as a child. In Star Trek: Picard, Seven's character continues to evolve, ultimately becoming a Starfleet Commander and potentially the lead in a spinoff series. Janeway was severely injured, leaving her first officer , Commander Chakotay , in command. Seven, still with full Borg implants, was the leader of a group of Borg aboard Voyager who were sent to assault several Kyrians. During her time with the Borg, Seven became used to the billions of voices that made up the Collective.

Published Feb 7, Rediscover the ex-Borg before her return for the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard!

She was assimilated , along with her parents, in , but was later liberated by the crew of the USS Voyager in Seven began experiencing visions of a raven and flashbacks to the time she was assimilated. Bjayzl then began trying to talk Seven out of killing her, but Seven coldly cut her off with raised rifles and a bitter retort that Icheb had been a son to her. At this point, The Doctor found that he himself was falling in love with Seven, but refused to admit it to her. VOY : " Living Witness ". As a matter of fact, I read a couple of times and then I got the job. Her hairstyling usually took as long as that combined. Archived from the original on October 7, It was decided that Captain Kathryn Janeway needed a contrasting character, and so Seven of Nine was developed to fill this role. Genres: Animation, Adventure, Action. PIC : " Penance " Reuniting with the others aboard the CSS La Sirena , she travelled with them to the 21st century to correct the timeline, together with a captive Borg Queen that was scheduled for public execution by the Confederation. The Collective assigned Seven of Nine to work with Voyager to develop the weapon.

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