sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

Sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

Signature of the Guide Signature of the External Examiner. L Water is an important and essential ingredient in our quest for survival on this planet. It is very essential for carrying out various metabolic processes in our body and also to carry out Hemoglobin throughout the body.

Declaration 2. Acknowledgement 3. Introduction - Need for water - Purification of water - Need for a stable purification technique 4. Theory - Bleaching powder and its preparation 5. Experiment - Aim - Requirements - Pre-requisite knowledge - Procedure 6. Observation 7. Result 8.

Sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

The document describes an experiment to determine the dosage of bleaching powder required to sterilize different water samples. It includes a certificate of authenticity, acknowledgements, introduction on water purification techniques, theory on bleaching powder preparation, experimental procedure, observations, calculations and results. The key findings are that 0. Read less. AI-enhanced description. Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Physics Investigatory Project Class Physics Investigatory Project Class 12 Self-employed. Chemistry project for Class Chemistry project for Class 12 Shahban Ali. To find the refractive indexes of a water, b oil using a plane mirror, an

Calcium hypochlorite is made by reacting Chlorine with Sodium hydroxide. Stopper the flask and shake it vigorously.

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Sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

Water is an important and essential ingredient in our quest for survival on this planet. It is very essential for carrying out various metabolic processes in our body and also to carry out Hemoglobin throughout the body. A daily average of 1 gallon per man is sufficient for drinking and cooking purposes. With the increasing world population, the demand for drinking water has also increased dramatically and therefore it is very essential to identify resources of water from which we can use water for drinking purposes.

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Beyond happy families: A critical re-evaluation of the control-resistance-identity triangle. Laboratory manual of water supply and sewerage engineering. English Project Document 12 pages. The solution now becomes blue in color. Then I would like to thank the Lab Assistants, my parents and friends who have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance have been helped in various phases of the completion of the project. The se e xpe rim e nts are ve ry critical a nd in the case of failure , m ay re sult in disastrous conse que nce s. But the victory obtained by the invention of chlorination did not last long. Nazrim Marikkar. Vishal Document 12 pages. Theory - Bleaching powder and its preparation 5. Bleaching slides Adane Nega. It is ve ry e sse ntia l for carrying o ut vario us m e ta bolic proce sse s in o ur body and a lso t o carry out He m oglobin througho ut the bo dy. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Many available resources of water do not have it in drinkable form.

Submitted by Editor.

Shake vigorouslyand titrate against0. L Letting it sit several hours more will help reduce the chlorine taste, as the chlorine will slowly evaporate out. Engineering Chemistry From Everand. This discove ry le d to gove rnm e nts starting to install m unicipal wa te r filte rs sa nd filte rs and chlorina tion , and he nce t he first go ve rnm e nt re gula tio n of public wa te r. Then I would like to thank the Lab Assistants, my parents and friends who have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance have been helped in various phases of the completion of the project. Theory - Bleaching powder and its preparation 5. Titrate this solution against0. Using Bleaching Powder Document 11 pages. Download Now. Personal Growth Documents. Connie Johnson. A kno wn Vo lum e of one of the give n sam ple s of wate r is t re ate d with a known volum e of ble aching po wde r solutio n.

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