

Stockbee Stockbee Monitor is breadth based market timing tracker. What is the purpose of the second to last column, stockbee, "T" and how is it calculated.

University of Miami. Dates and venue are confirmed for the Copenhagen Bootcamp. Date: July 5—7, You can only trade what you believe in. Your beliefs drive your behavior. This is true not only of trading but also in real life. If you know a person's beliefs, you know how he will behave.


This site may include market analysis. I am not an investment advisor, and the content of the site is not an endorsement to buy or sell any securities. Toggle navigation. Why become a member? Testimonials Login Why become a member? Testimonials Login. Build Lifelong Trading Skills and Change your Financial Future If you are serious about your trading and want to build an enduring edge the Stockbee Member site might help you. Members tell me they have tried lot of things before coming to my site and it has offered them the most extensive and detailed methods to swing and position trade. Members range from very experienced traders to novices. No advertising, no hard marketing, no promotions, no free offers, no affiliate marketing, no incentive to other bloggers to promote the site, no constant twits self promoting the site and no tall claims, every member comes through word of mouth recommendations from existing members. As a member you will learn the basics of swing trading, momentum investing, growth investing and risk management.

How do you get a feeling of a possible correction or pullback with the stockbee in the monitor.


I began seriously trading in From to I took a trading course that cost thousands of dollars with dreams of retiring with millions of dollars within 5 years. Although I learned a lot, my trading results were terrible. I frequently wiped out my entire account between and before I realized that I needed a new path…I needed to start over. My confidence was gone, my frustration level was at an all time high, and I was regretting the money I spent trying to learn how to trade. At that time I had two choices: I could give up trading altogether or give it one more shot. I knew I had taken the wrong approach over the previous 5 years, so I decided to start over and scrapped everything I had learned. I had to unlearn everything and re-program myself if I wanted to trade profitably. One day I decided to click on the link on his blog to the Stockbee site and the rest is history. Over the next 6 months I read the entire guide section several times and participated in boot camps provided on the site.


In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in a publication is governed by House Rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

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Tweet from abimrk Posted on AM Oct 22nd Written by someone who is already long but currently in hot water LOL! The incredible conversations I had at the Bootcamp had helped me clarify and re-clarify concepts that EG has been teaching us for years. Get on the daily Zoom calls with me and the other Stockbee members who are looking each day for trade setups that offer low risk and big profits. Not just once but multiple times to keep engaging with community that Easy has created. Excessively positive breadth is not immediately bearish. TIP: The market monitor indicates overly bearish conditions when the 5th column goes below As of now, my trading accounts have generated over k since Nov 1 following your breakout methodologies. Likely to continue 2 more weeks or done? But looks like another multiday up swing for next weeks to new all time highs and then well deserved multi-week pullback after that. Any idea why that may be?

This site may include market analysis.

He has comprehensively put the what many of us wanted to say about the bootcamp and how essential it is. See my scans and check if you have any error in yours. If neither then another week up??? I look for extremes in breadth on any time frames to reduce or add risks. I'm back home and have daily conversations with people I met at the BC, constantly challenging our setup selection, exchanging opinions, and just basically lifting ourselves higher. University of Miami. I am in the process of gathering it all and will post a link when its complete. As I said, I watched many videos already some multiple times and also did deep dives, but there were still gaps I did not know existed that were only discovered during the bootcamp. I joined the site sometime last year and studied a lot of material on the site, thinking I had grasped it all. Every method, every scan, every nuance is detailed and all possible help is offered to design your own method.

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