stardust movie imdb

Stardust movie imdb

The rise and fall of the rock singer Jim Maclaine, in the mid 60s, with his manager, Mike, and his group, stardust movie imdb, "The Stray Cats. Sally Potter : Are you a Stray Cat?

Chronicles the young David Bowie's first visit to the US in - a trip that inspired the invention of his iconic alter ego Ziggy Stardust. Ron Oberman : Okay, the thing to remember about LA is that they love an exotic Englishman out here, all right? They're going to be endless kissing your ass and promising you the world. David Bowie : Yeah, sounds awful. Ron Oberman : Just remember, it's not reality, all right? This is an insane, fucked up city of lies. It's like rock candy mountain or the fun fair in Pinocchio.

Stardust movie imdb

Sign In. Ian McKellen Narrator voice. Bimbo Hart Young Scientist. Alastair MacIntosh Victorian Academic. Ben Barnes Young Dunstan Thorn. Melanie Hill Ditchwater Sal. Charlie Cox Tristan Thorn. Sienna Miller Victoria. Henry Cavill Humphrey. Nathaniel Parker Dunstan Thorn. Darby Hawker Grumpy Customer.

Pfeiffer Nigel Hierons Heirs of Stormhold meanwhile are engaged in a pitched battle over inheriting the Kingdom. Jared Robbins Charlie Wasacz.

Sign In. Edit Stardust Narrator voice Bimbo Hart Young Scientist Alastair MacIntosh Victorian Academic David Kelly Guard Ben Barnes Young Dunstan Thorn Kate Magowan

Sign In. Edit Stardust Narrator voice Bimbo Hart Young Scientist Alastair MacIntosh Victorian Academic David Kelly Guard Ben Barnes Young Dunstan Thorn Kate Magowan

Stardust movie imdb

Charlie Cox Tristan Thorn. Sienna Miller Victoria. Ricky Gervais Ferdy the Fence. Rupert Everett Secundus. Peter O'Toole King. Michelle Pfeiffer Lamia. Robert De Niro Captain Shakespeare. Sarah Alexander Empusa. Melanie Hill Ditchwater Sal. Joanna Scanlan Mormo.

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Primus' Groom uncredited. FAQ Sienna Miller Victoria. Michelle Pfeiffer also is very good as Lamia, and Claire Danes is perfectly tolerable as the "star". Michelle Pfieffer is not, sadly, one of those. Details Edit. Guard Ben Barnes Rupert Everett, though, he was a real jerk. Some of the music also sounds more '70s than '60s. Quotes Yvaine : You know when I said I knew little about love? He goes through a break in the wall. My one gripe is that there seems to be almost no marketing for this film, and as brilliant as it is I can't figure out why. I found my self, sitting in the theatre, returned to my childhood, and in that instant I again believed in unicorns, wicked witches, and falling stars that make dreams come true.

David Bowie played many personas in his lifetime. A space alien, a dapper fashion icon, an astronaut, a goblin king, whatever cocaine fever dream The Thin White Duke was supposed to be. So, he crosses the pond to meet an enthusiastic publicist, Ron Oberman Marc Maron , for a tour.

In search of something that will prove his love to Victoria Sienna Miller. Top cast Edit. Secundus David Walliams Details Edit. Nobleman uncredited Caroline Garnell Johnny Flynn David Bowie. Is a line of dialog you will not soon forget. Did you know Edit. People of all ages will enjoy it. So he pledges to bring back a falling star. This exciting motion picture displays derring-do adventure , romance , fairy tale , spectacular fighting and fence and with phenomenal outdoors. Aristocratic Woman uncredited James Fiddy This movie is a lot of fun.

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