star wars legion rules

Star wars legion rules

Come here for detailed game rules and clarifications by topic, as well as comprehensive rules for army building, setup, and additional terrain rules.

During the Perform Actions step, a unit may perform up to 2 of the actions below. A unit may only perform each action once per activation, except for the move action. Each time a unit activates, it has a chance to rally and remove suppression tokens. To rally a unit, its controlling player rolls one white defense die for each suppression token the unit has. Then its controlling player removes one suppression token for each or result rolled. After rallying, if a unit begins its Perform Actions step while suppressed, it performs one fewer action during its Perform Actions step. If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it cannot perform any actions or free actions and drops any claimed objective tokens it may have.

Star wars legion rules

Since this project was announced in December, AMG has described it as an opportunity to clarify certain rules and to codify rulings that had already been made. While this appears largely to be true, inevitably things had to change, some more significantly than others. Grab discounted Star Wars: Legion products in our web-cart! January 16th came and went with surprisingly little fanfare from Atomic Mass Games. At roughly noon, Pacific the Learn to Play and Rules Reference links were removed from their documents page for Star Wars: Legion and two new links were put in place. The Core Rules are 59 pages in total, including the front cover, a page of credits and a page of cutout silhouette templates at the back. That is 17 pages less than the Glossary section in the Rules Reference Guide, for those keeping track. But with all that trimming, a lot must have changed, or been thrown out completely, right? AMG has been previewing parts of the updated rules for over a month, likely in an effort to curb any fears about a massive overhaul, instead saying they were clarifying and codifying rulings. By and large, it seems to be much more of the same, thankfully. There is no section in the Core Rules detailing the changes, which is not unexpected. Thankfully, the delightful lunatics over at Legion, a dedicated group of Colorado Legion players, have already compiled a pretty good list of changes along with relevant page numbers.

Brian counts his results for a total of one.

The rules of Star Wars: Legion have been subjected to several significant revisions since the initial release of the game in This page was most recently updated February 3rd, , and reflects the current information as of that date. The official rules for Star Wars: Legion are free, and available online. The CRB itself is a living document that is updated as units and keywords are added to the game, or as different rules interaction prove to be problematic and require revision. While other rules tools and websites exist, all of them are ultimately based on the CRB including the rules section of this Wiki. Additionally, an important resource for understanding the rules is the Rules Forum of Atomic Mass Games.

Come here for detailed game rules and clarifications by topic, as well as comprehensive rules for army building, setup, and additional terrain rules. Check here for the most up-to-date text for Unit cards, Upgrade cards, Command cards, and more. Use this list for all the adjusted points values of units and upgrades for competitive tournament play. Skirmish games are a great way to introduce new players to the game and an excellent alternative to a standard game for veteran players looking for a quicker, lighter experience. You'll find the all the resources your community needs to run a more competitive event. The game utilizes miniatures and core rules but introduces new gameplay mechanics, Squads, and missions. Find the rules for adding mercenary units to your armies and specific rules for building the Shadow Collective Battle Force including allowed units, rank requirements, and special rules. Find all the rules and components necessary to field your Separatist Alliance army as a Separatist Invasion Battle Force including allowed units, rank requirements, new command cards, and special rules. Find all the rules and components necessary to field your Galactic Republic army as the st Legion Battle Force including allowed units, rank requirements, new command cards, and special rules.

Star wars legion rules


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Naturally, if a unit moves beyond the battlefield's edge, it is defeated. Occasionally a rule references the Light Side or the Dark Side. Related Topics: Terrain. Edit Tracking Preferences. Start a Wiki. Affiliations represent criminal organizations, syndicates, guilds, gangs, or even a lone bounty hunter just looking out for themselves. When determining the height of the terrain for the purposes of performing a movement or a climb, measure the height of the part of the terrain the miniatures are moving or climbing to, subtracting the height of any terrain the miniatures may be on. A unit whose maximum speed is 0 and has at least one immobilize token cannot perform moves of any kind. Related Topics: Actions Attack Dice. This should go without saying, but just to get ahead of any rules lawyers After placing the unit leader miniature, pick up any other miniatures in the unit and place them in cohesion. Once players have resolved all relevant Command Card effects, compare the number of pips on the Command Cards that were played this round. Each weapon or combination of weapons may form a new attack pool, but each weapon may only be added to one attack pool.


Some Command Cards require certain units. Since Battle Droids have white defense dice, Brian rolls two white defense dice, one for each and result remaining. If an Objective Battle Card states that an objective is placed in base contact with a unit during Setup, that objective token is claimed by that unit. See: Exhaust. Rules Documents. A suppressed unit performs one less action each activation, while a panicked unit suffers additional effects. After converting defense surge results, the unit using Guardian has rolled two block results. After completing the move and resolving any displacement, the unit with the overrun weapon performs an attack against the unit it moved through, ignoring range when making this attack. When a unit claims an objective token, flip the objective token to its claimed side and place it back on the battlefield in the same position. The attacking player declares they are performing an attack action with their unit against an enemy unit, which becomes the defending unit. A unit with the Reinforcements keyword may deploy after all other units without the Reinforcements keyword have deployed. If more than one miniature has the same number of wound tokens assigned, choose one of those miniatures to assign wounds to. A vehicle can only roll to determine a vehicle damage token once per game. Units with speed 0, the Stationary keyword, a claimed objective token, or the creature trooper unit type cannot embark or disembark. Some terrain features consist of an area of terrain containing multiple terrain elements inside a boundary or footprint, like a forest, craters, ruined buildings, or piles of rubble.

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