starbound electronic parts

Starbound electronic parts

Trade Goodsare items that are used for trading with supplies trader, a NPC in space station that can be found in orbit around Stars.

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Starbound electronic parts

Discussion in ' Blocks and Crafting ' started by Brinos , Dec 6, Log in or Sign up. Chucklefish Forums. Since english is not my main language and I may be using some technical words, some of them may be incorrect I feel that for beeing an sci-fi game, and starting in a ship electronic crafting is underwhelming, I havent been to tier 2 planets yet, so I dont know if this will change, but I have some ideas on how to improve this. Last edited: Dec 7, Brinos , Dec 6, General Nuclear likes this. I like the idea. Silver and gold shouldn't be used to make armor and weapons since they are soft metals, but they are wonderful for electronics. Platinum should be used as well since it's even better than gold. No, matters if electronic components are implemented in multiple tier only copper will be used. HaninNajah , Mar 6, Yes, and other rare elements and minerals as well. It's part of the reason why there are businesses built around recycling them. Anyway, more on topic

HaninNajahMar 6, As the prices approach their caps, the numbers that represent the prices will shift from green twoards white. Discussions Rules and Guidelines.


Electronic is an object tag associated with electronic objects and furniture. These objects are used for spawning Neon tenants. When a tenant asks you to build a home with 3 pieces of 'technology' furniture, they mean furniture with the electronic tag. From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Category : Object Tag. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Tag Discussion. Views Read View source View history.

Starbound electronic parts

Trade Goods , are items that are used for trading with supplies trader, a NPC in space station that can be found in orbit around Stars. While aboard an NPC space station, the player may come across a supplies trader NPC that displays an interface with one item to buy and another item to sell. As the prices approach their caps, the numbers that represent the prices will shift from green twoards white. Prices recover after game ticks. Buying and selling timer are counted seperately. Each supplies trader NPC will sell items based on what space station they are at and will buy items that comes from another station.

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All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It's part of the reason why there are businesses built around recycling them. Global Achievements. Last edited: Dec 7, General Nuclear likes this. Views Read View source View history. Change language. As the prices approach their caps, the numbers that represent the prices will shift from green twoards white. Anyway, more on topic Show Ignored Content. Weapon Parts. Medical Supplies. This page was last modified on 4 January , at There are 4 different Trade Goods currently.


Global Achievements. Starbound Store Page. From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki. You must log in or sign up to reply here. This page was last modified on 4 January , at In-universe reason: lol i'unno, apparently your matter manipulator can rend entire worlds in half but can't pop open a crate of supplies. It's part of the reason why there are businesses built around recycling them. General Nuclear likes this. Goods that they are willing to buy is randomized from the other three types of goods. Each supplies trader NPC will sell items based on what space station they are at and will buy items that comes from another station. Electronic Parts. Brinos , Dec 6, Medical Supplies.

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