Star wars film ratings

Star Wars began as a single movie, which creator George Lucas winnowed down from a much larger storyline. Everyone thought it would bomb. Lucas simply hoped it would turn a profit.

What is the best Star Wars movie? Few topics are more debated amongst the fandom, ever since the original trilogy exploded with epic myth, parental plot twists and cuddly Ewoks. Screen Rant is here to settle the debate with a definitive Star Wars movie ranking. The nature of Star Wars is constantly changing, of course, which means this list will inevitably change as new audiences mature. Every generation of Star Wars viewers engaged with the franchise in a different way; some fell in love with the hero's journey of Luke Skywalker, others by the tragedy of Darth Vader, and the latest generation first engaged with Rey. Meanwhile, the nature of Star Wars - which hops around the timeline - means every movie shines fresh light on its predecessors, reinterpreting them.

Star wars film ratings

The Star Wars saga is the most iconic film franchise of all time. Everyone knows what Star Wars is. Little did George Lucas know that with the original Star Wars , he was jumpstarting not only a widely beloved feature film franchise, but also originating an entire universe that folks would pore over, debate, and expand upon for years to come. So with the new trilogy complete and additional Star Wars movies coming in the near future, I've put together my own personal ranking of each installment. As with any and all lists, this is subjective, but I've done my best to make my case for each position. So read on below as I rank every Star Wars movie thus far. It's a wonder The Clone Wars was so popular considering how odd and charmless this oddity is. And no, The Clone Wars didn't have the major negative impact on the entire franchise that the next entry does, but the complete mundanity of this exercise is somehow even worse. There's zero weight to the actions of these characters, and this feels more like a diversion for these characters than a story that serves any major purpose. Let's just keep the farts in the past though, shall we? Does it even matter what?

Its galaxy isn't just bigger but more creative, with a far better idea of what Lucas had in mind for his space saga. Not to be confused with Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars is the feature-length pilot for the animated series of the same name, which received a brief star wars film ratings run during the build-up to the show's premiere.

What happens when you throw canon out the window and decide what are the best Star Wars films. It's been a long time since EW last ranked the films of the Star Wars universe, and now that there has been enough time even a Sarlacc could digest the sequels and anthologies , we're revisiting and assessing every entry in the beloved franchise. The results? Time has been kind to the prequels, the sequels continue to be polarizing, and at least one project outside of the main theatrical releases has been elevated. No, it's not Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.

So to settle this dispute and bring peace to the galaxy, the IGN Movies Council convened to debate and vote on which of the live-action theatrical films are bantha poodoo and which have unlimited power. And now we present to you the results. You can check out our ranking by watching the video in the player above, flipping through the slideshow below, or keep scrolling to read it as an article. And a quick note: Yes, we know the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released as a theatrical movie in the months leading up to the debut of the TV series of the same name. But since the project was originally developed to be part of the show, we're leaving it off of this ranking. After four decades and eight episodes, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was supposed to bring the Skywalker Saga to a satisfying conclusion, but instead of going out with a bang, it ended with something more akin to that noise the Sarlacc pit made after eating a bounty hunter. But hey, at least Babu Frik. Yet what truly makes Episode IX a difficult watch is its lack of commitment to the events of The Last Jedi, and so we watch as the plot bends over backwards to rewrite Star Wars lore, rather than building off what came before to deliver fans a more fitting conclusion.

Star wars film ratings

PG min Action, Adventure, Fantasy. After the Rebels are overpowered by the Empire, Luke Skywalker begins his Jedi training with Yoda, while his friends are pursued across the galaxy by Darth Vader and bounty hunter Boba Fett. Luke Skywalker joins forces with a Jedi Knight, a cocky pilot, a Wookiee and two droids to save the galaxy from the Empire's world-destroying battle station, while also attempting to rescue Princess Leia from the mysterious Darth Vader. As a new threat to the galaxy rises, Rey, a desert scavenger, and Finn, an ex-stormtrooper, must join Han Solo and Chewbacca to search for the one hope of restoring peace. Director: J. The Star Wars saga continues as new heroes and galactic legends go on an epic adventure, unlocking mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.

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Just compare the plastic-y new Jabba to Return of the Jedi 's magnificently corpulent puppet. We honor them for existing, but we do not rank them. Pod racing is not cool, and pod racing will never be cool. He's lonely, first and foremost, and in Rey finds a kindred spirit. Writers Jonathan Kasdan , Lawrence Kasdan. The nature of Star Wars is constantly changing, of course, which means this list will inevitably change as new audiences mature. Many of these releases are divisive, with differing opinions particularly over Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The ending is totally convenient, with everything you wanted from the prequels rushed in a minute epilogue, yet that only makes this cyclical sense of finality all the more wrenching. Instead, Rebel agents led by a reluctant Jyn Erso scramble for their lives ahead of brutal Imperial onslaughts, following slim leads to pay that will ultimately claim their lives. The whole Resistance-First Order dynamic never quite makes sense; it's obvious that Abrams and his collaborators just wanted to give the Rebellion and the Empire new names. Victor Frankenstein. With it comes a strong vision for moving Star Wars into a post-Lucas environment, and even more so than The Force Awakens , The Last Jedi was a legacy movie that honored the original trilogy while bravely moving the story into a new era. So, why is it the best of the Star Wars prequels? His storytelling is distracted, dialogue lacks the required emotion, and there's an over-reliance on CGI that proves debilitating.

PG min Action, Adventure, Fantasy. After the Rebels are overpowered by the Empire, Luke Skywalker begins his Jedi training with Yoda, while his friends are pursued across the galaxy by Darth Vader and bounty hunter Boba Fett. The Star Wars saga continues as new heroes and galactic legends go on an epic adventure, unlocking mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.

Breaking space news, the latest updates on rocket launches, skywatching events and more! Victor Frankenstein, would blanch at that kind of grave robbing. It wasn't just Episode VII , it was the proper return of Star Wars following the prequels, and so every effort had to be made to rehabilitate the franchise. Release Date May 16, It took 40 years, but she and Leia finally merged. In attempting to make a film that caters to all Star Wars fans and ties up the loose ends in all the Skywalker Saga movies, J. Oddly enough, the meaning of Return of the Jedi has been twisted more than anything else over the years. Not to be confused with Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars is the feature-length pilot for the animated series of the same name, which received a brief theatrical run during the build-up to the show's premiere. Release Date May 19, Today, that's quite clearly not the case, because sadly the final chapter of the Star Wars original trilogy hasn't dated terribly well. Nevertheless, it is still a near-great science-fiction movie and - while behind-the-scenes stories and the Ewoks can be used as examples of early rot - that shouldn't serve as a takedown. The hardest call in this Star Wars ranking, since anything in the original trilogy with the original trio of heroes plus Obi-Wan and Yoda should by rights tower over what follows. Directors fired mid-production, a replacement who reshot pretty much the entire thing, and the first box office bomb for the franchise: even by the turbulent productions of Disney Star Wars , that's next level. In the end, the pressure probably meant J. And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: community space.

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