
Of course you still had to actually write the book, stratechery, and set the movable type in the printing press; this, though, meant stratechery had the first version of the classic tech business model: the cost to create stratechery book was fixed, but the potential revenue from printing a book — and overall profitability — was a function of how many copies you could sell.

Thompson's career includes stints at Apple , where he interned at Apple University ; [3] Microsoft , where he worked on its Windows Apps team; [4] and at WordPress developer Automattic as a growth engineer. Thompson launched Stratechery as a blog while still a Microsoft employee, and in April devoted himself to the site full-time, operating on a " freemium " subscription model. As of April , Thompson had more than 2, paying subscribers. Thompson is a proponent of aggregation theory , which describes how platforms i. Aggregators have all three of the following characteristics: 1. Contents move to sidebar hide.


An interview with Netflix co-CEO Greg Peters about owning the customer relationship, Netflix culture and execution, advertising, games, and content strategy. Money is made at chokepoints, and the most valuable chokepoints are operating systems; Amazon has built exactly that with Alexa. What is artificial intelligence? Is it really any different than technology? In my estimation machine learning is truly something new, and the effects on society will be significant. Given the success of existing companies with new epochs, the most obvious place to start when thinking about the impact of AI is with the big five: Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. Intel is in an increasingly bad position in part because it has been captive to its integrated model. Or, you could simply say they were disrupted. Mapping the technology adoption curve to ideas gives insights as to which business models work on which parts of the addressable market. Dollar Shave Club is a textbook example of how the new Internet economy will destroy value in incumbent industries. Google could do more than just win the chatbot war: it is the one company that could make a universal assistant. The question is if the company is willing to risk it all. Defining the Metaverse, and explaining why Microsoft is well-placed for the virtual reality opportunity. Moreover, the fact that a headset shifts your senses out of your physical environment is actually an advantage if said physical environment has nothing to do with your work. Meta deserves a bit of a discount off of its recent highs, but a number of myths about its business have caused the market to over-react.

Apple has iterated on multi-window capacity on the iPad for years, and it is still so janky that I mostly only stratechery it by accident, stratechery.

Analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society. Stratechery is a highly praised newsletter and a podcast, known to provide the clearest insights in the industry. Ben Thompson shares in-depth commentary with a high level of detail and analysis on what is happening in tech and media. Considered one of the sharpest thinkers, the author tackles a high variety of topics from business models and Slack's social network to machine learning and Kanye West. The exact same content is provided in audio format, as a podcast, and the website hosts an amazing archive, that can be explored by - Concepts, Companies, or Topics.

I wrote that the reaction was overblown in Facebook Lenses , which looked at the business in five different ways:. As I noted at the time, I could understand investor trepidation about these trend lines, which is why other lenses were necessary. To insist that Facebook will die any day now is in some respects to suggest that humanity will cease to exist any day now; granted, it is a company and companies fail, but even if Facebook failed it would only be a matter of time before another Facebook rose to replace it. Over the past year, though, things have certainly gone in the opposite direction:. The problem with this narrative is that Meta is still adding users: the company is up to 2. Granted, all of that growth, at least in the case of Facebook, was in Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world, but the U. This goes back to my fifth lens: Facebook does connect people, and that connection is still meaningful enough for a whole lot of people to continue to use its services, and there is no sign of that desire for connection disappearing or shifting to other apps.


Of course you still had to actually write the book, and set the movable type in the printing press; this, though, meant we had the first version of the classic tech business model: the cost to create a book was fixed, but the potential revenue from printing a book — and overall profitability — was a function of how many copies you could sell. Every additional copy increased the leverage on the up-front costs of producing the book in the first place, improving the overall profitability; this, by extension, meant there were strong incentives to produce popular books. The printing press was a direct assault on that last point: because it still cost money to produce a book, it made sense to print books in the most dominant dialect in the region; because books were compelling it behooved people to learn to read that dominant dialect. This, over time, would mean that the dominant dialect would increase its dominance in a virtuous cycle — network effects, in other words. Books, meanwhile, transmitted culture, building affinity between neighboring city states; it took decades and, in some cases, centuries, but over time Europe settled into a new equilibrium of distinct nation-states, with their own languages. Critical to this reorganization was point one: the printing press meant everyone could have access to the Bible, or read pamphlets challenging the Catholic Church. In this view the Internet is the final frontier, and not just because the American West was finally settled: on the Internet there are, or at least were, no rules, and not just in the legalistic sense; there were also no more economic rules as understood in the world of the printing press. One of the great paradoxes for newspapers today is that their financial prospects are inversely correlated to their addressable market.

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From Publishing is Back to the Future :. Imagine, though, Sora running on Groq which is absolutely doable : could we have generated videos in real-time? A year-and-a-half later, Microsoft realized that Windows Mobile, their current phone OS, was not competitive with the iPhone and work began on what became Windows Phone. Disney, though, is increasingly focused on capturing more and more margin from its differentiated content, both when it is created and for decades to come. Last week also brought news of a very interesting new partnership that helps answer that question. The big goal is AR, or augmented reality. In fact, I think there is a precedent for Gemini; like many comparison points for modern-day Google, it comes from Microsoft. It is into a climate of doom and gloom that Krzanich is taking over as CEO. There is no pain of payment, just somewhat lower profitability on zero marginal cost searches. History has stopped. The Internet has made distribution of digital goods free, neutralizing the advantage that pre-Internet distributors leveraged to integrate with suppliers.

Concepts Companies Topics Search.

What, then, is the product? It is several months away from being ready for prime time. You can also report problems via email to hello refind. The headphones, why is headphones selling all the time everywhere? And yet, a 2nd or 3rd viewing reveals clear flaws; just follow the red flag flying from the ship on the right and how the ship completely flips directions:. I documented this saga from beginning to end, including:. Or, you could simply say they were disrupted. Intel 4, the first EUV technology for us, Intel 3 refined the final FinFET, really helped us take those learnings, but largely was a common architecture of transistor and process flow — really just the refinement. What is fascinating about DALL-E is that it points to a future where these three trends can be combined. More broadly, few dispute that Google is a clear leader when it comes to the artificial intelligence and machine learning that underlie their assistant.

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